== Tooltip text 提示文本 ; 工具提示文本 ; 一段工具提示文本 == Bubble Tooltip 网页上弹出消息提示框 == If NULL, it USES the default one given in the interface specification. 如果是NULL,它就使用接口规范中提供的默认向量。 == This document defines the interface specification 本文档定义了接口规范 == that interfaces with the other equipments. 它与其他设备连接。 == Bar code scanner is called bar code reader. 条形码扫描器被称为条形码阅读器。 == Mitsubishi 三菱(日本公司) == Substance in this chapter 本章内容 == The below table is time out table 下表为超时表 == safety passageway 安全通道 == Handshake Protocol 握手协议 ; 交握协定 == Simple things should be declarative. 简单的事情应该是声明性的。 == 由于使用 using 指令,因此程序可以使用 Console.WriteLine 作为 System.Console.WriteLine 的简写。 == 按照约定,Main 静态方法是 C# 程序的入口点。 == it shall initiatively judge the signal 它应该主动判断信号 == Although some people do not consider potatoes to be a veggie, they are a root vegetable. 虽然有些人不认为土豆是蔬菜,但它们属于根菜。 == application stack 应用程序栈;应用堆栈 == polling the server for changes 轮询服务器以获取更改 == Refactoring the manifest file. 重构清单文件。 == dedicated computer 专用电脑 == dedicated line 专线;专用线路 == populate the dependencies property 填充依赖项属性 == when we hit our website home. 当我们进入我们的网站主页。 == Let’s refactor our route handler 让我们重构路由处理程序 == Integrating the kids with the community is essential. 使孩子们融入这个社区是非常必要的。 == code snippet 代码片断 ; 代码片段 ; 代码段 ; 程式码片段 == Rich Snippet 富摘要 ; 网页摘要 ; 网页择要 == For the sake of simplicity , let's divide the discussion into two parts. 为了方便起见,我们把讨论分成两部分。 == And on the client side when we capture a chat message event we’ll include it in the page 在客户端,当我们捕获一个聊天消息事件时,我们将把它包含在页面中 == amount to 相当于,总计为 == All of this was completed in only about 20 lines of code. 所有这些都是在20行代码中完成的。 == latency time 计 等待时间 ; 延迟时间 ; 潜伏时间 == The default latency is 10 seconds. 默认延迟时间是 10 秒。 == Is there a network latency problem? 存在网络延迟问题吗? == It is built on top of the WebSocket protocol 它是建立在WebSocket协议之上的 == What does "full-duplex data transfers" mean? 全双工数据传输是什么意思? == under the hood 在引擎盖下面;在底层;在后台 == a dedicated messaging platform 专用消息平台 == HTTP long-polling fallback HTTP长轮询回退 == Computing science was still in its infancy. 计算机科学仍然处于初期阶段。 == heartbeat mechanism 心跳机制 == it automatically reconnects with an exponential back-off delay, in order not to overwhelm the server. 它会以指数级的回退延迟自动重新连接,以避免淹没服务器。 ==
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