

  日常 Python 开发过程中,必然会存在 import 库的操作,import 语句一般都卸载 py 文件的最前面。每次重新开启一个建模流程或者分析过程时,会重新敲一遍 import 或者将之前的 import 代码 copy 进去。虽然已经用的滚花烂熟了,但是确耗费不必要的时间。

import requests
import path
import os
import numpy as np




pip install pyforest



  使用方式非常简单,只需要在文件最前面写上一句就可以实现对标准库的 import

from pyforest import *


  如果使用 Jupyter 或 IPython,甚至可以跳过此行,因为 pyforest 会将其自身添加到自动启动中。而且,完成脚本后,可以通过以下方式导出所有导入语句:

active_imports()  # 通过这个指令可以看到脚本所涉及到的全部已经被省略import的库。


库不在 pyforest 中怎么办

  pyforest 支持大部分流行的数据科学库,比如 pandas,numpy,matplotlib,seaborn,sklearn,tensorflow 等等,以及常用的辅助库如 os,sys,re,pickle 等。

### Data Wrangling
pd = LazyImport("import pandas as pd")

np = LazyImport("import numpy as np")

dd = LazyImport("from dask import dataframe as dd")
SparkContext = LazyImport("from pyspark import SparkContext")

load_workbook = LazyImport("from openpyxl import load_workbook")

### Data Visualization and Plotting
mpl = LazyImport("import matplotlib as mpl")
plt = LazyImport("import matplotlib.pyplot as plt")

sns = LazyImport("import seaborn as sns")

py = LazyImport("import plotly as py")
go = LazyImport("import plotly.graph_objs as go")
px = LazyImport("import plotly.express as px")

dash = LazyImport("import dash")

bokeh = LazyImport("import bokeh")

alt = LazyImport("import altair as alt")

pydot = LazyImport("import pydot")

# statistics
statistics = LazyImport("import statistics")

### Machine Learning
sklearn = LazyImport("import sklearn")
OneHotEncoder = LazyImport("from sklearn.preprocessing import OneHotEncoder")
TSNE = LazyImport("from sklearn.manifold import TSNE")
train_test_split = LazyImport("from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split")
svm = LazyImport("from sklearn import svm")
GradientBoostingClassifier = LazyImport(
    "from sklearn.ensemble import GradientBoostingClassifier"
GradientBoostingRegressor = LazyImport(
    "from sklearn.ensemble import GradientBoostingRegressor"
RandomForestClassifier = LazyImport(
    "from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier"
RandomForestRegressor = LazyImport("from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestRegressor")

TfidfVectorizer = LazyImport(
    "from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer"

# TODO: add all the other most important sklearn objects
# TODO: add separate sections within machine learning viz. Classification, Regression, Error Functions, Clustering

# Deep Learning
tf = LazyImport("import tensorflow as tf")
keras = LazyImport("import keras")

nltk = LazyImport("import nltk")
gensim = LazyImport("import gensim")
spacy = LazyImport("import spacy")
re = LazyImport("import re")

### Helper
sys = LazyImport("import sys")
os = LazyImport("import os")
re = LazyImport("import re")
glob = LazyImport("import glob")
Path = LazyImport("from pathlib import Path")

pickle = LazyImport("import pickle")

dt = LazyImport("import datetime as dt")

tqdm = LazyImport("import tqdm")
View Code


  并且,pyforest 支持向其中添加库。操作方法也很简单,找到 pyforest 库的 user_imports.py 文件,添加相应语句

### User-specific imports ###
# You can save your own imports in ~/.pyforest/user_imports.py
# Please note: imports in ~/.pyforest/user_imports.py take precedence over the
# imports above.



  也许会有疑问,这种导入方式会不会很慢?答案是不会,因为只有真正使用了到了 pyforest 里的包含的库程序才会真正 import,否则不会。




  pyforest 虽好,可不要贪杯哦









posted @ 2021-07-28 15:05  ''竹先森゜  阅读(1041)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报