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              <dd>主演:方力申 周秀娜 谈莉娜 周秀娜施展媚术</dd>
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              <dd>主演:方力申 周秀娜 谈莉娜 周秀娜施展媚术</dd>
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            <dl class="textbox">
              <dd>主演:方力申 周秀娜 谈莉娜 周秀娜施展媚术</dd>
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            <dl class="textbox">
              <dd>主演:方力申 周秀娜 谈莉娜 周秀娜施展媚术</dd>
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            <dl class="textbox">
              <dd>主演:方力申 周秀娜 谈莉娜 周秀娜施展媚术</dd>
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            <dl class="textbox">
              <dd>主演:方力申 周秀娜 谈莉娜 周秀娜施展媚术</dd>
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            <dl class="textbox">
              <dd>主演:方力申 周秀娜 谈莉娜 周秀娜施展媚术</dd>
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            <dl class="textbox">
              <dd>主演:方力申 周秀娜 谈莉娜 周秀娜施展媚术</dd>
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            <dl class="textbox">
              <dd>主演:方力申 周秀娜 谈莉娜 周秀娜施展媚术</dd>
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            <dl class="textbox">
              <dd>主演:方力申 周秀娜 谈莉娜 周秀娜施展媚术</dd>
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            <dl class="textbox">
              <dd>主演:方力申 周秀娜 谈莉娜 周秀娜施展媚术</dd>
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 * javascript自定义滚动条(滚动条高度可以动态改变)
 * @param opts
 * 调用方式
 * new tinyScroll({
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        scrollBar : document.getElementById('scrollbar')
function tinyScroll(opts) {
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tinyScroll.prototype = {
    constructor: tinyScroll,
    init: function() {
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    bindEvent: function() {
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        var mouseScroll = function(ev) {
            ev = ev || event;
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            if (ev.detail) {
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                bDown = fx > 0 ? false: true;
            if (bDown) {
                that.top += 10;
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                that.top -= 10;
            if (ev.preventDefault) {
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        this.scrollBar.onmousedown = function(ev) {
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            document.onmouseup = function() {
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    fnScroll: function() {
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        wrapList : document.getElementById('listbox'),
        scrollBox :document.getElementById('scrollbox'),
        scrollBar : document.getElementById('scrollbar')
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posted @ 2018-09-06 20:33  玲珑塔  阅读(555)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报