
项目详细:科密KD-36 delphi接口 VB 6.0程序读取数据



Private Sub Cmd_CheckNet_Click()    ' 检查网络
Dim Pos As Long
Dim Success As Long
Dim IP As String
IPAddress = Trim(txtIPAddress.Text)
PortNumber = Trim(txtPortNumber.Text)
PassWord = Trim(txtPassWord.Text)
MacNo = Trim(txtMacNo.Text)

If IPAddress = "" Then
MsgBox "请先输入IP地址,再检查网络!", vbInformation, Jxjr
   If SocketsInitialize() Then
          Success = Pings(IPAddress, MyIP, ECHO)
          If Success = 0 Then
              'MsgBox "考勤机网络连接正常!", vbInformation, Jxjr
              If MacNo = "" Then
              MsgBox "机号不能为空!", vbInformation, Jxjr
                If kd.OpenCommPort(MacNo) = True Then
                Call kd.EnableDevice(MacNo, 1)
                Call kd.CloseCommPort
                MsgBox "考勤机网络连接正常!", vbInformation, Jxjr
                MsgBox "考勤机机号错误,请重新输入!", vbInformation, Jxjr
                End If
             End If
              MsgBox "考勤机网络连接不正常,请检查IP和网络连接!", vbInformation, Jxjr
          End If
    End If
End If
End Sub

Private Sub Cmd_GetAllData_Click()     '得到全部数据
Dim TMacNo As Long
Dim EnrollNo As Long
Dim EMacNo As Long
Dim VerMode As Long
Dim kdYear As Long
Dim kdMonth As Long
Dim kdDay As Long
Dim kdHour As Long
Dim kdMinute As Long
Dim kddate As Date
Dim kdtime As String
Dim MacPr As Long
Dim EnrollNumber As Variant
Dim EnrollWord As Long
Dim SqlEnrollWord As String

Dim OldNum As Integer
Dim i As Integer

MacPr = 3   '用户的权限

Dim iSql As String

IPAddress = GetSetting("jxjr", "jrhr", "ipaddress", IPAddress)
PortNumber = GetSetting("jxjr", "jrhr", "portnumber", PortNumber)
PassWord = GetSetting("jxjr", "jrhr", "password", PassWord)
MacNo = GetSetting("jxjr", "jrhr", "macno", MacNo)

If kd.SetIPAddress(IPAddress, PortNumber, PassWord) = True Then
    If kd.OpenCommPort(MacNo) = True Then
       Call kd.EnableDevice(MacNo, 0)
       Call kd.ReadAllGLogData(MacNo)
       If kd.GetAllGLogData(MacNo, TMacNo, EnrollNo, EMacNo, VerMode, kdYear, kdMonth, kdDay, kdHour, kdMinute) = True Then
            Do Until kd.GetAllGLogData(MacNo, TMacNo, EnrollNo, EMacNo, VerMode, kdYear, kdMonth, kdDay, kdHour, kdMinute) = False
                 Call kd.GetEnrollData(MacNo, EnrollNo, TMacNo, 11, MacPr, EnrollNumber, EnrollWord)
                 SqlEnrollWord = CStr(EnrollWord)
                 OldNum = Len(SqlEnrollWord)
                 For i = 0 To 9 - OldNum
                 SqlEnrollWord = "0" + CStr(SqlEnrollWord)
                 Next i
                 'kd.ReadMark = False
                 'Call kd.GetAllGLogData(MacNo, TMacNo, EnrollNo, EMacNo, VerMode, kdYear, kdMonth, kdDay, kdHour, kdMinute)
                 kdtime = kdYear & "-" & kdMonth & "-" & kdDay & " " & kdHour & ":" & kdMinute & ":" & "00" & "." & "000"
                 iSql = "insert into HR_ATS_OriginalityCard(FCardID,FHostName,FCardDateTime)values('" & SqlEnrollWord & "','" & MacNo & "','" & kdtime & "')"
                 Pcnn.Execute (iSql)
            MsgBox "全部考勤记录读取成功!", vbInformation, Jxjr
            Call kd.EnableDevice(MacNo, 1)
            Call kd.CloseCommPort
        MsgBox "没有考勤记录!", vbInformation, Jxjr
        End If
    MsgBox "终端机号[" & MacNo & "]打开失败!", vbInformation, Jxjr
    End If
    MsgBox "连接设置错误!", vbInformation, Jxjr
End If
End Sub

Private Sub Cmd_GetNewData_Click()    '得到最新数据
Dim TMacNo As Long
Dim EnrollNo As Long
Dim EMacNo As Long
Dim VerMode As Long
Dim kdYear As Long
Dim kdMonth As Long
Dim kdDay As Long
Dim kdHour As Long
Dim kdMinute As Long
Dim kddate As Date
Dim kdtime As String
Dim MacPr As Long
Dim EnrollNumber As Variant
Dim EnrollWord As Long
Dim SqlEnrollWord As String

Dim OldNum As Integer
Dim i As Integer

MacPr = 3   '用户的权限

Dim iSql As String

IPAddress = GetSetting("jxjr", "jrhr", "ipaddress", IPAddress)
PortNumber = GetSetting("jxjr", "jrhr", "portnumber", PortNumber)
PassWord = GetSetting("jxjr", "jrhr", "password", PassWord)
MacNo = GetSetting("jxjr", "jrhr", "macno", MacNo)

If kd.SetIPAddress(IPAddress, PortNumber, PassWord) = True Then
    If kd.OpenCommPort(MacNo) = True Then
       Call kd.EnableDevice(MacNo, 0)
       Call kd.ReadGeneralLogData(MacNo)
            If kd.GetGeneralLogData(MacNo, TMacNo, EnrollNo, EMacNo, VerMode, kdYear, kdMonth, kdDay, kdHour, kdMinute) = True Then
                 Do Until kd.GetGeneralLogData(MacNo, TMacNo, EnrollNo, EMacNo, VerMode, kdYear, kdMonth, kdDay, kdHour, kdMinute) = False
                      Call kd.GetEnrollData(MacNo, EnrollNo, TMacNo, 11, MacPr, EnrollNumber, EnrollWord)
                      SqlEnrollWord = CStr(EnrollWord)
                      OldNum = Len(SqlEnrollWord)
                      For i = 0 To 9 - OldNum
                      SqlEnrollWord = "0" + CStr(SqlEnrollWord)
                      Next i
                      'kd.ReadMark = False
                      'Call kd.GetAllGLogData(MacNo, TMacNo, EnrollNo, EMacNo, VerMode, kdYear, kdMonth, kdDay, kdHour, kdMinute)
                      kdtime = kdYear & "-" & kdMonth & "-" & kdDay & " " & kdHour & ":" & kdMinute & ":" & "00" & "." & "000"
                      iSql = "insert into HR_ATS_OriginalityCard(FCardID,FHostName,FCardDateTime)values('" & SqlEnrollWord & "','" & MacNo & "','" & kdtime & "')"
                      Pcnn.Execute (iSql)
                 MsgBox "最新考勤记录读取成功!", vbInformation, Jxjr
             MsgBox "没有最新的考勤记录!", vbInformation, Jxjr
             End If
        Call kd.EnableDevice(MacNo, 1)
        Call kd.CloseCommPort
    MsgBox "终端机号[" & MacNo & "]打开失败!", vbInformation, Jxjr
    End If
    MsgBox "连接设置错误!", vbInformation, Jxjr
End If
End Sub

Private Sub Cmd_SetIP_Click()     '设置IP信息

IPAddress = Trim(txtIPAddress.Text)
PortNumber = Trim(txtPortNumber.Text)
PassWord = Trim(txtPassWord.Text)
MacNo = Trim(txtMacNo.Text)

If IPAddress = "" Then
MsgBox "IP地址不能为空!", vbInformation, Jxjr
    If PortNumber = "" Then
    MsgBox "端口号不能为空!", vbInformation, Jxjr
        If PassWord = "" Then
        MsgBox "密码不能为空!", vbInformation, Jxjr
            If MacNo = "" Then
            MsgBox "机号不能为空!", vbInformation, Jxjr
               SaveSetting "jxjr", "jrhr", "ipaddress", IPAddress
               SaveSetting "jxjr", "jrhr", "portnumber", PortNumber
               SaveSetting "jxjr", "jrhr", "password", PassWord
               SaveSetting "jxjr", "jrhr", "macno", MacNo
               If kd.SetIPAddress(IPAddress, PortNumber, PassWord) = True Then
                  MsgBox "连接数据设置成功!", vbInformation, Jxjr
                  MsgBox "无法设置连接数据!", vbInformation, Jxjr
               End If
            End If
        End If
    End If
End If

End Sub

Private Sub Cmd_SetMacTime_Click()  '设置系统时间
IPAddress = GetSetting("jxjr", "jrhr", "ipaddress", IPAddress)
PortNumber = GetSetting("jxjr", "jrhr", "portnumber", PortNumber)
PassWord = GetSetting("jxjr", "jrhr", "password", PassWord)
MacNo = GetSetting("jxjr", "jrhr", "macno", MacNo)

If kd.SetIPAddress(IPAddress, PortNumber, PassWord) = True Then
    If kd.OpenCommPort(MacNo) = True Then
       Call kd.EnableDevice(MacNo, 0)
          If kd.SetDeviceTime(MacNo) = True Then
          MsgBox "考勤机时间同步成功!", vbInformation, Jxjr
          MsgBox "考勤机时间同步失败,请检查!", vbInformation, Jxjr
          End If
       Call kd.EnableDevice(MacNo, 1)
       Call kd.CloseCommPort
    MsgBox "终端机号[" & MacNo & "]打开失败!", vbInformation, Jxjr
    End If
    MsgBox "连接设置错误!", vbInformation, Jxjr
End If
End Sub

Private Sub Com_ClearData_Click()     '清除记录数据
IPAddress = GetSetting("jxjr", "jrhr", "ipaddress", IPAddress)
PortNumber = GetSetting("jxjr", "jrhr", "portnumber", PortNumber)
PassWord = GetSetting("jxjr", "jrhr", "password", PassWord)
MacNo = GetSetting("jxjr", "jrhr", "macno", MacNo)

If kd.SetIPAddress(IPAddress, PortNumber, PassWord) = True Then
    If kd.OpenCommPort(MacNo) = True Then
       Call kd.EnableDevice(MacNo, 0)
            If kd.EmptyGeneralLogData(MacNo) = True Then
            MsgBox "所有记录清空成功!", vbInformation, Jxjr
            MsgBox "清空失败,请检查!", vbInformation, Jxjr
            End If
       Call kd.EnableDevice(MacNo, 1)
       Call kd.CloseCommPort
    MsgBox "终端机号[" & MacNo & "]打开失败!", vbInformation, Jxjr
    End If
    MsgBox "连接设置错误!", vbInformation, Jxjr
End If
End Sub

Private Sub Com_DeleteAll_Click()   '清除全部数据
IPAddress = GetSetting("jxjr", "jrhr", "ipaddress", IPAddress)
PortNumber = GetSetting("jxjr", "jrhr", "portnumber", PortNumber)
PassWord = GetSetting("jxjr", "jrhr", "password", PassWord)
MacNo = GetSetting("jxjr", "jrhr", "macno", MacNo)

If kd.SetIPAddress(IPAddress, PortNumber, PassWord) = True Then
    If kd.OpenCommPort(MacNo) = True Then
       Call kd.EnableDevice(MacNo, 0)
            If kd.EmptyEnrollData(MacNo) = True Then
            MsgBox "所有信息清空成功!", vbInformation, Jxjr
            MsgBox "清空失败,请检查!", vbInformation, Jxjr
            End If
       Call kd.EnableDevice(MacNo, 1)
       Call kd.CloseCommPort
    MsgBox "终端机号[" & MacNo & "]打开失败!", vbInformation, Jxjr
    End If
    MsgBox "连接设置错误!", vbInformation, Jxjr
End If
End Sub

Private Sub Com_TimeSet_Click()
Dim dblReturn As Double
dblReturn = Shell("rundll32.exe   shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL   timedate.cpl", 5)
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()
txtIPAddress.Text = GetSetting("jxjr", "jrhr", "ipaddress", IPAddress)
txtPortNumber.Text = GetSetting("jxjr", "jrhr", "portnumber", PortNumber)
txtPassWord.Text = GetSetting("jxjr", "jrhr", "password", PassWord)
txtMacNo.Text = GetSetting("jxjr", "jrhr", "macno", MacNo)
Timer.Interval = 500
End Sub

Private Sub Timer_Timer()
LbTime = Year(Date) & "年" & Month(Date) & "月" & Day(Date) & "日  星期" & GetWeekDay(Weekday(Date)) & "" & Format$(Time, "hh:mm:ss")
    '"xx年xx月xx日 星期几 系统时间hh:mm:ss"
End Sub

posted @ 2010-02-08 22:36  朱黎东  阅读(1964)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报