2014-05-01 02:30题目链接原题:Given a matrix of letters and a word, check if the word is present in the matrix. E,g., suppose matrix is: a b c d e f z n a b ... 阅读全文
2014-05-01 02:13题目链接原题:Design question: Say you have hacked in to a network and can deploy your bot thousands of machines, how would you design your b... 阅读全文
2014-05-01 01:50题目链接原题:Microsoft Excel numbers cells as 1...26 and after that AA, AB.... AAA, AAB...ZZZ and so on. Given a number, convert it to that ... 阅读全文
2014-05-01 01:32题目链接原题:Given a linked list where apart from the next pointer, every node also has a pointer named random which can point to any other ... 阅读全文
2014-05-01 01:23题目链接原题:WAP to modify the array such that arr[I] = arr[arr[I]]. Do this in place i.e. with out using additional memory. example : if a ... 阅读全文
2014-05-01 01:00题目链接原题:Given a matrix with 1's and 0's, a rectangle can be made with 1's. What is the maximum area of the rectangle. 00010 11100 11110... 阅读全文
2014-05-01 00:45题目链接原题:input [2,3,1,4] output [12,8,24,6] Multiply all fields except it's own position. Restrictions: 1. no use of division 2. complex... 阅读全文