Remove Duplicates from Sorted List

2013.12.26 21:36

Given a sorted linked list, delete all duplicates such that each element appear only once.

For example,
Given 1->1->2, return 1->2.
Given 1->1->2->3->3, return 1->2->3.


  Removing the duplicates from a list requires two pointers ptr1 and ptr2. With ptr1 pointing to current node, and ptr2 next to ptr1, the operation can be done in only one-pass. Please see the code below.

  Time complexity is O(n), space complexity is O(1).

Accepted code:

 1 /**
 2  * Definition for singly-linked list.
 3  * struct ListNode {
 4  *     int val;
 5  *     ListNode *next;
 6  *     ListNode(int x) : val(x), next(NULL) {}
 7  * };
 8  */
 9 class Solution {
10 public:
11     ListNode *deleteDuplicates(ListNode *head) {
12         // Note: The Solution object is instantiated only once and is reused by each test case.
13         if(head == nullptr){
14             return head;
15         }
17         ListNode *ptr1, *ptr2;
19         ptr1 = head;
20         ptr2 = head->next;
21         while(ptr2 != nullptr){
22             if(ptr1->val == ptr2->val){
23                 ptr1->next = ptr2->next;
24                 delete ptr2;
25                 ptr2 = ptr1->next;
26             }else{
27                 ptr1 = ptr1->next;
28                 ptr2 = ptr1->next;
29             }
30         }
32         return head;
33     }
34 };


 posted on 2013-12-26 21:42  zhuli19901106  阅读(177)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报