魅族和三星Galaxy 5.0webView 问题Android Crash Report - Native crash at /system/lib/libc.so caused by webvi

解决办法是当前activity 销毁的时候

hine:  ConnectedState (when=-2ms what=131155 arg1=657!CMD_RSSI_POLL 657 0 "HDFin-Tech-1" 38:22:d6:94:88:30 rssi=-70 f=2437 sc=60 link=54 tx=10.4, 0.0, 0.0  rx=9.2 bcn=0 [on:0 tx:0 rx:0 period:2578] from screen [on:0 period:1609029975] gl hn u24 rssi=-65 ag=0 hr ticks 0,15,857 ls-=0 [56,56,56,56,61] brc=0 lrc=0
04-29 10:45:10.616 798-938/? E/WifiStateMachine:  L2ConnectedState (when=-3ms what=131155 arg1=657!CMD_RSSI_POLL 657 0 "HDFin-Tech-1" 38:22:d6:94:88:30 rssi=-70 f=2437 sc=60 link=54 tx=10.4, 0.0, 0.0  rx=9.2 bcn=0 [on:0 tx:0 rx:0 period:1] from screen [on:0 period:1609029976] gl hn u24 rssi=-65 ag=0 hr ticks 0,15,857 ls-=0 [56,56,56,56,61] brc=0 lrc=0
04-29 10:45:10.617 798-938/? E/WifiStateMachine:  get link layer stats 0
04-29 10:45:10.625 798-938/? E/WifiConfigStore: updateConfiguration freq=2437 BSSID=38:22:d6:94:88:30 RSSI=-64 "Fin-Tech-1"WPA_PSK
                                                --------- beginning of system
04-29 10:45:11.094 22778-22778/com.hdfex.hufenqi A/chromium: [FATAL:jni_android.cc(269)] Check failed: false. Please include Java exception stack in crash report
04-29 10:45:11.095 22778-22778/com.hdfex.hufenqi E/chromium: ### WebView Version 1.0 (code 499992)
04-29 10:45:11.095 22778-22778/com.hdfex.hufenqi A/libc: Fatal signal 6 (SIGABRT), code -6 in tid 22778 (m.hdfex.hufenqi)
04-29 10:45:11.560 798-798/? E/WifiTrafficPoller: TRAFFIC_STATS_POLL true Token 817 num clients 15
04-29 10:45:11.562 798-798/? E/WifiTrafficPoller:  packet count Tx=401586 Rx=538868
04-29 10:45:12.563 798-798/? E/WifiTrafficPoller: TRAFFIC_STATS_POLL true Token 817 num clients 15
04-29 10:45:12.564 798-798/? E/WifiTrafficPoller:  packet count Tx=401587 Rx=538877
04-29 10:45:13.231 798-965/? E/NativeCrashListener: Exception dealing with report
                                                    android.system.ErrnoException: read failed: EAGAIN (Try again)
                                                        at libcore.io.Posix.readBytes(Native Method)
                                                        at libcore.io.Posix.read(Posix.java:165)
                                                        at libcore.io.BlockGuardOs.read(BlockGuardOs.java:230)
                                                        at android.system.Os.read(Os.java:350)
                                                        at com.android.server.am.NativeCrashListener.consumeNativeCrashData(NativeCrashListener.java:240)
                                                        at com.android.server.am.NativeCrashListener.run(NativeCrashListener.java:138)
04-29 10:45:13.565 798-798/? E/WifiTrafficPoller: TRAFFIC_STATS_POLL true Token 817 num clients 15
04-29 10:45:13.566 798-798/? E/WifiTrafficPoller:  packet count Tx=401587 Rx=538883
04-29 10:45:13.566 798-798/? E/WifiTrafficPoller: notifying of data activity 1
04-29 10:45:13.630 798-938/? E/WifiStateMachine:  ConnectedState (when=-4ms what=131155 arg1=657!CMD_RSSI_POLL 657 0 "HDFin-Tech-1" 38:22:d6:94:88:30 rssi=-68 f=2437 sc=60 link=54 tx=28.7, 0.0, 0.0  
黄金平 harris.huang  10:45:43
rx=24.1 bcn=0 [on:0 tx:0 rx:0 period:3000] from screen [on:0 period:1609032989] gl hn u24 rssi=-63 ag=0 hr ticks 0,15,857 ls-=0 [56,56,60,60,65] brc=0 lrc=0
04-29 10:45:13.631 798-938/? E/WifiStateMachine:  L2ConnectedState (when=-5ms what=131155 arg1=657!CMD_RSSI_POLL 657 0 "HDFin-Tech-1" 38:22:d6:94:88:30 rssi=-68 f=2437 sc=60 link=54 tx=28.7, 0.0, 0.0  rx=24.1 bcn=0 [on:0 tx:0 rx:0 period:2] from screen [on:0 period:1609032991] gl hn u24 rssi=-63 ag=0 hr ticks 0,15,857 ls-=0 [56,56,60,60,65] brc=0 lrc=0
04-29 10:45:13.632 798-938/? E/WifiStateMachine:  get link layer stats 0
04-29 10:45:13.659 798-938/? E/WifiConfigStore: updateConfiguration freq=2437 BSSID=38:22:d6:94:88:30 RSSI=-66 "Fin-Tech-1"WPA_PSK
04-29 10:45:14.568 798-798/? E/WifiTrafficPoller: TRAFFIC_STATS_POLL true Token 817 num clients 15
04-29 10:45:14.569 798-798/? E/WifiTrafficPoller:  packet count Tx=401587 Rx=538887
04-29 10:45:15.570 798-798/? E/WifiTrafficPoller: TRAFFIC_STATS_POLL true Token 817 num clients 15
04-29 10:45:15.571 798-798/? E/WifiTrafficPoller:  packet count Tx=401589 Rx=538891
04-29 10:45:15.571 798-798/? E/WifiTrafficPoller: notifying of data activity 3
04-29 10:45:16.593 798-798/? E/WifiTrafficPoller: TRAFFIC_STATS_POLL true Token 817 num clients 15
04-29 10:45:16.594 798-798/? E/WifiTrafficPoller:  packet count Tx=401590 Rx=538895
04-29 10:45:16.665 798-938/? E/WifiStateMachine:  ConnectedState (when=-3ms what=131155 arg1=657!CMD_RSSI_POLL 657 0 "HDFin-Tech-1" 38:22:d6:94:88:30 rssi=-69 f=2437 sc=60 link=54 tx=17.4, 0.0, 0.0  rx=22.5 bcn=0 [on:0 tx:0 rx:0 period:2996] from screen [on:0 period:1609036025] gl hn u24 rssi=-64 ag=0 hr ticks 0,15,857 ls-=0 [56,56,60,60,65] brc=0 lrc=0
04-29 10:45:16.667 798-938/? E/WifiStateMachine:  L2ConnectedState (when=-6ms what=131155 arg1=657!CMD_RSSI_POLL 657 0 "HDFin-Tech-1" 38:22:d6:94:88:30 rssi=-69 f=2437 sc=60 link=54 tx=17.4, 0.0, 0.0  rx=22.5 bcn=0 [on:0 tx:0 rx:0 period:2] from screen [on:0 period:1609036027] gl hn u24 rssi=-64 ag=0 hr ticks 0,15,857 ls-=0 [56,56,60,60,65] brc=0 lrc=0
04-29 10:45:16.667 798-938/? E/WifiStateMachine:  get link layer stats 0
04-29 10:45:16.691 798-938/? E/WifiConfigStore: updateConfiguration freq=2437 BSSID=38:22:d6:94:88:30 RSSI=-68 "Fin-Tech-1"WPA_PSK
04-29 10:45:17.595 798-798/? E/WifiTrafficPoller: TRAFFIC_STATS_POLL true Token 817 num clients 15
04-29 10:45:17.596 798-798/? E/WifiTrafficPoller:  packet count Tx=401590 Rx=538896
04-29 10:45:17.597 798-798/? E/WifiTrafficPoller: notifying of data activity 1
04-29 10:45:18.618 798-798/? E/WifiTrafficPoller: TRAFFIC_STATS_POLL true Token 817 num clients 15
04-29 10:45:18.619 798-798/? E/WifiTrafficPoller:  packet count Tx=401590 Rx=538898
04-29 10:45:19.620 798-798/? E/WifiTrafficPoller: TRAFFIC_STATS_POLL true Token 817 num clients 15
04-29 10:45:19.621 798-798/? E/WifiTrafficPoller:  packet count Tx=401590 Rx=538899
04-29 10:45:19.698 798-938/? E/WifiStateMachine:  ConnectedState (when=-4ms what=131155 arg1=657!CMD_RSSI_POLL 657 0 "HDFin-Tech-1" 38:22:d6:94:88:30 rssi=-71 f=2437 sc=60 link=54 tx=10.2, 0.0, 0.0  rx=17.3 bcn=0 [on:0 tx:0 rx:0 period:2983] from screen [on:0 period:1609039058] gl hn u24 rssi=-66 ag=0 ticks 0,15,858 ls-=0 [56,56,60,60,60] brc=0 lrc=0
04-29 10:45:19.699 798-938/? E/WifiStateMachine:  L2ConnectedState (when=-5ms what=131155 arg1=657!CMD_RSSI_POLL 657 0 "HDFin-Tech-1" 38:22:d6:94:88:30 rssi=-71 f=2437 sc=60 link=54 tx=10.2, 0.0, 0.0  rx=17.3 bcn=0 [on:0 tx:0 rx:0 period:1] from screen [on:0 period:1609039059] gl hn u24 rssi=-66 ag=0 ticks 0,15,858 ls-=0 [56,56,60,60,60] brc=0 lrc=0
04-29 10:45:19.699 798-938/? E/WifiStateMachine:  get link layer stats 0
04-29 10:45:19.730 798-938/? E/WifiConfigStore: updateConfiguration freq=2437 BSSID=38:22:d6:94:88:30 RSSI=-70 "HDFin-Tech-1"WPA_PSK
04-29 10:45:20.621 798-798/? E/WifiTrafficPoller: TRAFFIC_STATS_POLL true Token 817 num clients 15
04-29 10:45:20.622 798-798/? E/WifiTrafficPoller:  packet count Tx=401591 Rx=538903
04-29 10:45:20.622 798-798/? E/WifiTrafficPoller: notifying of data activity 3


10-19 15:46:29.075 368-1037/? E/AudioPolicyManager: mapVoiceVoltoCustomVol 10447 Error : dMaxIndex = -1
10-19 15:46:31.160 1006-1121/? E/NativeCrashListener: Exception dealing with report
                                                      android.system.ErrnoException: read failed: EAGAIN (Try again)
                                                          at libcore.io.Posix.readBytes(Native Method)
                                                          at libcore.io.Posix.read(Posix.java:165)
                                                          at libcore.io.BlockGuardOs.read(BlockGuardOs.java:230)
                                                          at android.system.Os.read(Os.java:350)
                                                          at com.android.server.am.NativeCrashListener.consumeNativeCrashData(NativeCrashListener.java:240)
                                                          at com.android.server.am.NativeCrashListener.run(NativeCrashListener.java:138)
10-19 15:46:31.428 368-13426/? E/NuPlayerRenderer: ------signalTimeDiscontinuity (audio size=4)----
10-19 15:46:31.597 1856-2118/? E/GED: Failed to get GED Log Buf, err(0)


posted @ 2017-10-19 16:14  星辰之力  阅读(2084)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报