
Network Working Group                                      R. Fielding
Request for Comments: 2616                                   UC Irvine
Obsoletes: 2068                                              J. Gettys
Category: Standards Track                                   Compaq/W3C
J. Mogul
H. Frystyk
L. Masinter
P. Leach
T. Berners-Lee
June 1999

Hypertext Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.1

超文本传输协议 -- HTTP/1.1 

Status of this Memo


This document specifies an Internet standards track protocol for the Internet community, and requests discussion and suggestions for improvements. Please refer to the current edition of the "Internet Official Protocol Standards" (STD 1) for the standardization state and status of this protocol. Distribution of this memo is unlimited.

本文介绍了Internet的标准规范,请引用"Internet Official Protocol Standards" (STD 1)做为对本协议的标准化规范.本文可以任意转载.

Copyright Notice


Copyright (C) The Internet Society (1999). All Rights Reserved.



The Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) is an application-level protocol for distributed, collaborative, hypermedia information systems. It is a generic, stateless, protocol which can be used for many tasks beyond its use for hypertext, such as name servers and distributed object management systems, through extension of its request methods, error codes and headers [47]. A feature of HTTP is the typing and negotiation of data representation, allowing systems to be built independently of the data being transferred.


HTTP has been in use by the World-Wide Web global information initiative since 1990. This specification defines the protocol referred to as "HTTP/1.1", and is an update to RFC 2068 [33].

HTTP 在1990年首先被应用于WWW,该规范定义了HTTP/1.1版本的规范,该规范当最近更新于RFC 2068

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction ... 1    前言
    1. Purpose ... 1.1 目的
    2. Requirements ... 1.2需求
    3. Terminology ... 1.3 术语
    4. Overall Operation ... 1.4概览
  2. Notational Conventions and Generic Grammar ... 2 常规协议和语法
    1. Augmented BNF ... 2.1
    2. Basic Rules ... 2.2 基本规则
  3. Protocol Parameters ... 3 协议参数
    1. HTTP Version ... 3.1 HTTP版本
    2. Uniform Resource Identifiers ... 3.2 统一资源标识符
      1. General Syntax ... 3.2.1 一般语法
      2. http URL ... 3.2.2 HTTP URL
      3. URI Comparison ... 3.2.3  URT 比较
    3. Date/Time Formats ... 3.3  日期时间格式
      1. Full Date ... 3.3.1 
      2. Delta Seconds ... 3.3.2
    4. Character Sets ... 3.4  字符集
      1. Missing Charset ... 3.4.1 丢失字符集 
    5. Content Codings ... 3.5  内容编码
    6. Transfer Codings ... 3.6 转义编码
      1. Chunked Transfer Coding ... 3.6.1  块转义编码
    7. Media Types ... 3.7  媒体类型
      1. Canonicalization and Text Defaults ... 3.7.1  标准化和默认正文
      2. Multipart Types ... 3.7.2 多部分类型
    8. Product Tokens ... 3.8 产品标志
    9. Quality Values ... 3.9 质量价值
    10. Language Tags ... 3.10 语言标识
    11. Entity Tags ... 3.11 实体标识
    12. Range Units ... 3.12 范围单元
  4. HTTP Message ... 4  HTTP 消息
    1. Message Types ... 4.1  消息类型
    2. Message Headers ... 4.2 消息头
    3. Message Body ... 4.3 消息体
    4. Message Length ... 4.4 消息长度
    5. General Header Fields ... 4.5 通用头域
  5. Request ... 5  请求
    1. Request-Line ... 5.1 请求行 
      1. Method ... 5.1.1 方法
      2. Request-URI ... 5.1.2 请求-URI 
    2. The Resource Identified by a Request ... 5.2 请求的资源标识 
    3. Request Header Fields ... 5.3  请求头域
  6. Response ... 6  应答(Response)
    1. Status-Line ... 6.1 状态行
      1. Status Code and Reason Phrase ... 6.1.1 状态码和解释 
    2. Response Header Fields ... 6.2 Response 头域
  7. Entity ... 7  实体
    1. Entity Header Fields ... 7.1  实体头域
    2. Entity Body ... 7.2 实体体
      1. Type ... 7.2.1 类型
      2. Entity Length ... 7.2.2 实体长度
  8. Connections ... 8 连接
    1. Persistent Connections ... 8.1  固定连接
      1. Purpose ... 8.1.1 目的
      2. Overall Operation ... 8.1.2 概述.
      3. Proxy Servers ... 8.1.3 代理服务器
      4. Practical Considerations ... 8.1.4 实用要素
    2. Message Transmission Requirements ... 8.2 消息传输要求
      1. Persistent Connections and Flow Control ... 8.2.1 固定连接和流控件
      2. Monitoring Connections for Error Status Messages ... 8.2.2 侦测连接获取错误状态消息
      3. Use of the 100 (Continue) Status ... 8.2.3 实用100(继续)状态
      4. Client Behavior if Server Prematurely Closes Connection ... 8.2.4 服务器端过早的关闭控件精辟客户端的行为
  9. Method Definitions ... 9  方法定义
    1. Safe and Idempotent Methods ... 9.1 安全幂等方法
      1. Safe Methods ... 9.1.1 安全方法
      2. Idempotent Methods ... 9.1.2 幂等方法
    2. OPTIONS ... 9.2 选项
    3. GET ... 9.3 GET
    4. HEAD ... 9.4 HEAD
    5. POST ... 9.5 POST
    6. PUT ... 9.6 PUT
    7. DELETE ... 9.7 DELETE
    8. TRACE ... 9.8 TRACE
    9. CONNECT ... 9.9 CONNECT
  10. Status Code Definitions ... 10 状态码定义
    1. Informational 1xx ... 10.1 信息1XX
      1. 100 Continue ... 10.1.1 100 继续
      2. 101 Switching Protocols ... 10.1.2  101切换协议
    2. Successful 2xx ... 10.2 成功2xx
      1. 200 OK ... 10.2.1 200 OK
      2. 201 Created ... 10.2.2  201 创建
      3. 202 Accepted ... 10.2.3  202 接受
      4. 203 Non-Authoritative Information ... 10.2.4 203 非官方消息
      5. 204 No Content ... 10.2.5  204 无内容
      6. 205 Reset Content ... 10.2.6  205 重置内容
      7. 206 Partial Content ... 10.2.7  206 部分内容(内容残缺?)
    3. Redirection 3xx ... 10.3  重定向 3XX
      1. 300 Multiple Choices ... 10.3.1 300 多选择 
      2. 301 Moved Permanently ... 10.3.2  301 永久移动
      3. 302 Found ... 10.3.3  302 发现
      4. 303 See Other ... 10.3.4  303 转向其他
      5. 304 Not Modified ... 10.3.5  304 没有修改
      6. 305 Use Proxy ... 10.3.6  305 实用代理
      7. 306 (Unused) ... 10.3.7  306 未使用
      8. 307 Temporary Redirect ... 10.3.8  307 临时重定向
    4. Client Error 4xx ... 10.4  客户端错误
      1. 400 Bad Request ... 10.4.1  400 错误的请求
      2. 401 Unauthorized ... 10.4.2  401 非法请求(无权限)
      3. 402 Payment Required ... 10.4.3  402 必须支付???
      4. 403 Forbidden ... 10.4.4  403 禁止
      5. 404 Not Found ... 10.4.5  404 未发现
      6. 405 Method Not Allowed ... 10.4.6 405 方法没有被允许
      7. 406 Not Acceptable ... 10.4.7  406 不可接收
      8. 407 Proxy Authentication Required ... 10.4.8  407 需要代理权限
      9. 408 Request Timeout ... 10.4.9  408 请求超时
      10. 409 Conflict ... 10.4.10  409 冲突
      11. 410 Gone ... 10.4.11  410 GONE
      12. 411 Length Required ... 10.4.12  411 未知长度
      13. 412 Precondition Failed ... 10.4.13  412 准备条件失败
      14. 413 Request Entity Too Large ... 10.4.14  413 请求的实体过大
      15. 414 Request-URI Too Long ... 10.4.15  414 请求的URI超长
      16. 415 Unsupported Media Type ... 10.4.16  415 不支持的媒体类型
      17. 416 Requested Range Not Satisfiable ... 10.4.17  416 不满住请求范围
      18. 417 Expectation Failed ... 10.4.18  417 EXPECTATION FAILED
    5. Server Error 5xx ... 10.5  服务端错误 5XX
      1. 500 Internal Server Error ... 10.5.1  500 内部服务错误
      2. 501 Not Implemented ... 10.5.2  501未应用
      3. 502 Bad Gateway ... 10.5.3  502 网关错误
      4. 503 Service Unavailable ... 10.5.4  503 服务无效
      5. 504 Gateway Timeout ... 10.5.5  504 网关超时
      6. 505 HTTP Version Not Supported ... 10.5.6  505 HTTP版本不支持.
  11. Access Authentication ... 11  访问验证
  12. Content Negotiation ... 12  内容协商
    1. Server-driven Negotiation ... 12.1 服务端驱动协商
    2. Agent-driven Negotiation ... 12.2 客户端驱动协商
    3. Transparent Negotiation ... 12.3 透明协商
  13. Caching in HTTP ... 13  HTTP中的缓存
    1. @@ missing  @@丢包
      1. Cache Correctness ... 13.1.1  缓存校验
      2. Warnings ... 13.1.2  警告
      3. Cache-control Mechanisms ... 13.1.3  缓存控制机制
      4. Explicit User Agent Warnings ... 13.1.4  显式用户段警告
      5. Exceptions to the Rules and Warnings ... 13.1.5  规则和警告的异常
      6. Client-controlled Behavior ... 13.1.6  客户端控制的行为
    2. Expiration Model ... 13.2  终止模式
      1. Server-Specified Expiration ... 13.2.1  服务端终止
      2. Heuristic Expiration ... 13.2.2  尝试终止
      3. Age Calculations ... 13.2.3  生命计算
      4. Expiration Calculations ... 13.2.4  终止计算
      5. Disambiguating Expiration Values ... 13.2.5  消除二义性的终止值
      6. Disambiguating Multiple Responses ... 13.2.6  消除二义性的多Response
    3. Validation Model ... 13.3  验证模式
      1. Last-Modified Dates ... 13.3.1  最终验证时间
      2. Entity Tag Cache Validators ... 13.3.2 实体标识缓存验证
      3. Weak and Strong Validators ... 13.3.3 唤醒和强验证
      4. Rules for When to Use Entity Tags and Last-Modified Dates ... 13.3.4  何时使用实体标识和最后修改日期的规则
      5. Non-validating Conditionals ... 13.3.5  非验证条件
    4. Response Cacheability ... 13.4  可缓存应答
    5. Constructing Responses From Caches ... 13.5  从缓存中构造应答
      1. End-to-end and Hop-by-hop Headers ... 13.5.1 端对端和跳跃式头
      2. Non-modifiable Headers ... 13.5.2 未修改的头
      3. Combining Headers ... 13.5.3  组合头
      4. Combining Byte Ranges ... 13.5.4  组合字节范围
    6. Caching Negotiated Responses ... 13.6  缓存协商应答
    7. Shared and Non-Shared Caches ... 13.7  共享和非共享缓存
    8. Errors or Incomplete Response Cache Behavior ... 13.8  错误和未完成的应答缓存行为
    9. Side Effects of GET and HEAD ... 13.9  GET 和 HEAD的边效应
    10. Invalidation After Updates or Deletions ... 13.10  更新和删除后的失效
    11. Write-Through Mandatory ... 13.11  强制性写入
    12. Cache Replacement ... 13.12  缓存替换.
    13. History Lists ... 13.13  历史记录
  14. Header Field Definitions ... 14  头域定义
    1. Accept ... 14.1  接收
    2. Accept-Charset ... 14.2 
    3. Accept-Encoding ... 14.3
    4. Accept-Language ... 14.4
    5. Accept-Ranges ... 14.5
    6. Age ... 14.6
    7. Allow ... 14.7
    8. Authorization ... 14.8
    9. Cache-Control ... 14.9  缓存控制
      1. What is Cacheable ... 14.9.1  可缓存的东西.
      2. What May be Stored by Caches ... 14.9.2  什么可以用缓存存储
      3. Modifications of the Basic Expiration Mechanism ... 14.9.3  基本终止机制的修饰
      4. Cache Revalidation and Reload Controls ... 14.9.4  缓存的重新验证和加载控制
      5. No-Transform Directive ... 14.9.5 
      6. Cache Control Extensions ... 14.9.6 缓存控制扩展 
    10. Connection ... 14.10  连接
    11. Content-Encoding ... 14.11 内容-编码 
    12. Content-Language ... 14.12  内容-语言
    13. Content-Length ... 14.13  内容-长度
    14. Content-Location ... 14.14 内容-区域
    15. Content-MD5 ... 14.15  内容-MD5加密
    16. Content-Range ... 14.16  内容-范围
    17. Content-Type ... 14.17  内容-类型
    18. Date ... 14.18  时间
      1. Clockless Origin Server Operation ... 14.18.1 
    19. ETag ... 14.19
    20. Expect ... 14.20
    21. Expires ... 14.21
    22. From ... 14.22
    23. Host ... 14.23  主机
    24. If-Match ... 14.24  如果匹配
    25. If-Modified-Since ... 14.25 
    26. If-None-Match ... 14.26
    27. If-Range ... 14.27
    28. If-Unmodified-Since ... 14.28
    29. Last-Modified ... 14.29
    30. Location ... 14.30
    31. Max-Forwards ... 14.31
    32. Pragma ... 14.32
    33. Proxy-Authenticate ... 14.33
    34. Proxy-Authorization ... 14.34
    35. Range ... 14.35
      1. Byte Ranges ... 14.35.1
      2. Range Retrieval Requests ... 14.35.2
    36. Referer ... 14.36
    37. Retry-After ... 14.37
    38. Server ... 14.38
    39. TE ... 14.39
    40. Trailer ... 14.40
    41. Transfer-Encoding ... 14.41
    42. Upgrade ... 14.42
    43. User-Agent ... 14.43
    44. Vary ... 14.44
    45. Via ... 14.45
    46. Warning ... 14.46
    47. WWW-Authenticate ... 14.47
  15. Security Considerations ... 15
    1. Personal Information ... 15.1
      1. Abuse of Server Log Information ... 15.1.1
      2. Transfer of Sensitive Information ... 15.1.2
      3. Encoding Sensitive Information in URI's ... 15.1.3
      4. Privacy Issues Connected to Accept Headers ... 15.1.4
    2. Attacks Based On File and Path Names ... 15.2
    3. DNS Spoofing ... 15.3
    4. Location Headers and Spoofing ... 15.4
    5. Content-Disposition Issues ... 15.5
    6. Authentication Credentials and Idle Clients ... 15.6
    7. Proxies and Caching ... 15.7
      1. Denial of Service Attacks on Proxies ... 15.7.1
  16. Acknowledgments ... 16
  17. References ... 17
  18. Authors' Addresses ... 18
  19. Appendices ... 19
    1. Internet Media Type message/http and application/http ... 19.1
    2. Internet Media Type multipart/byteranges ... 19.2
    3. Tolerant Applications ... 19.3
    4. Differences Between HTTP Entities and RFC 2045 Entities ... 19.4
      1. MIME-Version ... 19.4.1
      2. Conversion to Canonical Form ... 19.4.2
      3. Conversion of Date Formats ... 19.4.3
      4. Introduction of Content-Encoding ... 19.4.4 内容编码介绍
      5. No Content-Transfer-Encoding ... 19.4.5  无内容转移编码
      6. Introduction of Transfer-Encoding ... 19.4.6 转义码介绍
      7. MHTML and Line Length Limitations ... 19.4.7  MHTML h饿行长度限制
    5. Additional Features ... 19.5  附加特性
      1. Content-Disposition ... 19.5.1  内容-处置
    6. Compatibility with Previous Versions ... 19.6  老版本的兼容性
      1. Changes from HTTP/1 ... 19.6.1
      2. Compatibility with HTTP/1 ... 19.6.2
      3. Changes from RFC 2068 ... 19.6.3
  20. Index ... 20 索引
  21. Full Copyright Statement ... 21
derived from HTTP/1.1, Internet RFC 2616, Fielding, et al.
using rfc2html Revision: 1.8 Date: 2004/09/01 13:21:38 by Dan Connolly
posted @ 2008-09-17 21:52  ~洛书~  阅读(1164)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报