Ray's playground


Bindings(Essential Windows Communication Foundation)

  Here are some guiding principles for working channels and bindings within WCF:
  • The netTcpBinding binding is used for cross-machine communication between .NET applications.
  • The netNamedPipeBinding binding is used for all on-machine communication between .NET applications. This includes both interprocess and intraprocess (that is, inter-appdomain and intra-appdomain) communication.

  • The basicHttpBinding binding supports legacy Web services based on the WS-I Basic Profile 1.1 standard. This binding is typically used to consume ASP.NET ASMX Web services. It can also be used to expose services to .NET 2.0 clients that do not need WS-* support.

  • The ws2007HttpBinding and wsHttpBinding bindings are used to create Web services that support the WS-* specifications. The ws2007HttpBinding binding should be the default binding used to create Web services within WCF. It supports the latest WS-* standards

for messaging, security, reliable messaging, and transactions.

  • There are three additional bindings based on Web services: wsDualHttpBinding , wsFederationHttpBinding and ws2007FederationHttpBinding  . Use these if you need to support duplex messaging over HTTP or federated security, respectively. The ws2007FederationHttpBinding  binding shipped with .NET 3.5 and has additional support for WSS SAML Token Profile 1.1.

  • The netMsmqBinding  binding is used to develop disconnected applications using Microsoft Message Queue (MSMQ).

  • The msmqIntegrationBinding binding is used to integrate with existing applications built using MSMQ.

  • The channel stack within WCF is composable and allows for the creation of custom bindings. Custom bindings can be used to support

communication needs not supported by the preconfigured bindings.

  • WCF supports exposing services over multiple bindings. This allows for optimal communication between a variety of different clients

and the server.

  • Use one of the preconfigured bindings if it meets your needs; otherwise, you can create a custom binding using the CustomBinding class. 

posted on 2010-03-31 13:27  Ray Z  阅读(338)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
