var buf: array[0..1] of byte; bus: array[0..3] of byte; si:SmallInt ; i:Integer ; begin buf[0] := $01; buf[1] := $02; bus[0] := $00; bus[1] := $01; bus[2] := $02; bus[3] := $03; Move(buf,si,SizeOf(SmallInt) ); ShowMessage(IntToStr(si)); Move(bus,i,SizeOf(Integer) ); ShowMessage(IntToStr(i));
类型转换 用个Integer指针直接指向字节数组就OK了,如果就想看看转换结果的话,MOVE都不用了 var buf : array[0..3] of byte; Pint:PInteger; begin buf[0] := $00; buf[1] := $01; buf[2] := $02; buf[3] := $03; Pint:=@buf[0]; ShowMessage(IntToStr( Pint^)); end;
var buf : array[0..1] of byte; bus : array[0..3] of byte; function ByteToHex(InByte:byte):shortstring; const Digits:array[0..15] of char='0123456789ABCDEF'; begin result:=digits[InByte shr 4]+digits[InByte and $0F]; end; function BinArrayToString(aArray: array of Byte): string; var i: integer; begin result:=''; for i:= Low(aArray) to High(aArray) do begin result:= result + ByteToHex(aArray[i]); end; Result:= IntToStr(StrToInt('$'+result)); end; begin buf[0] := $01; buf[1] := $02; showmessage(BinArrayToString(buf)); bus[0] := $00; bus[1] := $01; bus[2] := $02; bus[3] := $03; showmessage(BinArrayToString(bus)); end;