Error response from daemon: conflict: unable to delete d0957ffdf8a2 (must be forced) - image is refe

  • 使用IMAGE ID删除镜像报错Error response from daemon: conflict: unable to delete d0957ffdf8a2 (must be forced) - image is referenced in multiple repositories是因为有多个镜像的IMAGE ID是相同的,可以使用REPOSITORY+TAG的方式去删除;如下:
root@zzq-HP-Pavilion-15-Notebook-PC:/home/zzq# docker images
REPOSITORY               TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
a1030907690/php-ubuntu   14.04               b35f43a8bbb5        28 minutes ago      1.12GB
php-ubuntu14.04          latest              b35f43a8bbb5        28 minutes ago      1.12GB
centos                   7                   5e35e350aded        3 weeks ago         203MB
ubuntu                   latest              775349758637        4 weeks ago         64.2MB
ubuntu                   14.04               2c5e00d77a67        6 months ago        188MB
centos                   6.7                 9f1de3c6ad53        8 months ago        191MB
centos                   6                   d0957ffdf8a2        8 months ago        194MB
centos                   centos6             d0957ffdf8a2        8 months ago        194MB
  • 这里我centos:6和centos:centos6的IMAGE ID是相同的,删除就会报错。
  • 解决办法可以用REPOSITORY+TAG的方式删除
docker rmi centos:centos6


  • 再次查看验证是成功的

posted on 2019-12-04 12:12  愤怒的苹果ext  阅读(48)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
