Linq,企业类库,EXECL生成,Execl chart的一些基本操作记录.(一)
一个小任务.一个星期启动一次.在服务器一上把当前星期的一些数据分组统计把数据插入服务器二.然后生成这个星期并集合前N个星期的资料生成execl和exexl chart.
因为服务器一上的数据不少,一个星期可能有30W笔资料.在这里用到企业类库的DAAB,后面分组统计等相关操作当然用Linq了.服务器二的数据表用Linq to sql生成相关类.因为是自动一个星期跑一次.异常出错就要记录还要email通知相关人等.异常发生后就记录.我用如下方法.第一次用.感觉写的肯定有问题.日志记录也用的是企业类库的日志模块.(这里有个问题,我同时用二个文本记录老不成功,不知怎么回事.还有Mail发送那块也没配成功.郁闷)
1 static void Main()
2 {
3 //Process[] myProcesses = Process.GetProcessesByName("EXCEL.EXE");
4 //foreach (Process p in myProcesses)
5 // p.Close();
6 Application.EnableVisualStyles();
7 Application.SetCompatibleTextRenderingDefault(false);
8 Application.ThreadException += new System.Threading.ThreadExceptionEventHandler(Application_ThreadException);
9 AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException += new UnhandledExceptionEventHandler(CurrentDomain_UnhandledException);
10 Application.Run(new Form1());
12 }
14 static void CurrentDomain_UnhandledException(object sender, UnhandledExceptionEventArgs e)
15 {
16 string str = e.ExceptionObject.ToString();
17 ReportData.Common.LogError(str);
18 ReportData.Common.SendMail(str, "-------报表出现错误");
19 Application.Exit();
20 }
21 //早于CurrentDomain_UnhandledException发生.
22 static void Application_ThreadException(object sender, System.Threading.ThreadExceptionEventArgs e)
23 {
24 string str = e.Exception.Message;
25 ReportData.Common.LogError(str);
26 ReportData.Common.SendMail(str, "--------报表出现错误");
27 Application.Exit();
29 }
1 public static class Common
2 {
3 public static double RmbToDollar
4 {
5 get
6 {
7 string rmbToDollar = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["RmbToDollar"];
8 double f = 6.8;
9 double.TryParse(rmbToDollar, out f);
10 return f;
11 }
12 }
13 public static int WeekNum
14 {
15 get
16 {
17 string weeknum = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["WeekNum"];
18 int w = 10;
19 int.TryParse(weeknum, out w);
20 return w;
21 }
22 }
23 public static XlChartType xlChartType
24 {
25 get
26 {
27 string xtype = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["XlChartType"];
28 if (xtype == "xlColumnClustered")
29 return XlChartType.xlColumnClustered;
30 else if (xtype == "xl3DBarClustered")
31 return XlChartType.xl3DBarClustered;
32 else if (xtype == "xl3DLine")
33 return XlChartType.xl3DLine;
34 else
35 return XlChartType.xlLineMarkers;
36 }
37 }
38 public static int Week(DateTime time)
39 {
40 //int today = time.DayOfYear;
41 //return today / 7 + 1;
42 GregorianCalendar gc = new GregorianCalendar();
43 return gc.GetWeekOfYear(time, CalendarWeekRule.FirstFourDayWeek, DayOfWeek.Monday);
44 }
45 private static string customPath = string.Empty;
46 public static string CustomPath
47 {
48 get
49 {
50 if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(customPath))
51 customPath = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + @"\" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "Custom.xls";
52 return customPath;
53 }
54 private set
55 {
56 customPath = value;
57 }
58 }
59 private static string statusPath = string.Empty;
60 public static string StatusPath
61 {
62 get
63 {
64 if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(statusPath))
65 statusPath = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + @"\" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "Status.xls";
66 return statusPath;
67 }
68 private set
69 {
70 statusPath = value;
71 }
72 }
73 private static string bPreCentPath = string.Empty;
74 public static string BPreCentPath
75 {
76 get
77 {
78 if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(bPreCentPath))
79 bPreCentPath = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + @"\" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "BPerCent.xls";
80 return bPreCentPath;
81 }
82 private set
83 {
84 bPreCentPath = value;
85 }
86 }
87 public static DateTime GetStartDate(DateTime date)
88 {
89 DateTime now = date;
90 now = now.AddDays(-7);
91 switch (now.DayOfWeek)
92 {
93 case DayOfWeek.Monday:
94 break;
95 case DayOfWeek.Tuesday:
96 now = now.AddDays(-1);
97 break;
98 case DayOfWeek.Wednesday:
99 now = now.AddDays(-2);
100 break;
101 case DayOfWeek.Thursday:
102 now = now.AddDays(-3);
103 break;
104 case DayOfWeek.Friday:
105 now = now.AddDays(-4);
106 break;
107 case DayOfWeek.Saturday:
108 now = now.AddDays(-5);
109 break;
110 case DayOfWeek.Sunday:
111 now = now.AddDays(-6);
112 break;
113 }
114 now = now.AddHours(-now.Hour);
115 now = now.AddMinutes(-now.Minute);
116 now = now.AddSeconds(-now.Second);
117 now = now.AddMilliseconds(-now.Millisecond);
118 return now;
119 }
120 public static void LogError(string error)
121 {
122 LogEntry logerror = new LogEntry();
123 logerror.Message = error;
124 logerror.Categories.Add("Category");
125 logerror.Categories.Add("Eamil");
126 logerror.Title = "在KPRCS里有错识产生,请检察!";
127 logerror.TimeStamp = DateTime.Now;
128 logerror.Severity = System.Diagnostics.TraceEventType.Error;
129 logerror.Priority = 2;
130 Logger.Write(logerror);
131 }
132 public static void LogCommon(string common)
133 {
134 LogEntry logerror = new LogEntry();
135 logerror.Message = common;
136 logerror.Categories.Add("Category");
137 logerror.Title = "发生一个情况";
138 logerror.TimeStamp = DateTime.Now;
139 logerror.Severity = System.Diagnostics.TraceEventType.Information;
140 logerror.Priority = 2;
141 Logger.Write(logerror);
142 }
146 public static void SendMail(string body,string subject)
147 {
148 MailMessage mailobj = new MailMessage();
149 mailobj.From = new MailAddress("---------------", "-----------");
150 mailobj.To.Add("----------");
151 mailobj.Subject = subject;
152 mailobj.Body = body;
153 mailobj.Priority = MailPriority.Normal;
154 mailobj.IsBodyHtml = true;
155 SmtpClient smtp = new SmtpClient("--------");
156 smtp.UseDefaultCredentials = false;
157 // smtp.Credentials = new System.Net.NetworkCredential("-----", "-----");
158 smtp.DeliveryMethod = SmtpDeliveryMethod.Network;
159 smtp.Send(mailobj);
160 }
161 public static void SendMail(List<string> tonames)
162 {
163 tonames.Add("------");
164 tonames.Add("------");
165 MailMessage mailobj = new MailMessage();
166 mailobj.From = new MailAddress("---------", "----------");
167 foreach (string toname in tonames)
168 {
169 string name = toname + "";
170 mailobj.To.Add(name);
171 }
172 //mailobj.To.Add("------------");
173 mailobj.Attachments.Add(new Attachment(CustomPath));
174 mailobj.Attachments.Add(new Attachment(StatusPath));
175 mailobj.Attachments.Add(new Attachment(BPreCentPath));
176 mailobj.Subject = "--------本月报表产生如下";
177 mailobj.Body = "Dear all:以上附件为--------本月的报表.";
178 mailobj.Priority = MailPriority.Normal;
179 mailobj.IsBodyHtml = true;
180 SmtpClient smtp = new SmtpClient("----------");
181 smtp.UseDefaultCredentials = false;
182 // smtp.Credentials = new System.Net.NetworkCredential("KPRCS", "KPRCS");
183 smtp.DeliveryMethod = SmtpDeliveryMethod.Network;
184 try
185 {
186 smtp.Send(mailobj);
187 LogCommon("已正确发送邮件,本星期数据已经OK!");
188 }
189 catch
190 {
191 SendMail("数据没有成功发送", "KPRCS报表发生问题,请查看.");
192 }
193 }
194 }
1 public class WeekInYear
2 {
3 public int? WeekNum;
4 public int? Year;
6 public static IComparer<WeekInYear> sort()
7 {
8 return (IComparer<WeekInYear>)new WeekInYearHelper();
9 }
10 public override string ToString()
11 {
12 return "WK:" + WeekNum + "-" + Year;
13 }
14 public static WeekInYear operator -(WeekInYear self, int weekNum)
15 {
16 int nWeek = 365 / 7 + 1;
17 if (weekNum > nWeek)
18 weekNum = nWeek;
19 WeekInYear n = new WeekInYear { Year = self.Year, WeekNum = self.WeekNum };
20 if (self.WeekNum > weekNum)
21 {
22 n.WeekNum = n.WeekNum - weekNum;
23 return n;
24 }
25 DateTime i = DateTime.Now;
26 i = i.AddYears(self.Year.Value - i.Year - 1);
27 if (self.WeekNum == weekNum)
28 {
29 n.WeekNum = nWeek;
30 n.Year = n.Year - 1;
31 }
32 else
33 {
34 n.Year = n.Year - 1;
35 n.WeekNum = nWeek - (weekNum - self.WeekNum);
36 }
37 return n;
38 }
39 }
40 public class WeekInYearHelper : IComparer<WeekInYear>
41 {
42 public int Compare(WeekInYear self, WeekInYear other)
43 {
44 if (self.Year > other.Year)
45 return 1;
46 else if (self.Year == other.Year)
47 {
48 if (self.WeekNum > other.WeekNum)
49 return 1;
50 else if (self.WeekNum == other.WeekNum)
51 return 0;
52 else
53 return -1;
54 }
55 else
56 return -1;
57 }
58 }
1 public void GetTable()
2 {
3 DateTime start = Common.GetStartDate(DateTime.Now);
4 DateTime end = start.AddDays(7);
5 int weeknum = Common.Week(start);
6 int year = start.Year;
7 wy = new WeekInYear { WeekNum = weeknum, Year = year };
8 //throw new Exception("测试一下错误");
9 if (db.ReportSum.Count((ReportSum report) => report.Year == year && report.WeekNum == weeknum) > 0)
10 {
11 BuildExel();
12 return;
13 }
14 //数据来源
15 Database dbE = DatabaseFactory.CreateDatabase("ConnectionString");
16 //-----本地服务器
17 Database dbL = DatabaseFactory.CreateDatabase("ConnectionStringLocal");
18 Common.LogCommon("开始读入数据");
19 string query = "select * from ------ where BUDAT>='" + start.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "' and BUDAT<'" + end.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "'";
20 List<ReportD> reports = new List<ReportD>();
21 using (IDataReader rd = dbE.ExecuteReader(CommandType.Text, query.ToString()))
22 {
23 while (rd.Read())
24 {
25 ReportD report = new ReportD();
26 report.Year = year;
27 report.WeekNum = weeknum;
28 report.Plant = rd["WERKS"].ToString();
29 report.Status = ConRecode(rd);
30 report.Amount = ConAmount(rd);
31 report.MaterialPN = rd["MATNR"].ToString();
32 report.FromLoc = rd["LGORT"].ToString();
33 report.ToLoc = rd["UMLGO"].ToString();
34 string sbu = "select Customer from --------- where Material='" + report.MaterialPN + "' and Plant='" + report.Plant + "'";
35 object customer = dbL.ExecuteScalar(CommandType.Text, sbu);
36 if (customer != null)
37 report.Customer = customer.ToString();
38 reports.Add(report);
39 }
40 }
41 InsertTable(reports);
42 }
上面的数据因为我读出时还要和服务器二里一些数据进行交互,中间我本是想用Linq to sql,但是这个时间不知是怎么回事.
用上面的代码30W行数据读出来大约10分钟左右.而我把基中要和服务器二交互的相关代码换成Linq to sql(就是
string sbu = "select Customer from ------- where Material='" + report.MaterialPN + "' and Plant='" + report.Plant + "'";
object customer = dbL.ExecuteScalar(CommandType.Text, sbu);
if (customer != null)
report.Customer = customer.ToString();)这句换成Linq to sql很简洁,一句话.我非常喜欢,可是
1 public void InsertTable(List<ReportD> reports)
2 {
3 List<ReportSum> reportstatus = (from report in reports
4 // where report.Status == "Return" || report.Status == "Resell" || report.Status == "Reuse"
5 group report by new
6 {
7 report.Year,
8 report.WeekNum,
9 report.Plant,
10 report.Status
11 } into g
12 select new ReportSum
13 {
14 Year = g.Key.Year,
15 WeekNum = g.Key.WeekNum,
16 Plant = g.Key.Plant,
17 Status = g.Key.Status,
18 AmountForStatus = g.Sum(report => report.Amount)
19 }).ToList<ReportSum>();
20 List<ReportSum> reportcustom = (from report in reports
21 where report.Customer == null && report.Status == "Return"
22 group report by new
23 {
24 report.Year,
25 report.WeekNum,
26 report.Plant,
27 report.Customer
28 } into g
29 select new ReportSum
30 {
31 Year = g.Key.Year,
32 WeekNum = g.Key.WeekNum,
33 Plant = g.Key.Plant,
34 Customer = g.Key.Customer,
35 AmountForCustomer = g.Sum(report => report.Amount)
36 }).ToList<ReportSum>();
37 db.ReportSum.InsertAllOnSubmit(reportstatus);
38 db.ReportSum.InsertAllOnSubmit(reportcustom);
39 db.SubmitChanges();
40 Common.LogCommon("数据已经插入在新数据库中");
41 BuildExel();
42 }
1 public void BuildExel2()
2 {
3 Application myExcel = new Application();
4 myExcel.Application.DisplayAlerts = false;
5 Workbook wbook = myExcel.Workbooks.Add(true);
6 // myExcel.Visible = true;
7 //得到从现在到N(Common.WeekNum)个星期前要输出的数据
8 var weaks = db.ReportSum.Select(p => new WeekInYear { WeekNum = p.WeekNum, Year = p.Year }).Distinct().OrderByDescending(p => p.Year).ThenByDescending(p => p.WeekNum).Take(Common.WeekNum);
9 weaks = weaks.OrderBy(p => p.Year).ThenBy(p => p.WeekNum);
10 WeekInYear end = weaks.OrderBy(p => p.Year).ThenBy(p => p.WeekNum).First();
11 var dataAll = db.ReportSum.Where(p => p.Year >= end.Year && p.WeekNum >= end.WeekNum).OrderBy(p => p.Year).ThenBy(p => p.WeekNum);
12 //得到所有的工厂.
13 List<string> plants = (from report in dataAll select report.Plant).Distinct().ToList<string>();
14 "填充数据"#region "填充数据"
15 foreach (string plant in plants)
16 {
17 Worksheet wsheet = null;
18 wsheet = (Worksheet)myExcel.Worksheets.get_Item(1);
19 myExcel.Worksheets.Add(wsheet, Type.Missing, 1, Type.Missing);
20 wsheet = (Worksheet)myExcel.Worksheets.get_Item(1);
21 wsheet.Name = plant;
22 //取得这个工厂的所有数据
23 var data = dataAll.Where(p => p.Plant == plant);
24 Range range = wsheet.get_Range(wsheet.Cells[1, 1], wsheet.Cells[2, 8]);
25 range.Merge(0);
26 range = wsheet.get_Range(wsheet.Cells[1, 1], wsheet.Cells[1, 1]);
27 range.Value2 = "Detail Report -- Return";
28 range.Font.Size = 15;
29 range.HorizontalAlignment = Constants.xlCenter;
30 range.Cells.Interior.Color = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(255, 204, 153).ToArgb();
31 wsheet.get_Range(wsheet.Cells[4, 1], wsheet.Cells[4, 1]).Value2 = plant;
32 List<string> customs = data.Where(p => p.Customer != null).Select(p => p.Customer).Distinct().ToList<string>();
33 int m = 4;
34 "填充数据到当前的活动页"#region "填充数据到当前的活动页"
35 foreach (string custom in customs)
36 {
37 if (custom == null)
38 continue;
39 m++;
40 wsheet.get_Range(wsheet.Cells[m, 1], wsheet.Cells[m, 1]).Value2 = custom;
41 int n = 1;
42 foreach (WeekInYear week in weaks)
43 {
44 n++;
45 Range cell = wsheet.get_Range(wsheet.Cells[4, n], wsheet.Cells[4, n]);
46 cell.Value2 = week.ToString();
47 cell.EntireColumn.AutoFit();
48 try
49 {
50 var ammount = data.Where(p => p.WeekNum == week.WeekNum && p.Year == week.Year && p.Customer == custom).First().AmountForCustomer;
51 wsheet.get_Range(wsheet.Cells[m, n], wsheet.Cells[m, n]).Value2 = ammount;
52 }
53 catch
54 {
55 wsheet.get_Range(wsheet.Cells[m, n], wsheet.Cells[m, n]).Value2 = 0;
56 }
57 wsheet.get_Range(wsheet.Cells[4, 1], wsheet.Cells[4 + customs.Count, 1 + weaks.Count()]).Borders.LineStyle = 1;
58 }
59 }
60 wsheet.get_Range(wsheet.Cells[4 + customs.Count, 1], wsheet.Cells[4 + customs.Count, 1]).Value2 = plant + "Return";
61 int i = 1;
62 foreach (WeekInYear week in weaks)
63 {
64 i++;
65 try
66 {
67 var ammount = data.Where(p => p.WeekNum == week.WeekNum && p.Year == week.Year && p.Customer != null).Sum(p => p.AmountForCustomer);
68 if (ammount == null)
69 throw new Exception();
70 wsheet.get_Range(wsheet.Cells[4 + customs.Count, i], wsheet.Cells[4 + customs.Count, i]).Value2 = ammount;
71 }
72 catch
73 {
74 wsheet.get_Range(wsheet.Cells[4 + customs.Count, i], wsheet.Cells[4 + customs.Count, i]).Value2 = 0;
75 }
76 }
77 // FillExel<string,string,string>(wsheet, weaks, customs, data, 4, 1, plant);
78 #endregion
79 "填充chart"#region "填充chart"
80 Chart chart = myExcel.Charts.Add(Type.Missing, wsheet, Type.Missing, Type.Missing) as Chart;
81 chart.ChartType = Common.xlChartType;
82 Range chartrange = wsheet.get_Range(wsheet.Cells[4, 1], wsheet.Cells[4 + customs.Count, 1 + weaks.Count()]);
83 chart.SetSourceData(chartrange, XlRowCol.xlRows);
84 chart.HasTitle = true;
85 chart.ChartTitle.Text = "Detail Report -- Return";
86 chart.Location(XlChartLocation.xlLocationAsObject, plant);
87 float top = 200;
88 float.TryParse(wsheet.get_Range(wsheet.Cells[1, 1], wsheet.Cells[1, 1]).Top.ToString(), out top);
89 wsheet.Shapes.Item(1).IncrementTop(top );
90 wsheet.Shapes.Item(1).IncrementLeft(-450);
91 //wsheet.Shapes.Item(1).ScaleHeight(200,Type.Missing,Type.Missing);
92 // wsheet.Shapes.Item(1).ScaleWidth(300, Type.Missing, Type.Missing);
93 #endregion
94 // wsheet.get_Range(wsheet.Cells[3,2],wsheet[5,4]).Value2 = if
95 }
96 #endregion
97 if (File.Exists(Common.CustomPath))
98 {
99 File.Delete(Common.CustomPath);
100 }
101 wbook.SaveAs(Common.CustomPath, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, XlSaveAsAccessMode.xlNoChange, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing);
102 myExcel.Quit();
104 myExcel = null;
105 GC.Collect();
106 BuildExel3();
107 }
这里我有点郁闷了,因为用Group up分组显示后,在execl里一般会用到横转列.在这里的三个报表差不多全是一样.