Webpack 可以认为是一种基于事件流的编程范例,内部的工作流程都是基于 插件 机制串接起来;
而将这些插件粘合起来的就是webpack自己写的基础类 Tapable 是,plugin方法就是该类暴露出来的;
基于该类规范而其的 Webpack 体系保证了插件的有序性,使得整个系统非常有弹性,扩展性很好;然而有一个致命的缺点就是调试、看源码真是很痛苦,各种跳来跳去;(基于事件流的写法,和程序语言中的 goto 语句很类似)
plugin(name:string, handler:function)注册插件到Tapable对象中
apply(…pluginInstances: (AnyPlugin|function)[])调用插件的定义,将事件监听器注册到Tapable实例注册表中
applyPlugins*(name:string, …)多种策略细致地控制事件的触发,包括applyPluginsAsync、applyPluginsParallel等方法实现对事件触发的控制,实现
从 https://github.com/webpack/tapable,lib/index.js看出,tapable提供了九种钩子:
const { SyncHook, SyncBailHook, SyncWaterfallHook, SyncLoopHook, AsyncParallelHook, AsyncParallelBailHook, AsyncSeriesHook, AsyncSeriesBailHook, AsyncSeriesWaterfallHook } = require("tapable");
const hook = new SyncHook(["arg1", "arg2", "arg3"]);
new Hook 新建钩子
tapable 暴露出来的都是类方法,new 一个类方法获得我们需要的钩子。
class 接受数组参数options,非必传。类方法会根据传参,接受同样数量的参数。

钩子名称 | 执行方式 | 使用要点 |
SyncHook | 同步串行 | 不关心监听函数的返回值 |
SyncBailHook | 同步串行 | 只要监听函数中有一个函数的返回值不为 null,则跳过剩下所有的逻辑 |
SyncWaterfallHook | 同步串行 | 上一个监听函数的返回值可以传给下一个监听函数 |
SyncLoopHook | 同步循环 | 当监听函数被触发的时候,如果该监听函数返回true时则这个监听函数会反复执行,如果返回 undefined 则表示退出循环 |
AsyncParallelHook | 异步并发 | 不关心监听函数的返回值 |
AsyncParallelBailHook | 异步并发 | 只要监听函数的返回值不为 null,就会忽略后面的监听函数执行,直接跳跃到callAsync等触发函数绑定的回调函数,然后执行这个被绑定的回调函数 |
AsyncSeriesHook | 异步串行 | 不关系callback()的参数 |
AsyncSeriesBailHook | 异步串行 | callback()的参数不为null,就会直接执行callAsync等触发函数绑定的回调函数 |
AsyncSeriesWaterfallHook | 异步串行 | 上一个监听函数的中的callback(err, data)的第二个参数,可以作为下一个监听函数的参数 |
钩子分为同步VS 异步,细分为 并行VS串行,在根据返回值,细分为不同种类。
BasicHook: 执行每一个,不关心函数的返回值,有 SyncHook、AsyncParallelHook、AsyncSeriesHook。
BailHook: 顺序执行 Hook,遇到第一个结果 result !== undefined 则返回,不再继续执行。有:SyncBailHook、AsyncSeriseBailHook, AsyncParallelBailHook。
WaterfallHook: 类似于 reduce,如果前一个 Hook 函数的结果 result !== undefined,则 result 会作为后一个 Hook 函数的第一个参数。既然是顺序执行,那么就只有 Sync 和 AsyncSeries 类中提供这个Hook:SyncWaterfallHook,AsyncSeriesWaterfallHook
LoopHook: 不停的循环执行 Hook,直到所有函数结果 result === undefined。同样的,由于对串行性有依赖,所以只有 SyncLoopHook 和 AsyncSeriseLoopHook (PS:暂时没看到具体使用 Case)
Tabable 关键词解析
type | function |
Hook | 所有钩子的后缀 |
Waterfall | 同步方法,但是它会传值给下一个函数 |
Bail | 熔断:当函数有任何返回值,就会在当前执行函数停止 |
Loop | 监听函数返回true表示继续循环,返回undefine表示结束循环 |
Sync | 同步方法 |
AsyncSeries | 异步串行钩子 |
AsyncParallel | 异步并行执行钩子 |
Tapable Hook类
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 | class Hook { constructor(args) { if (!Array.isArray(args)) args = []; this ._args = args; // 实例钩子的时候的string类型的数组 this .taps = []; // 消费者 this .interceptors = []; // interceptors this .call = this ._call = // 以sync类型方式来调用钩子 this ._createCompileDelegate( "call" , "sync" ); this .promise = this ._promise = // 以promise方式 this ._createCompileDelegate( "promise" , "promise" ); this .callAsync = this ._callAsync = // 以async类型方式来调用 this ._createCompileDelegate( "callAsync" , "async" ); this ._x = undefined; // } _createCall(type) { return this .compile({ taps: this .taps, interceptors: this .interceptors, args: this ._args, type: type }); } _createCompileDelegate(name, type) { const lazyCompileHook = (...args) => { this [name] = this ._createCall(type); return this [name](...args); }; return lazyCompileHook; } // 调用tap 类型注册 tap(options, fn) { // ... options = Object.assign({ type: "sync" , fn: fn }, options); // ... this ._insert(options); // 添加到 this.taps中 } // 注册 async类型的钩子 tapAsync(options, fn) { // ... options = Object.assign({ type: "async" , fn: fn }, options); // ... this ._insert(options); // 添加到 this.taps中 } 注册 promise类型钩子 tapPromise(options, fn) { // ... options = Object.assign({ type: "promise" , fn: fn }, options); // ... this ._insert(options); // 添加到 this.taps中 } } |
每次都是调用tap、tapSync、tapPromise注册不同类型的插件钩子,通过调用call、callAsync 、promise方式调用。其实调用的时候为了按照一定的执行策略执行,调用compile方法快速编译出一个方法来执行这些插件。
Async* | Sync* |
绑定:tapAsync/tapPromise/tap | 绑定:tap |
执行:callAsync/promise | 执行:call |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 | const hook1 = new SyncHook([ "arg1" , "arg2" , "arg3" ]); //绑定事件到webapck事件流 hook1.tap( 'hook1' , (arg1, arg2, arg3) => console.log(arg1, arg2, arg3)) //1,2,3 //执行绑定的事件 hook1.call(1,2,3) |
定义一个Car方法,在内部hooks上新建钩子。分别是同步钩子 accelerate、break(accelerate接受一个参数)、异步钩子calculateRoutes
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 | //引入tapable const { SyncHook, AsyncParallelHook } = require( 'tapable' ); //创建类 class Car { constructor() { this .hooks = { accelerate: new SyncHook([ "newSpeed" ]), break : new SyncHook(), calculateRoutes: new AsyncParallelHook([ "source" , "target" , "routesList" ]) }; } } const myCar = new Car(); //绑定同步钩子 myCar.hooks. break .tap( "WarningLampPlugin" , () => console.log( 'WarningLampPlugin' )); //绑定同步钩子 并传参 myCar.hooks.accelerate.tap( "LoggerPlugin" , newSpeed => console.log(`Accelerating to ${newSpeed}`)); //绑定一个异步Promise钩子 myCar.hooks.calculateRoutes.tapPromise( "calculateRoutes tapPromise" , (source, target, routesList, callback) => { // return a promise return new Promise((resolve,reject)=>{ setTimeout(()=>{ console.log(`tapPromise to ${source}${target}${routesList}`) resolve(); },1000) }) }); //执行同步钩子 myCar.hooks. break .call(); myCar.hooks.accelerate.call( 'hello' ); console.time( 'cost' ); //执行异步钩子 myCar.hooks.calculateRoutes.promise( 'i' , 'love' , 'tapable' ).then(() => { console.timeEnd( 'cost' ); }, err => { console.error(err); console.timeEnd( 'cost' ); }) |
1 2 3 4 | WarningLampPlugin Accelerating to hello tapPromise to ilovetapable cost: 1003.898ms |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 | myCar.hooks.calculateRoutes.tapAsync( "calculateRoutes tapAsync" , (source, target, routesList, callback) => { // return a promise setTimeout(() => { console.log(`tapAsync to ${source}${target}${routesList}`) callback(); }, 2000) }); myCar.hooks.calculateRoutes.callAsync( 'i' , 'like' , 'tapable' , err => { console.timeEnd( 'cost' ); if (err) console.log(err) }) |
sync* 钩子
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 | // 所有的钩子都继承于Hook class Sync* extends Hook { tapAsync() { // Sync*类型的钩子不支持tapAsync throw new Error( "tapAsync is not supported on a Sync*" ); } tapPromise() { // Sync*类型的钩子不支持tapPromise throw new Error( "tapPromise is not supported on a Sync*" ); } compile(options) { // 编译代码来按照一定的策略执行Plugin factory.setup( this , options); return factory.create(options); } } |
const { SyncHook } = require("tapable"); let queue = new SyncHook(['name']); //所有的构造函数都接收一个可选的参数,这个参数是一个字符串的数组。 // 订阅-》 注册监听函数 queue.tap('1', function (name, name2) {// tap 的第一个参数是用来标识订阅的函数的 console.log(name, name2, 1); return '1' }); queue.tap('2', function (name) { console.log(name, 2); }); queue.tap('3', function (name) { console.log(name, 3); }); // 发布 queue.call('webpack', 'webpack-cli');// 发布的时候触发订阅的函数 同时传入参数 // 执行结果: /* webpack undefined 1 // 传入的参数需要和new实例的时候保持一致,否则获取不到多传的参数 webpack 2 webpack 3 */
new SyncHook(['xx']) 实例化Hook
hook.tap('xxx', () => {}) 注册钩子
hook.call(args) 调用钩子
class SyncHook_MY{ constructor(){ this.hooks = []; } // 订阅 tap(name, fn){ this.hooks.push(fn); } // 发布 call(){ this.hooks.forEach(hook => hook(...arguments)); } }
只要监听函数中有一个函数的返回值不为 null,则跳过剩下所有的逻辑
SyncBailHook为同步串行的执行关系,只要监听函数中有一个函数的返回值不为 null,则跳过剩下所有的逻辑,用法如下:
const { SyncBailHook } = require("tapable"); let queue = new SyncBailHook(['name']); queue.tap('1', function (name) { console.log(name, 1); }); queue.tap('2', function (name) { console.log(name, 2); return 'wrong' }); queue.tap('3', function (name) { console.log(name, 3); }); queue.call('webpack'); // 执行结果: /* webpack 1 webpack 2 */
// 钩子是同步的,bail -> 保险 class SyncBailHook { // args => ["name"] constructor() { this.tasks = []; } tap(name, task) { this.tasks.push(task); } call(...args) { // 当前函数的返回值 let ret; // 当前要先执行第一个 let index = 0; do { ret = this.tasks[index++](...args); } while (ret === undefined && index < this.tasks.length); } }
const { SyncBailHook } = require("tapable"); let queue = new SyncBailHook(['name']); queue.tap('1', function (name) { console.log(name, 1); }); queue.tap('2', function (name) { console.log(name, 2); return 'wrong' }); queue.tap('3', function (name) { console.log(name, 3); }); queue.call('webpack'); // 执行结果: /* webpack 1 webpack 2 */
// 钩子是同步的 class SyncWaterfallHook { // args => ["name"] constructor() { this.tasks = []; } tap(name, task) { this.tasks.push(task); } call(...args) { let [first, ...others] = this.tasks; let ret = first(...args); others.reduce((a, b) => { return b(a); }, ret); } } // 简化版 class SyncBailHook_MY { constructor() { this.hooks = []; } // 订阅 tap(name, fn) { this.hooks.push(fn); } // 发布 call() { for (let i = 0, l = this.hooks.length; i < l; i++) { let hook = this.hooks[i]; let result = hook(...arguments); if (result) { break; } } } }
当监听函数被触发的时候,如果该监听函数返回true时则这个监听函数会反复执行,如果返回 undefined 则表示退出循环
SyncLoopHook为同步循环的执行关系,当监听函数被触发的时候,如果该监听函数返回true时则这个监听函数会反复执行,如果返回 undefined 则表示退出循环,用法如下:
const { SyncWaterfallHook } = require("tapable"); let queue = new SyncWaterfallHook(['name']); // 上一个函数的返回值可以传给下一个函数 queue.tap('1', function (name) { console.log(name, 1); return 1; }); queue.tap('2', function (data) { console.log(data, 2); return 2; }); queue.tap('3', function (data) { console.log(data, 3); }); queue.call('webpack'); // 执行结果: /* webpack 1 1 2 2 3 */
// 钩子是同步的 class SyncLoopHook { // args => ["name"] constructor() { this.tasks = []; } tap(name, task) { this.tasks.push(task); } call(...args) { this.tasks.forEach(task => { let ret; do { ret = task(...args); } while (ret != undefined); }); } }
async* 钩子
异步订阅 | 调用方法 |
tap | callAsync |
tapAsync | callAsync |
tapPromise | promise |
const { AsyncParallelHook } = require("tapable"); let queue1 = new AsyncParallelHook(['name']); console.time('cost'); queue1.tap('1', function (name) { console.log(name, 1); }); queue1.tap('2', function (name) { console.log(name, 2); }); queue1.tap('3', function (name) { console.log(name, 3); }); queue1.callAsync('webpack', err => { console.timeEnd('cost'); }); // 执行结果 /* webpack 1 webpack 2 webpack 3 cost: 4.520ms */
usage - tapAsync
let queue2 = new AsyncParallelHook(['name']); console.time('cost1'); queue2.tapAsync('1', function (name, cb) { setTimeout(() => { console.log(name, 1); cb(); }, 1000); }); queue2.tapAsync('2', function (name, cb) { setTimeout(() => { console.log(name, 2); cb(); }, 2000); }); queue2.tapAsync('3', function (name, cb) { setTimeout(() => { console.log(name, 3); cb(); }, 3000); }); queue2.callAsync('webpack', () => { console.log('over'); console.timeEnd('cost1'); }); // 执行结果 /* webpack 1 webpack 2 webpack 3 over time: 3004.411ms */
usage - promise
let queue3 = new AsyncParallelHook(['name']); console.time('cost3'); queue3.tapPromise('1', function (name, cb) { return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { setTimeout(() => { console.log(name, 1); resolve(); }, 1000); }); }); queue3.tapPromise('1', function (name, cb) { return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { setTimeout(() => { console.log(name, 2); resolve(); }, 2000); }); }); queue3.tapPromise('1', function (name, cb) { return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { setTimeout(() => { console.log(name, 3); resolve(); }, 3000); }); }); queue3.promise('webpack') .then(() => { console.log('over'); console.timeEnd('cost3'); }, () => { console.log('error'); console.timeEnd('cost3'); }); /* webpack 1 webpack 2 webpack 3 over cost3: 3007.925ms */
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 | class SyncParralleHook { constructor() { this .tasks = []; } tapAsync(name, task) { this .tasks.push(task); } callAsync(...args) { // 拿出最终的函数 let finalCallBack = args.pop(); let index = 0; // 类似Promise.all let done = () => { index++; if (index === this .tasks.length) { finalCallBack(); } }; this .tasks.forEach(task => { task(...args, done); }); } } |
只要监听函数的返回值不为 null,就会忽略后面的监听函数执行,直接跳跃到callAsync等触发函数绑定的回调函数,然后执行这个被绑定的回调函数。
usage - tap
let queue1 = new AsyncParallelBailHook(['name']);console.time('cost'); queue1.tap('1', function (name) { console.log(name, 1); }); queue1.tap('2', function (name) { console.log(name, 2); return 'wrong'}); queue1.tap('3', function (name) { console.log(name, 3); }); queue1.callAsync('webpack', err => { console.timeEnd('cost'); });// 执行结果:/* webpack 1 webpack 2 cost: 4.975ms */
usage - tapAsync
let queue2 = new AsyncParallelBailHook(['name']); console.time('cost1'); queue2.tapAsync('1', function (name, cb) { setTimeout(() => { console.log(name, 1); cb(); }, 1000); }); queue2.tapAsync('2', function (name, cb) { setTimeout(() => { console.log(name, 2); return 'wrong';// 最后的回调就不会调用了 cb(); }, 2000); }); queue2.tapAsync('3', function (name, cb) { setTimeout(() => { console.log(name, 3); cb(); }, 3000); }); queue2.callAsync('webpack', () => { console.log('over'); console.timeEnd('cost1'); }); // 执行结果: /* webpack 1 webpack 2 webpack 3 */
usage - promise
let queue3 = new AsyncParallelBailHook(['name']); console.time('cost3'); queue3.tapPromise('1', function (name, cb) { return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { setTimeout(() => { console.log(name, 1); resolve(); }, 1000); }); }); queue3.tapPromise('2', function (name, cb) { return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { setTimeout(() => { console.log(name, 2); reject('wrong');// reject()的参数是一个不为null的参数时,最后的回调就不会再调用了 }, 2000); }); }); queue3.tapPromise('3', function (name, cb) { return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { setTimeout(() => { console.log(name, 3); resolve(); }, 3000); }); }); queue3.promise('webpack') .then(() => { console.log('over'); console.timeEnd('cost3'); }, () => { console.log('error'); console.timeEnd('cost3'); }); // 执行结果: /* webpack 1 webpack 2 error cost3: 2009.970ms webpack 3 */
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 | class SyncSeriesHook { constructor() { this .tasks = []; } tapAsync(name, task) { this .tasks.push(task); } callAsync(...args) { let finalCallback = args.pop(); let index = 0; let next = () => { if ( this .tasks.length === index) return finalCallback(); let task = this .tasks[index++]; task(...args, next); }; next(); } } |
AsyncSeriesWaterfallHook为异步串行的执行关系,上一个监听函数的中的callback(err, data)的第二个参数,可以作为下一个监听函数的参数
usage - tap
const { AsyncSeriesHook } = require("tapable"); // tap let queue1 = new AsyncSeriesHook(['name']); console.time('cost1'); queue1.tap('1', function (name) { console.log(1); return "Wrong"; }); queue1.tap('2', function (name) { console.log(2); }); queue1.tap('3', function (name) { console.log(3); }); queue1.callAsync('zfpx', err => { console.log(err); console.timeEnd('cost1'); }); // 执行结果 /* 1 2 3 undefined cost1: 3.933ms */
usage - tapAsync
let queue2 = new AsyncSeriesHook(['name']); console.time('cost2'); queue2.tapAsync('1', function (name, cb) { setTimeout(() => { console.log(name, 1); cb(); }, 1000); }); queue2.tapAsync('2', function (name, cb) { setTimeout(() => { console.log(name, 2); cb(); }, 2000); }); queue2.tapAsync('3', function (name, cb) { setTimeout(() => { console.log(name, 3); cb(); }, 3000); }); queue2.callAsync('webpack', (err) => { console.log(err); console.log('over'); console.timeEnd('cost2'); }); // 执行结果 /* webpack 1 webpack 2 webpack 3 undefined over cost2: 6019.621ms */
usage - promise
let queue3 = new AsyncSeriesHook(['name']); console.time('cost3'); queue3.tapPromise('1',function(name){ return new Promise(function(resolve){ setTimeout(function(){ console.log(name, 1); resolve(); },1000) }); }); queue3.tapPromise('2',function(name,callback){ return new Promise(function(resolve){ setTimeout(function(){ console.log(name, 2); resolve(); },2000) }); }); queue3.tapPromise('3',function(name,callback){ return new Promise(function(resolve){ setTimeout(function(){ console.log(name, 3); resolve(); },3000) }); }); queue3.promise('webapck').then(err=>{ console.log(err); console.timeEnd('cost3'); }); // 执行结果 /* webapck 1 webapck 2 webapck 3 undefined cost3: 6021.817ms */
class AsyncSeriesHook_MY { constructor() { this.hooks = []; } tapAsync(name, fn) { this.hooks.push(fn); } callAsync() { var slef = this; var args = Array.from(arguments); let done = args.pop(); let idx = 0; function next(err) { // 如果next的参数有值,就直接跳跃到 执行callAsync的回调函数 if (err) return done(err); let fn = slef.hooks[idx++]; fn ? fn(...args, next) : done(); } next(); } }
usage - tap
const { AsyncSeriesBailHook } = require("tapable"); // tap let queue1 = new AsyncSeriesBailHook(['name']); console.time('cost1'); queue1.tap('1', function (name) { console.log(1); return "Wrong"; }); queue1.tap('2', function (name) { console.log(2); }); queue1.tap('3', function (name) { console.log(3); }); queue1.callAsync('webpack', err => { console.log(err); console.timeEnd('cost1'); }); // 执行结果: /* 1 null cost1: 3.979ms */
usage - tapAsync
let queue2 = new AsyncSeriesBailHook(['name']); console.time('cost2'); queue2.tapAsync('1', function (name, callback) { setTimeout(function () { console.log(name, 1); callback(); }, 1000) }); queue2.tapAsync('2', function (name, callback) { setTimeout(function () { console.log(name, 2); callback('wrong'); }, 2000) }); queue2.tapAsync('3', function (name, callback) { setTimeout(function () { console.log(name, 3); callback(); }, 3000) }); queue2.callAsync('webpack', err => { console.log(err); console.log('over'); console.timeEnd('cost2'); }); // 执行结果 /* webpack 1 webpack 2 wrong over cost2: 3014.616ms */
usage - promise
let queue3 = new AsyncSeriesBailHook(['name']); console.time('cost3'); queue3.tapPromise('1', function (name) { return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { setTimeout(function () { console.log(name, 1); resolve(); }, 1000) }); }); queue3.tapPromise('2', function (name, callback) { return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { setTimeout(function () { console.log(name, 2); reject(); }, 2000) }); }); queue3.tapPromise('3', function (name, callback) { return new Promise(function (resolve) { setTimeout(function () { console.log(name, 3); resolve(); }, 3000) }); }); queue3.promise('webpack').then(err => { console.log(err); console.log('over'); console.timeEnd('cost3'); }, err => { console.log(err); console.log('error'); console.timeEnd('cost3'); }); // 执行结果: /* webpack 1 webpack 2 undefined error cost3: 3017.608ms */
上一个监听函数的中的callback(err, data)的第二个参数,可以作为下一个监听函数的参数
usage - tap
const { AsyncSeriesWaterfallHook } = require("tapable"); // tap let queue1 = new AsyncSeriesWaterfallHook(['name']); console.time('cost1'); queue1.tap('1', function (name) { console.log(name, 1); return 'lily' }); queue1.tap('2', function (data) { console.log(2, data); return 'Tom'; }); queue1.tap('3', function (data) { console.log(3, data); }); queue1.callAsync('webpack', err => { console.log(err); console.log('over'); console.timeEnd('cost1'); }); // 执行结果: /* webpack 1 2 'lily' 3 'Tom' null over cost1: 5.525ms */
usage - tapAsync
let queue2 = new AsyncSeriesWaterfallHook(['name']); console.time('cost2'); queue2.tapAsync('1', function (name, callback) { setTimeout(function () { console.log('1: ', name); callback(null, 2); }, 1000) }); queue2.tapAsync('2', function (data, callback) { setTimeout(function () { console.log('2: ', data); callback(null, 3); }, 2000) }); queue2.tapAsync('3', function (data, callback) { setTimeout(function () { console.log('3: ', data); callback(null, 3); }, 3000) }); queue2.callAsync('webpack', err => { console.log(err); console.log('over'); console.timeEnd('cost2'); }); // 执行结果: /* 1: webpack 2: 2 3: 3 null over cost2: 6016.889ms */
usage - promise
let queue3 = new AsyncSeriesWaterfallHook(['name']); console.time('cost3'); queue3.tapPromise('1', function (name) { return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { setTimeout(function () { console.log('1:', name); resolve('1'); }, 1000) }); }); queue3.tapPromise('2', function (data, callback) { return new Promise(function (resolve) { setTimeout(function () { console.log('2:', data); resolve('2'); }, 2000) }); }); queue3.tapPromise('3', function (data, callback) { return new Promise(function (resolve) { setTimeout(function () { console.log('3:', data); resolve('over'); }, 3000) }); }); queue3.promise('webpack').then(err => { console.log(err); console.timeEnd('cost3'); }, err => { console.log(err); console.timeEnd('cost3'); }); // 执行结果: /* 1: webpack 2: 1 3: 2 over cost3: 6016.703ms */
class AsyncSeriesWaterfallHook_MY { constructor() { this.hooks = []; } tapAsync(name, fn) { this.hooks.push(fn); } callAsync() { let self = this; var args = Array.from(arguments); let done = args.pop(); console.log(args); let idx = 0; let result = null; function next(err, data) { if (idx >= self.hooks.length) return done(); if (err) { return done(err); } let fn = self.hooks[idx++]; if (idx == 1) { fn(...args, next); } else { fn(data, next); } } next(); } }
webpack插件机制之Tapable https://juejin.cn/post/6844903774645911566
干货!撸一个webpack插件(内含tapable详解+webpack流程) https://juejin.cn/post/6844903713312604173
webpack详解 https://juejin.cn/post/6844903573675835400
webpack4.0源码分析之Tapable https://juejin.cn/post/6844903588112629767
Webpack 源码(一)—— Tapable 和 事件流 https://segmentfault.com/a/1190000008060440
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