MySQL高可用复制管理工具 —— Orchestrator使用
在上一篇「MySQL高可用复制管理工具 —— Orchestrator介绍」中大致介绍了Orchestrator的功能、配置和部署,当然最详细的说明可以查阅官方文档。本文开始对Orchestrator的各方面进行测试和说明。
三台服务器 1:MySQL实例(3306是orch的后端数据库,3307是MySQL主从架构「开启GTID」) Master : Slave : Slave : 2:hosts(etc/hosts): test1 test2 test3
change master to master_host='',master_port=3307,master_user='rep',master_password='rep',master_auto_position=1,MASTER_HEARTBEAT_PERIOD=2,MASTER_CONNECT_RETRY=1, MASTER_RETRY_COUNT=86400;
set global slave_net_timeout=8;
master_heartbeat_period:复制心跳的周期。默认是slave_net_timeout的一半。Master在没有数据的时候,每master_heartbeat_period秒发送一个心跳包,这样 Slave 就能知道 Master 是不是还正常。
slave_net_timeout是设置在多久没收到数据后认为网络超时,之后 Slave 的 IO 线程会重新连接 Master 。结合这两个设置就可以避免由于网络问题导致的复制延误。master_heartbeat_period 单位是秒,可以是个带上小数,如 10.5,最高精度为 1 毫秒。
备库过了slave-net-timeout秒还没有收到主库来的数据,它就会开始第一次重试。然后每过 master-connect-retry 秒,备库会再次尝试重连主库。直到重试了 master-retry-count 次,它才会放弃重试。如果重试的过程中,连上了主库,那么它认为当前主库是好的,又会开始 slave-net-timeout 秒的等待。 slave-net-timeout 的默认值是 60 秒, master-connect-retry 默认为 60 秒, master-retry-count 默认为 86400 次。也就是说,如果主库一分钟都没有任何数据变更发送过来,备库才会尝试重连主库。
> CREATE TABLE `cluster` ( `anchor` tinyint(4) NOT NULL, `cluster_name` varchar(128) CHARACTER SET ascii NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `cluster_domain` varchar(128) CHARACTER SET ascii NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `data_center` varchar(128) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`anchor`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 >select * from cluster; +--------+--------------+----------------+-------------+ | anchor | cluster_name | cluster_domain | data_center | +--------+--------------+----------------+-------------+ | 1 | test | CaoCao | BJ | +--------+--------------+----------------+-------------+
./orchestrator --config=/etc/orchestrator.conf.json http
1. 部分可修改的参数(点击Web上需要被修改实例的任意图标):
Instance Alias :实例别名
Last seen : 最后检测时间
Self coordinates :自身的binlog位点信息
Num replicas :有几个从库
Server ID : MySQL server_id
Version : 版本
Read only : 是否只读
Has binary logs :是否开启binlog
Binlog format :binlog 模式
Logs slave updates :是否开启log_slave_updates
GTID supported :是否支持GTID
GTID based replication :是否是基于GTID的复制
GTID mode :复制是否开启了GTID
Executed GTID set :复制中执行过的GTID列表
Uptime :启动时间
Allow TLS :是否开启TLS
Cluster :集群别名
Audit :审计实例
Agent :Agent实例
说明:上面图中,后面有按钮的都是可以在Web上进行修改的功能,如:是否只读,是否开启GTID的复制等。其中Begin Downtime 会将实例标记为已停用,此时如果发生Failover,该实例不会参与。
2. 任意改变主从的拓扑结构:可以直接在图上拖动变更复制,会自动恢复拓扑关系:
3. 主库挂了之后自动Failover,如:
4. Orchestrator高可用。因为在一开始就已经部署了3台,通过配置文件里的Raft参数进行通信。只要有2个节点的Orchestrator正常,就不会影响使用,如果出现2个节点的Orchestrator异常,则Failover会失败。2个节点异常的图如下:
① 所有更改都必须通过leader。
② 在启用raft模式上禁止使用orchestrator客户端。
③ 在启用raft模式上使用orchestrator-client,orchestrator-client可以安装在没有orchestrator上的服务器。
④ 单个orchestrator节点的故障不会影响orchestrator的可用性。在3节点设置上,最多一个服务器可能会失败。在5节点设置上,2个节点可能会失败。
⑤ Orchestrator节点异常关闭,然后再启动。它将重新加入Raft组,并接收遗漏的任何事件,只要有足够的Raft记录。
⑥ 要加入比日志保留允许的更长/更远的orchestrator节点或者数据库完全为空的节点,需要从另一个活动节点克隆后端DB。
5. Web上各个按钮的功能说明
③:Cluster下的Failure analysis:查看故障分析以及包括记录的故障类型列表。
⑤:Audit下的Failure detection:故障检测信息,包含历史信息。
第3行:Compact display,紧凑展示。
第4行:Pool indicator,池指示器。
第5行:Colorize DC,每个数据中心用不同颜色展示。
Smart mode:自动选择迁移模式,让Orch自己选择迁移模式。
Classic mode:经典迁移模式,通过binlog和position进行迁移。
GTID mode:GTID迁移模式。
Pseudo GTID mode:伪GTID迁移模式。
到此,Orchestrator的基本测试和Web说明已经介绍完毕。和MHA比已经有很大的体验提升,不仅在Web进行部分参数的设置修改,还可以改变复制拓扑,最重要的是解决MHA Manager单点的问题。还有什么理由不替换MHA呢?:)
1. 检测流程
① orchestrator利用复制拓扑,先检查主本身,并观察其slaves。
② 如果orchestrator本身连不上主,可以连上该主的从,则通过从去检测,若在从上也看不到主(IO Thread)「2次检查」,判断Master宕机。
检测发生故障后并不都会进行自动恢复,比如:禁止全局恢复、设置了shutdown time、上次恢复离本次恢复时间在RecoveryPeriodBlockSeconds设置的时间内、失败类型不被认为值得恢复等。检测与恢复无关,但始终启用。 每次检测都会执行OnFailureDetectionProcesses Hooks。
{ "FailureDetectionPeriodBlockMinutes": 60, } Hooks相关参数: { "OnFailureDetectionProcesses": [ "echo 'Detected {failureType} on {failureCluster}. Affected replicas: {countReplicas}' >> /tmp/recovery.log" ], } MySQL复制相关调整: slave_net_timeout MASTER_CONNECT_RETRY
2. 恢复流程
{ "RecoveryPeriodBlockSeconds": 3600, "RecoveryIgnoreHostnameFilters": [], "RecoverMasterClusterFilters": [ "thiscluster", "thatcluster" ], "RecoverMasterClusterFilters": ["*"], "RecoverIntermediateMasterClusterFilters": [ "*" ], } { "ApplyMySQLPromotionAfterMasterFailover": true, "PreventCrossDataCenterMasterFailover": false, "FailMasterPromotionIfSQLThreadNotUpToDate": true, "MasterFailoverLostInstancesDowntimeMinutes": 10, "DetachLostReplicasAfterMasterFailover": true, } Hooks: { "PreGracefulTakeoverProcesses": [ "echo 'Planned takeover about to take place on {failureCluster}. Master will switch to read_only' >> /tmp/recovery.log" ], "PreFailoverProcesses": [ "echo 'Will recover from {failureType} on {failureCluster}' >> /tmp/recovery.log" ], "PostFailoverProcesses": [ "echo '(for all types) Recovered from {failureType} on {failureCluster}. Failed: {failedHost}:{failedPort}; Successor: {successorHost}:{successorPort}' >> /tmp/recovery.log" ], "PostUnsuccessfulFailoverProcesses": [], "PostMasterFailoverProcesses": [ "echo 'Recovered from {failureType} on {failureCluster}. Failed: {failedHost}: {failedPort}; Promoted: {successorHost}:{successorPort}' >> /tmp/recovery.log" ], "PostIntermediateMasterFailoverProcesses": [], "PostGracefulTakeoverProcesses": [ "echo 'Planned takeover complete' >> /tmp/recovery.log" ], }
具体的参数含义请参考「MySQL高可用复制管理工具 —— Orchestrator介绍」。在执行故障检测和恢复的时候都可以执行外部自定义脚本(hooks),来配合使用(VIP、Proxy、DNS)。
prefer --比较喜欢 neutral --中立(默认) prefer_not --比较不喜欢 must_not --拒绝

"OnFailureDetectionProcesses": [ #检测故障时执行 "echo '② Detected {failureType} on {failureCluster}. Affected replicas: {countSlaves}' >> /tmp/recovery.log" ], "PreGracefulTakeoverProcesses": [ #在主变为只读之前立即执行 "echo '① Planned takeover about to take place on {failureCluster}. Master will switch to read_only' >> /tmp/recovery.log" ], "PreFailoverProcesses": [ #在执行恢复操作之前立即执行 "echo '③ Will recover from {failureType} on {failureCluster}' >> /tmp/recovery.log" ], "PostMasterFailoverProcesses": [ #在主恢复成功结束时执行 "echo '④ Recovered from {failureType} on {failureCluster}. Failed: {failedHost}:{failedPort}; Promoted: {successorHost}:{successorPort}' >> /tmp/recovery.log" ], "PostFailoverProcesses": [ #在任何成功恢复结束时执行 "echo '⑤ (for all types) Recovered from {failureType} on {failureCluster}. Failed: {failedHost}:{failedPort}; Successor: {successorHost}:{successorPort}' >> /tmp/recovery.log" ], "PostUnsuccessfulFailoverProcesses": [ #在任何不成功的恢复结束时执行 "echo '⑧ >> /tmp/recovery.log'" ], "PostIntermediateMasterFailoverProcesses": [ #在成功的中间主恢复结束时执行 "echo '⑥ Recovered from {failureType} on {failureCluster}. Failed: {failedHost}:{failedPort}; Successor: {successorHost}:{successorPort}' >> /tmp/recovery.log" ], "PostGracefulTakeoverProcesses": [ #在旧主位于新晋升的主之后执行 "echo '⑦ Planned takeover complete' >> /tmp/recovery.log" ],
主库宕机,自动Failover ② Detected UnreachableMaster on test1:3307. Affected replicas: 2 ② Detected DeadMaster on test1:3307. Affected replicas: 2 ③ Will recover from DeadMaster on test1:3307 ④ Recovered from DeadMaster on test1:3307. Failed: test1:3307; Promoted: test2:3307 ⑤ (for all types) Recovered from DeadMaster on test1:3307. Failed: test1:3307; Successor: test2:3307 优雅的主从切换:test2:3307优雅的切换到test1:3307,切换之后需要手动执行start slave orchestrator-client -c graceful-master-takeover -a test2:3307 -d test1:3307 ① Planned takeover about to take place on test2:3307. Master will switch to read_only ② Detected DeadMaster on test2:3307. Affected replicas: 1 ③ Will recover from DeadMaster on test2:3307 ④ Recovered from DeadMaster on test2:3307. Failed: test2:3307; Promoted: test1:3307 ⑤ (for all types) Recovered from DeadMaster on test2:3307. Failed: test2:3307; Successor: test1:3307 ⑦ Planned takeover complete 手动恢复,当从库进入停机或则维护模式,此时主库宕机,不会自动Failover,需要手动执行恢复,指定死掉的主实例: orchestrator-client -c recover -i test1:3307 ② Detected UnreachableMaster on test1:3307. Affected replicas: 2 ② Detected DeadMaster on test1:3307. Affected replicas: 2 ③ Will recover from DeadMaster on test1:3307 ④ Recovered from DeadMaster on test1:3307. Failed: test1:3307; Promoted: test2:3307 ⑤ (for all types) Recovered from DeadMaster on test1:3307. Failed: test1:3307; Successor: test2:3307 手动强制恢复,不管任何情况,都进行恢复: orchestrator-client -c force-master-failover -i test2:3307 ② Detected DeadMaster on test2:3307. Affected replicas: 2 ③ Will recover from DeadMaster on test2:3307 ② Detected AllMasterSlavesNotReplicating on test2:3307. Affected replicas: 2 ④ Recovered from DeadMaster on test2:3307. Failed: test2:3307; Promoted: test1:3307 ⑤ (for all types) Recovered from DeadMaster on test2:3307. Failed: test2:3307; Successor: test1:3307
1. Orchestrator首先需要确认本身高可用的后端数据库是用单个MySQL,MySQL复制还是本身的Raft。
2. 运行发现服务(web、orchestrator-client)
orchestrator-client -c discover -i
3. 确定提升规则(某些服务器更适合被提升)
orchestrator -c register-candidate -i ${::fqdn} --promotion-rule ${promotion_rule}
4. 如果服务器出现问题,将在Web界面上的问题下拉列表中显示。使用Downtiming则不会在问题列表里显示,并且也不会进行恢复,处于维护模式。
orchestrator -c begin-downtime -i ${::fqdn} --duration=5m --owner=cron --reason=continuous_downtime" 也可以用API: curl -s "http://my.orchestrator.service:80/api/begin-downtime/my.hostname/3306/wallace/experimenting+failover/45m"
5. 伪GTID,如果MySQL没有开启GTID,则可以开启伪GTID实现类似GTID的功能。
6. 保存元数据,元数据大部分通过参数的query来获取,比如在自的表cluster里获取集群的别名(DetectClusterAliasQuery)、数据中心(DetectDataCenterQuery)、域名(DetectClusterDomainQuery)等,以及复制的延迟(pt-heartbeat)、是否半同步(DetectSemiSyncEnforcedQuery)。以及可以通过正则匹配:DataCenterPattern、PhysicalEnvironmentPattern等。
7. 可以给实例打标签。
通过help来看下有哪些可以执行的命令:./orchestrator-client --help,命令的说明可以看手册说明。

Usage: orchestrator-client -c <command> [flags...] Example: orchestrator-client -c which-master -i some.replica Options: -h, --help print this help -c <command>, --command <command> indicate the operation to perform (see listing below) -a <alias>, --alias <alias> cluster alias -o <owner>, --owner <owner> name of owner for downtime/maintenance commands -r <reason>, --reason <reason> reason for downtime/maintenance operation -u <duration>, --duration <duration> duration for downtime/maintenance operations -R <promotion rule>, --promotion-rule <promotion rule> rule for 'register-candidate' command -U <orchestrator_api>, --api <orchestrator_api> override $orchestrator_api environemtn variable, indicate where the client should connect to. -P <api path>, --path <api path> With '-c api', indicate the specific API path you wish to call -b <username:password>, --auth <username:password> Specify when orchestrator uses basic HTTP auth. -q <query>, --query <query> Indicate query for 'restart-replica-statements' command -l <pool name>, --pool <pool name> pool name for pool related commands -H <hostname> -h <hostname> indicate host for resolve and raft operations help Show available commands which-api Output the HTTP API to be used api Invoke any API request; provide --path argument async-discover Lookup an instance, investigate it asynchronously. Useful for bulk loads discover Lookup an instance, investigate it forget Forget about an instance's existence forget-cluster Forget about a cluster topology Show an ascii-graph of a replication topology, given a member of that topology topology-tabulated Show an ascii-graph of a replication topology, given a member of that topology, in tabulated format clusters List all clusters known to orchestrator clusters-alias List all clusters known to orchestrator search Search for instances matching given substring instance"|"which-instance Output the fully-qualified hostname:port representation of the given instance, or error if unknown which-master Output the fully-qualified hostname:port representation of a given instance's master which-replicas Output the fully-qualified hostname:port list of replicas of a given instance which-broken-replicas Output the fully-qualified hostname:port list of broken replicas of a given instance which-cluster-instances Output the list of instances participating in same cluster as given instance which-cluster Output the name of the cluster an instance belongs to, or error if unknown to orchestrator which-cluster-master Output the name of a writable master in given cluster all-clusters-masters List of writeable masters, one per cluster all-instances The complete list of known instances which-cluster-osc-replicas Output a list of replicas in a cluster, that could serve as a pt-online-schema-change operation control replicas which-cluster-osc-running-replicas Output a list of healthy, replicating replicas in a cluster, that could serve as a pt-online-schema-change operation control replicas downtimed List all downtimed instances dominant-dc Name the data center where most masters are found submit-masters-to-kv-stores Submit a cluster's master, or all clusters' masters to KV stores relocate Relocate a replica beneath another instance relocate-replicas Relocates all or part of the replicas of a given instance under another instance match Matches a replica beneath another (destination) instance using Pseudo-GTID match-up Transport the replica one level up the hierarchy, making it child of its grandparent, using Pseudo-GTID match-up-replicas Matches replicas of the given instance one level up the topology, making them siblings of given instance, using Pseudo-GTID move-up Move a replica one level up the topology move-below Moves a replica beneath its sibling. Both replicas must be actively replicating from same master. move-equivalent Moves a replica beneath another server, based on previously recorded "equivalence coordinates" move-up-replicas Moves replicas of the given instance one level up the topology make-co-master Create a master-master replication. Given instance is a replica which replicates directly from a master. take-master Turn an instance into a master of its own master; essentially switch the two. move-gtid Move a replica beneath another instance via GTID move-replicas-gtid Moves all replicas of a given instance under another (destination) instance using GTID repoint Make the given instance replicate from another instance without changing the binglog coordinates. Use with care repoint-replicas Repoint all replicas of given instance to replicate back from the instance. Use with care take-siblings Turn all siblings of a replica into its sub-replicas. tags List tags for a given instance tag-value List tags for a given instance tag Add a tag to a given instance. Tag in "tagname" or "tagname=tagvalue" format untag Remove a tag from an instance untag-all Remove a tag from all matching instances tagged List instances tagged by tag-string. Format: "tagname" or "tagname=tagvalue" or comma separated "tag0,tag1=val1,tag2" for intersection of all. submit-pool-instances Submit a pool name with a list of instances in that pool which-heuristic-cluster-pool-instances List instances of a given cluster which are in either any pool or in a specific pool begin-downtime Mark an instance as downtimed end-downtime Indicate an instance is no longer downtimed begin-maintenance Request a maintenance lock on an instance end-maintenance Remove maintenance lock from an instance register-candidate Indicate the promotion rule for a given instance register-hostname-unresolve Assigns the given instance a virtual (aka "unresolved") name deregister-hostname-unresolve Explicitly deregister/dosassociate a hostname with an "unresolved" name stop-replica Issue a STOP SLAVE on an instance stop-replica-nice Issue a STOP SLAVE on an instance, make effort to stop such that SQL thread is in sync with IO thread (ie all relay logs consumed) start-replica Issue a START SLAVE on an instance restart-replica Issue STOP and START SLAVE on an instance reset-replica Issues a RESET SLAVE command; use with care detach-replica Stops replication and modifies binlog position into an impossible yet reversible value. reattach-replica Undo a detach-replica operation detach-replica-master-host Stops replication and modifies Master_Host into an impossible yet reversible value. reattach-replica-master-host Undo a detach-replica-master-host operation skip-query Skip a single statement on a replica; either when running with GTID or without gtid-errant-reset-master Remove errant GTID transactions by way of RESET MASTER gtid-errant-inject-empty Apply errant GTID as empty transactions on cluster's master enable-semi-sync-master Enable semi-sync (master-side) disable-semi-sync-master Disable semi-sync (master-side) enable-semi-sync-replica Enable semi-sync (replica-side) disable-semi-sync-replica Disable semi-sync (replica-side) restart-replica-statements Given `-q "<query>"` that requires replication restart to apply, wrap query with stop/start slave statements as required to restore instance to same replication state. Print out set of statements can-replicate-from Check if an instance can potentially replicate from another, according to replication rules can-replicate-from-gtid Check if an instance can potentially replicate from another, according to replication rules and assuming Oracle GTID is-replicating Check if an instance is replicating at this time (both SQL and IO threads running) is-replication-stopped Check if both SQL and IO threads state are both strictly stopped. set-read-only Turn an instance read-only, via SET GLOBAL read_only := 1 set-writeable Turn an instance writeable, via SET GLOBAL read_only := 0 flush-binary-logs Flush binary logs on an instance last-pseudo-gtid Dump last injected Pseudo-GTID entry on a server recover Do auto-recovery given a dead instance, assuming orchestrator agrees there's a problem. Override blocking. graceful-master-takeover Gracefully promote a new master. Either indicate identity of new master via '-d' or setup replication tree to have a single direct replica to the master. force-master-failover Forcibly discard master and initiate a failover, even if orchestrator doesn't see a problem. This command lets orchestrator choose the replacement master force-master-takeover Forcibly discard master and promote another (direct child) instance instead, even if everything is running well ack-cluster-recoveries Acknowledge recoveries for a given cluster; this unblocks pending future recoveries ack-all-recoveries Acknowledge all recoveries disable-global-recoveries Disallow orchestrator from performing recoveries globally enable-global-recoveries Allow orchestrator to perform recoveries globally check-global-recoveries Show the global recovery configuration replication-analysis Request an analysis of potential crash incidents in all known topologies raft-leader Get identify of raft leader, assuming raft setup raft-health Whether node is part of a healthy raft group raft-leader-hostname Get hostname of raft leader, assuming raft setup raft-elect-leader Request raft re-elections, provide hint for new leader's identity
export ORCHESTRATOR_API="test1:3000/api test2:3000/api test3:3000/api"
1. 列出所有集群:clusters
# orchestrator-client -c clusters test2:3307
# orchestrator-client -c clusters-alias test2:3307,test
2. 发现指定实例:discover/async-discover
# orchestrator-client -c discover -i test1:3307 test1:3307
# orchestrator-client -c async-discover -i test1:3307 :null
3. 忘记指定对象:forget/forget-cluster
# orchestrator-client -c forget -i test1:3307
# orchestrator-client -c forget-cluster -i test
4. 打印指定集群的拓扑:topology/topology-tabulated
# orchestrator-client -c topology -i test1:3307 test2:3307 [0s,ok,5.7.25-0ubuntu0.16.04.2-log,rw,ROW,>>,GTID] + test1:3307 [0s,ok,5.7.25-0ubuntu0.16.04.2-log,ro,ROW,>>,GTID] + test3:3307 [0s,ok,5.7.25-log,ro,ROW,>>,GTID]
# orchestrator-client -c topology-tabulated -i test1:3307 test2:3307 |0s|ok|5.7.25-0ubuntu0.16.04.2-log|rw|ROW|>>,GTID + test1:3307|0s|ok|5.7.25-0ubuntu0.16.04.2-log|ro|ROW|>>,GTID + test3:3307|0s|ok|5.7.25-log |ro|ROW|>>,GTID
5. 查看使用哪个API:自己会选择出leader。which-api
# orchestrator-client -c which-api test3:3000/api
也可以通过 查看。
6. 调用api请求,需要和 -path 参数一起:api..-path
# orchestrator-client -c api -path clusters [ "test2:3307" ] # orchestrator-client -c api -path leader-check "OK" # orchestrator-client -c api -path status { "Code": "OK", "Message": "Application node is healthy"...}
7. 搜索实例:search
# orchestrator-client -c search -i test test2:3307 test1:3307 test3:3307
8. 打印指定实例的主库:which-master
# orchestrator-client -c which-master -i test1:3307 test2:3307 # orchestrator-client -c which-master -i test3:3307 test2:3307 # orchestrator-client -c which-master -i test2:3307 #自己本身是主库 :0
9. 打印指定实例的从库:which-replicas
# orchestrator-client -c which-replicas -i test2:3307 test1:3307 test3:3307
10. 打印指定实例的实例名:which-instance
# orchestrator-client -c instance -i test1:3307 test1:3307
11. 打印指定主实例从库异常的列表:which-broken-replicas,模拟test3的复制异常:
# orchestrator-client -c which-broken-replicas -i test2:3307 test3:3307
12. 给出一个实例或则集群别名,打印出该实例所在集群下的所有其他实例。which-cluster-instances
# orchestrator-client -c which-cluster-instances -i test test1:3307 test2:3307 test3:3307 root@test1:~# orchestrator-client -c which-cluster-instances -i test1:3307 test1:3307 test2:3307 test3:3307
13. 给出一个实例,打印该实的集群名称:默认是hostname:port。which-cluster
# orchestrator-client -c which-cluster -i test1:3307 test2:3307# orchestrator-client -c which-cluster -i test2:3307 test2:3307# orchestrator-client -c which-cluster -i test3:3307 test2:3307
14. 打印出指定实例/集群名或则所有所在集群的可写实例,:which-cluster-master
# orchestrator-client -c which-cluster-master -i test2:3307 test2:3307 # orchestrator-client -c which-cluster-master -i test test2:3307
# orchestrator-client -c all-clusters-masters test1:3307
15. 打印出所有实例:all-instances
# orchestrator-client -c all-instances test2:3307 test1:3307 test3:3307
16. 打印出集群中可以作为pt-online-schema-change操作的副本列表:which-cluster-osc-replicas
~# orchestrator-client -c which-cluster-osc-replicas -i test test1:3307 test3:3307 root@test1:~# orchestrator-client -c which-cluster-osc-replicas -i test2:3307 test1:3307 test3:3307
17. 打印出集群中可以作为pt-online-schema-change可以操作的健康的副本列表:which-cluster-osc-running-replicas
# orchestrator-client -c which-cluster-osc-running-replicas -i test test1:3307 test3:3307 # orchestrator-client -c which-cluster-osc-running-replicas -i test1:3307 test1:3307 test3:3307
18. 打印出所有在维护(downtimed)的实例:downtimed
# orchestrator-client -c downtimed test1:3307 test3:3307
19. 打印出进群中主的数据中心:dominant-dc
# orchestrator-client -c dominant-dc
20. 将集群的主提交到KV存储。submit-masters-to-kv-stores
# orchestrator-client -c submit-masters-to-kv-stores mysql/master/test:test2:3307 mysql/master/test/hostname:test2 mysql/master/test/port:3307 mysql/master/test/ipv4: mysql/master/test/ipv6:
21. 迁移从库到另一个实例上:relocate
# orchestrator-client -c relocate -i test3:3307 -d test1:3307 #迁移test3:3307作为test1:3307的从库 test3:3307<test1:3307 查看 # orchestrator-client -c topology -i test2:3307 test2:3307 [0s,ok,5.7.25-0ubuntu0.16.04.2-log,rw,ROW,>>,GTID] + test1:3307 [0s,ok,5.7.25-0ubuntu0.16.04.2-log,ro,ROW,>>,GTID] + test3:3307 [0s,ok,5.7.25-log,ro,ROW,>>,GTID]
22. 迁移一个实例的所有从库到另一个实例上:relocate-replicas
# orchestrator-client -c relocate-replicas -i test1:3307 -d test2:3307 #迁移test1:3307下的所有从库到test2:3307下,并列出被迁移的从库的实例名 test3:3307
23. 将slave在拓扑上向上移动一级,对应web上的是在Classic Model下进行拖动:move-up
# orchestrator-client -c move-up -i test3:3307 -d test2:3307 test3:3307<test2:3307
结构从 test2:3307 -> test1:3307 -> test3:3307 变成 test2:3307 -> test1:3307
-> test3:3307
24. 将slave在拓扑上向下移动一级(移到同级的下面),对应web上的是在Classic Model下进行拖动:move-below
# orchestrator-client -c move-below -i test3:3307 -d test1:3307 test3:3307<test1:3307
结构从 test2:3307 -> test1:3307 变成 test2:3307 -> test1:3307 -> test3:3307
-> test3:3307
25. 将给定实例的所有从库在拓扑上向上移动一级,基于Classic Model模式:move-up-replicas
# orchestrator-client -c move-up-replicas -i test1:3307
结构从 test2:3307 -> test1:3307 -> test3:3307 变成 test2:3307 -> test1:3307
-> test3:3307
26. 创建主主复制,将给定实例直接和当前主库做成主主复制:make-co-master
# orchestrator-client -c make-co-master -i test1:3307 test1:3307<test2:3307
# orchestrator-client -c take-master -i test3:3307 test3:3307<test2:3307
结构从 test2:3307 -> test1:3307 -> test3:3307 变成 test2:3307 -> test3:3307 -> test1:3307
28. 通过GTID移动副本,move-gtid:
# orchestrator-client -c move-gtid -i test3:3307 -d test1:3307 parse error: Invalid numeric literal at line 1, column 9 parse error: Invalid numeric literal at line 1, column 9 parse error: Invalid numeric literal at line 1, column 9
# orchestrator -c move-gtid -i test3:3307 -d test2:3307 --ignore-raft-setup test3:3307<test2:3307
# orchestrator-client -c move-replicas-gtid -i test3:3307 -d test1:3307 jq: error (at <stdin>:1): Cannot index string with string "Key"
# ./orchestrator -c move-replicas-gtid -i test2:3307 -d test1:3307 --ignore-raft-setup test3:3307
30. 将给定实例的同级slave,变更成他的slave,take-siblings
# orchestrator-client -c take-siblings -i test3:3307 test3:3307<test1:3307
结构从 test1:3307 -> test2:3307 变成 test1:3307 -> test3:3307 -> test2:3307
-> test3:3307
31. 给指定实例打上标签,tag
# orchestrator-client -c tag -i test1:3307 --tag 'name=AAA' test1:3307
32. 列出指定实例的标签,tags:
# orchestrator-client -c tags -i test1:3307 name=AAA
33. 列出给定实例的标签值:tag-value
# orchestrator-client -c tag-value -i test1:3307 --tag "name" AAA
34. 移除指定实例上的标签:untag
# orchestrator-client -c untag -i test1:3307 --tag "name=AAA" test1:3307
35. 列出打过某个标签的实例,tagged:
# orchestrator-client -c tagged -t name test3:3307 test1:3307 test2:3307
36. 标记指定实例进入停用模式,包括时间、操作人、和原因,begin-downtime:
# orchestrator-client -c begin-downtime -i test1:3307 -duration=10m -owner=zjy -reason 'test' test1:3307
37. 移除指定实例的停用模式,end--downtime:
# orchestrator-client -c end-downtime -i test1:3307 test1:3307
38. 请求指定实例上的维护锁:拓扑更改需要将锁放在最小受影响的实例上,以避免在同一个实例上发生两个不协调的操作,begin-maintenance :
# orchestrator-client -c begin-maintenance -i test1:3307 --reason "XXX" test1:3307
39. 移除指定实例上的维护锁:end-maintenance
# orchestrator-client -c end-maintenance -i test1:3307 test1:3307
40. 设置提升规则,恢复时可以指定一个实例进行提升:register-candidate:需要和promotion-rule一起使用
# orchestrator-client -c register-candidate -i test3:3307 --promotion-rule prefer test3:3307
41. 指定实例执行停止复制:
普通的:stop slave:stop-replica
# orchestrator-client -c stop-replica -i test2:3307 test2:3307
应用完relay log,在stop slave:stop-replica-nice
# orchestrator-client -c stop-replica-nice -i test2:3307 test2:3307
42.指定实例执行开启复制: start-replica
# orchestrator-client -c start-replica -i test2:3307 test2:3307
43. 指定实例执行复制重启:restart-replica
# orchestrator-client -c restart-replica -i test2:3307 test2:3307
# orchestrator-client -c reset-replica -i test2:3307 test2:3307
45.分离副本:非GTID修改binlog position,detach-replica :
# orchestrator-client -c detach-replica -i test2:3307
# orchestrator-client -c reattach-replica -i test2:3307
47.分离副本:注释master_host来分离,detach-replica-master-host :如Master_Host: //test1
# orchestrator-client -c detach-replica-master-host -i test2:3307 test2:3307
48. 恢复副本:reattach-replica-master-host
# orchestrator-client -c reattach-replica-master-host -i test2:3307 test2:3307
49. 跳过SQL线程的Query,如主键冲突,支持在GTID和非GTID下:skip-query
# orchestrator-client -c skip-query -i test2:3307 test2:3307
50. 将错误的GTID事务当做空事务应用副本的主上:gtid-errant-inject-empty「web上的fix」
# orchestrator-client -c gtid-errant-inject-empty -i test2:3307 test2:3307
51. 通过RESET MASTER删除错误的GTID事务:gtid-errant-reset-master
# orchestrator-client -c gtid-errant-reset-master -i test2:3307 test2:3307
52. 设置半同步相关的参数:
orchestrator-client -c $variable -i test1:3307
enable-semi-sync-master 主上执行开启半同步 disable-semi-sync-master 主上执行关闭半同步 enable-semi-sync-replica 从上执行开启半同步 disable-semi-sync-replica 从上执行关闭半同步
53. 执行需要stop/start slave配合的SQL:restart-replica-statements
# orchestrator-client -c restart-replica-statements -i test3:3307 -query "change master to auto_position=1" | jq .[] -r stop slave io_thread; stop slave sql_thread; change master to auto_position=1; start slave sql_thread; start slave io_thread; # orchestrator-client -c restart-replica-statements -i test3:3307 -query "change master to master_auto_position=1" | jq .[] -r | mysql -urep -p -htest3 -P3307 Enter password:
# orchestrator-client -c can-replicate-from -i test3:3307 -d test1:3307 test1:3307
# orchestrator-client -c can-replicate-from-gtid -i test3:3307 -d test1:3307 test1:3307
55. 检查指定实例是否在复制:is-replicating
#有返回在复制 # orchestrator-client -c is-replicating -i test2:3307 test2:3307 #没有返回,不在复制 # orchestrator-client -c is-replicating -i test1:3307
# orchestrator-client -c is-replicating -i test2:3307
57.将指定实例设置为只读,通过SET GLOBAL read_only=1,set-read-only:
# orchestrator-client -c set-read-only -i test2:3307 test2:3307
58.将指定实例设置为读写,通过SET GLOBAL read_only=0,set-writeable
# orchestrator-client -c set-writeable -i test2:3307 test2:3307
59. 轮询指定实例的binary log,flush-binary-logs
# orchestrator-client -c flush-binary-logs -i test1:3307 test1:3307
60. 手动执行恢复,指定一个死机的实例,recover:
# orchestrator-client -c recover -i test2:3307 test3:3307
test1:3307 -> test2:3307 -> test3:3307(downtimed) 当test2:3307死掉之后,此时test3:3307处于停机状态,不会进行Failover,执行后变成
test1:3307 -> test2:3307
-> test3:3307
61. 优雅的进行主和指定从切换,graceful-master-takeover:
# orchestrator-client -c graceful-master-takeover -a test1:3307 -d test2:3307 test2:3307
结构从test1:3307 -> test2:3307 变成 test2:3307 -> test1:3307。新主指定变成读写,新从变成只读,还需要手动start slave。
"ReplicationCredentialsQuery":"SELECT repl_user, repl_pass from meta.cluster where anchor=1"
62. 手动强制执行恢复,即使orch没有发现问题,force-master-failover:转移之后老主独立,需要手动加入到集群。
# orchestrator-client -c force-master-failover -i test1:3307 test3:3307
# orchestrator-client -c force-master-takeover -i test1:3307 -d test2:3307 test2:3307
64. 确认集群恢复理由,在web上的Audit->Recovery->Acknowledged 按钮确认,/ack-all-recoveries
# orchestrator-client -c ack-cluster-recoveries -i test2:3307 -reason='' test1:3307
# orchestrator-client -c ack-all-recoveries -reason='OOOPPP' eason=XYZ
# orchestrator-client -c check-global-recoveries
# orchestrator-client -c disable-global-recoveries
# orchestrator-client -c enable-global-recoveries
66. 检查分析复制拓扑中存在的问题:replication-analysis
# orchestrator-client -c replication-analysis test1:3307 (cluster test1:3307): ErrantGTIDStructureWarning
67. raft检测:leader查看、健康监测、迁移leader:
查看leader节点 # orchestrator-client -c raft-leader 健康监测 # orchestrator-client -c raft-health healthy leader 主机名 # orchestrator-client -c raft-leader-hostname test1 指定主机选举leader # orchestrator-client -c raft-elect-leader -hostname test3 test3
match #使用Pseudo-GTID指定一个从匹配到指定的另一个(目标)实例下 match-up #Transport the replica one level up the hierarchy, making it child of its grandparent, using Pseudo-GTID match-up-replicas #Matches replicas of the given instance one level up the topology, making them siblings of given instance, using Pseudo-GTID last-pseudo-gtid #Dump last injected Pseudo-GTID entry on a server
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