色拉英语第2集第5幕:Do you speak English
一、情景对话: Hey , are you two free on Saturday? 嗨,你们俩星期六有空吗? Yeah! What do you have in mind? 是的,怎么了? I’d like to take you to …我想带你们去。。。 ….take us to dinner? ….带我们去吃晚餐? Cool! I really enjoyed that bug pizza we had last time! 酷! 我喜欢我们上次吃的虫子披萨! No, no! 不,不! I want to take you to study a foreign language! . 阅读全文
posted @ 2011-02-26 17:52 周 金根 阅读(1385) 评论(4) 推荐(1) 编辑