色拉英语第3集第1幕: you flatter me

flatter 过分夸赞, 奉承, 阿谀, 使高兴, 使满意  
MY , don’t you look smart today! 你今天看上去真帅!
Really? Why thank you ! 是吗?哎呀,谢谢!
I don’t remember you telling me that before! 过去我可从没听说过!
Oh, I’ve always thought you were beautiful! 哦!我一直认为你很漂亮!
That new home of yours is really gorgeous adj.华丽的, 灿烂的! 你的新房子真是漂
Really? Oh, you flatter me! 是吗?你在恭维我!
You are such a sweet-talker! 你的嘴真甜!
Congratulations on your new home! 恭喜你有了个新家!
Why, thank you very much! 哎呀,非常感谢!
Smart 漂亮的/remember 记起,想起/gorgeous 美丽的,豪华的/sweet-talker
油嘴滑舌的人/congratulations 祝贺/
You look …. 你看上去…
MY, don’t you look smart today! 哎呀,你今天看上去真帅!
You look marvellous! 你看上去很棒!
You look so beautiful! 你看上去真漂亮!
You look handsome tonight! 你今天晚上看上去真英俊!
I don’t remember…. 我不记得 …..
I don’t remember you telling me that before. 我不记得你告诉过我.
I don’t remember where I put my notebook. 我不记得把笔记本放哪里了.
I don’t remember this street. 我不记得这条路.
I’ve always thought…. 我一直认为….
Oh, I’ve always thought you were beautiful! 我一直认为你很漂亮!
I’ve always thought you are the best! 我一直认为你是最好的!
I’ve always thought he was boring. 我一直认为他很无聊.
I’ve always thought football is the most exciting sport. 我一直认为足球是最激动人
That new home of yours is really gorgeous! 你的新房子真是漂亮极了!
You flatter me! 你在恭维我!
Really? Oh, you flatter me! You are such a sweet-talker! 是吗? 你在恭维我! 你的
Your new hair do looks terrific! 你的新发型看起来太棒了! Oh , you flatter me ! 哦,
You look marvellous in that new dress! 这件新衣服你穿起来太棒了!
Really? You flatter me! 真的吗? 你在恭维我!
Congratulations on your new home! 恭喜你有了个新家!
Why 哎呀
Why, that’s the strangest thing I’ve ever seen. 哎呀, 这是我见过最奇怪的事!
Why, it’s beautiful today! 哎呀,今天天气真好!
Why, that’s ridiculous! 哎呀! 这太荒唐了!


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posted on 2011-03-07 17:24  周 金根  阅读(1415)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
