

 "You don’t overcome challenges by making them smaller but by making yourself bigger." —John C. Maxwell

  This is my map of personal development blogs.  It’s organized for fast scanning.  Where possible, I listed the blog owner because I find that behind every great well of wisdom, is somebody making it happen.

  When I think of personal development, I think of hacks, skills, principles, patterns, and practices for improving mind, body, emotions, career, financial, relationships, and fun.  I distinguish personal development from self-help although there can be overlap.  I have a developer background so I tend to prefer personal development blogs that take more of a “design” or “engineer” approach (e.g. “you by design,” “life by design,” or “architect of life.”).  I also tend to prefer personal development blogs that are more holistic or integrated that include mind, body, emotions, and spirit, unless I’m looking for a focused niche.  In that case, I tend to like a lot of insight and depth on that specific topic.

It’s a living map, so let me know any great personal development blogs that I’ve missed.  I’ll be adding it to my Lists page from my sidebar.  It’s my way of making it easier to hop around the Web to find insight and action for work and life.

My Short List of Personal Development Blogs

  1. John Maxwell on Leadership
  2. Steve Pavlina
  3. The Blog of Timothy Ferris
  4. Think Simple Now, by Tina Su
  5. Zen Habits, by Leo Babauta

A – Z Personal Development Blogs

  1. 2 Achieve Your Goals, by Dia Thabet
  2. A Beautiful Ripple Effect, by Carolyn Rubenstien
  3. A Daring Adventure, by Tim Brownson
  4. A Flourishing Life, by Gail Brenner
  5. A Meaningful Existence, by Karen Ruby
  6. Abundance Tapestry, by Evelyn Lim
  7. Advanced Life Skills, by Jonathan Wells
  8. Adversity University, by Stephen Hopson
  9. Always Well Within, by Sandra Lee
  10. Alex Shalman
  11. Avani Mehta
  12. Brite Talk, by Andrea DeBell
  13. Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life, by Steven Aitchison
  14. Delightful Work, by Tom Volkar
  15. Diary 4 Life, by Paul Worsick
  16. Discovering Purpose, by Ayo Olaniyan
  17. Dragos Roua
  18. Dumb Little Man
  19. Entrepreneur’s Journey, Yaro Stark
  20. Experience Life Fully, by Adrienne
  21. Get in the Hot Spot, by Annabel Candy
  22. Get More from Life
  23. Goodlife Zen, by Mary Jaksch
  24. Graceful Balance, by Emma
  25. Grow with Stacy
  26. GTD Times
  27. How To Change the World, by Guy Kawasaki
  28. Huslters Notebook, by Jk
  29. Illumintated Mind
  30. Improved Confidence, by Kate Irwin
  31. Inspiring Shipments, by Ivana Sendecka
  32. Jane Be Nimble, by Lori Franklin
  33. John Maxwell on Leadership
  34. Learn This, by Mike King
  35. Less Ordinary Living, by Phil Bolton
  36. Lifehacker
  37. Life Optimizer, by Donald Latumahina
  38. Litemind, by Luciano Passuello
  39. Lionslinger, by Walter
  40. Live Bold and Bloom, by Barrie Davenport
  41. Living Authentically, by Evan Hadkins
  42. Marc and Angel Hack Life
  43. Make It Happen, by Arvind Devalia
  44. Mind Adventure, by Rob White
  45. Mind Hacks, by Vaughan Bell and Tom Stafford
  46. Mr. Self Development
  47. Naked in Eden Blog, by Robin Easton
  48. On Simplicity
  49. People Skills Decoded, by Eduard Ezeanu
  50. Personal Success Factors, by Stephen Borgman
  51. Pick the Brain
  52. Practice This, by Alik Levin
  53. Productive Flourishing
  54. Prolific Living, by Farnoosh
  55. Raptitude.com, by David Cain
  56. Schaefer’s Blog, by Cameron Schaefer
  57. Scott H. Young
  58. Self-Improvement Saga, by Nea
  59. Serene Journey, by Sherri
  60. Seth Godin
  61. Sid Savara
  62. Simona Rich’s Self Improvement Blog
  63. Stepcase Lifehack
  64. Steve Pavlina
  65. Sources of Insight, by J.D. Meier
  66. The Alternaview, by Sibyl
  67. The Art of Change, by Dr. K
  68. The Blog of Timothy Ferris
  69. The Bold Life, by Tess Marshall
  70. The Drop Out Kid, by Jonathan Figaro
  71. The Emotion Machine, by Steven
  72. The Happiness Project, by Gretchen Rubin
  73. The Jungle of Life, by Lance Ekum
  74. The Personal Excellence blog, by Celes Chua
  75. The Positivity Blog
  76. The Power of Choice, by Amit Sodha
  77. The Rat Race Trap, by Stephen Mills
  78. Think Simple Now, by Tina Su
  79. Timeless Information, by Armen Shirvanian
  80. Urban Monk
  81. Work Awesome
  82. Work Consciously, by Chris Edgar
  83. Work Happy Now, by Karl Staib
  84. You Simplified
  85. Zen Habits, by Leo Babauta

Additional Lists of Personal Development Blogs

  1. Alltop Personal Achievement Category: http://personal-achievement.alltop.com/
  2. PostRank Personal Development Topic: http://www.postrank.com/topic/Personal%20Development
  3. BlogRank Lifehack blogs: http://www.invesp.com/blog-rank/Lifehacks






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posted on 2010-12-12 14:05  周 金根  阅读(1195)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
