色拉英语第2集第5幕:Do you speak English

Hey , are you two free on Saturday? 嗨,你们俩星期六有空吗?
Yeah! What do you have in mind? 是的,怎么了?
I’d like to take you to …我想带你们去。。。
….take us to dinner? ….带我们去吃晚餐?
Cool! I really enjoyed that bug pizza we had last time! 酷! 我喜欢我们
No, no! 不,不!
I  want to take you to study a foreign language! 我想带你们去学外语!
Study a foreign language? 学外语?
Sure! 对
Wouldn’t it be great to speak another language? 能说外语很棒,不是
It would be so useful! 外语真的很有用!
It would ? 是吗?
Yeah, just think how much fun it would be sing in another language! 当
Really? Okay! 真的吗?好吧!
Yeah, let’s try it! 好吧,让我们试试!
All right then, repeat after me!  好了,跟我读!
Free 空闲的/pizza 比萨饼/foreign language 外语/useful 有用的
/repeat 重复/
1.Are you free? 你有空吗?  
Hey, are you two free on Saturday? 嗨,你们星期六有空吗?
Are you free tonight? 今天晚上你有空吗?
Are you free after work? 下班后你有空吗?
Are you free for dinner? 你有空吃晚饭吗?
2.I’d like to … 我想去...
I’d like to see a movie this weekend. 这个周末我想去看场电影.
I’d like to visit the Shanghai Grand Theatre. 我想去参观上海大剧院.
I’d like to have a cup of coffee. 我想去喝一杯咖啡. Cool! I really enjoyed that bug-pizza we had last time! 酷!我喜欢我们
Study a foreign language? 学外语?
Wouldn’t it be great to…? ….  那不是很好吗?
Wouldn’t it be great to speak another language? 能说外语那不是很好
Wouldn’t it be great to go swimming on such a hot day? 天这么热去游
Wouldn’t it be great to have a party tonight? 今天晚上举行个聚会不是
Wouldn’t it be great to learn something new? 学点新东西不时很好吗?
Think how much fun it would be …! 想想该多有趣啊!  
Yeah, just think how much fun it would be to sing in another language!
Think how much fun it would be to visit Australia! 想想去澳大利亚该
Think how much fun it would be to walk along the beach! 想想在海边
Have something /somebody in mind 想着某人/某事
We need a new cook.我们需要一个新厨师.I have someone in mind. 我
Really ? 真的吗?
I’ve got two brothers and a sister.   我有两个哥哥,一个姐姐.Really ?
Let’s try it!   让我们试试看!
Have you ever eaten cheese before? 你以前吃过奶酷吗?  No , let’s
try it! 没有,让我们试试.


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posted on 2011-02-26 17:52  周 金根  阅读(1363)  评论(4编辑  收藏  举报
