


Bird 1:---Hey, how are you guys doing? 嘿,你们好!


Bird 234:---Fine , how are you.


Bird 2:Im really bored.真无聊.Im leaving.我要回家了.See you around!待会儿见!


Bird 34:---Ok, see you later!  好啊,待会儿见!Bye! 再见!


Bird 4:---Sorry , I have to go now. I have a class this evening..抱歉,我现在得走了晚上我得上课.


Bird 2:---See you tomorrow. 明天见!So long! 再见!


Bird 1:--Take care! 保重!


Bird 2:---Its its getting late.天越来越晚了.Im afraid I have to go now. 我恐怕...我得走了.


Bird 1:--Good night! Sweet dreams! 晚安! 做个好梦!








1.     hey, How are you guys doing?嗨,你们好!


2.     -Im really bored, Im leaving.我真是无聊,我得走了


3.     see you later.  呆会再见


See you  tomorrow.明天见。see you nest Monday下周一见。see you next week下周见


4.      Sorry, I have to go now, I have a class this evening.抱歉我现在得走了,晚上我得上课。


5.     its getting天变得……


its getting late。天越来越晚了its getting darker,天变黑了.


Its getting too hot。天太热了


6.     Im afraid 恐怕……


       I‘m afraid I have to go now.–Good night


       I m afraid you are going in the wrong direction我恐怕你走错方向了。


       Im afraid I m not free tonight。恐怕今晚我没空


       Im afraid I cant go with you.恐怕我不能和你去了




  1.see you around  再见


  2.so long. 再见


  3.take care.再见,保重


  4.good night 晚安


  5. sweet dreams做个好梦


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posted on 2011-01-20 23:38  周 金根  阅读(1179)  评论(1编辑  收藏  举报
