
Is Kevin home ?


Bird 1:---I’m bored. Is there any way I can have fun?

Bird 2:----Easy, Just watch! Is Kevin home?----Is Kevin home?


Boy:---- Is Kevin home?

Man:-----He’s not in .


Fun 快乐,娱乐/home/easy/way方法,方式/watch/

三、Im bored, Is there any way we can have some fun?真无聊,你有什么好方法让我们开开心?

1.Is there any way .? 有没有什么办法…..?

Is there any way we can have some fun?有没有什么办法能让我们开开心?

Is there any way we can get there in ten minutes?有没有什么办法能让我们在十分钟内到哪儿?

Is there any way you can leave work early tonight?有没有什么办法能让你今晚早点下班?

Is there any way I can help you?有没有什么办法我能帮助你?

2.Is Kaven home?凯文在家吗?

Coming 来了

Is your fater in?你爸爸在吗?

Is Tom around?汤姆在吗?be around来访

Is anyone there?有人在吗?

Hes not in!他不在家.

3.Im so bored.真无聊.

No friends,no TV. I am so bored.没有朋友,没有电视,真无聊.

4.Just watch!看我的!

Ill show you how to do it,just watch!看我的,我会告诉你怎么做的!

5.Sweet dreams! 做个好梦!


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posted on 2011-01-20 23:33  周 金根  阅读(1055)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
