PowerDesigner 注释 名称【转】


Option   Explicit 
ValidationMode = True
InteractiveMode = im_Batch

Dim mdl ' the current model

' get the current active model
Set mdl = ActiveModel
If (mdl Is Nothing) Then
MsgBox "There is no current Model "
ElseIf Not mdl.IsKindOf(PdPDM.cls_Model) Then
MsgBox "The current model is not an Physical Data model. "
ProcessFolder mdl
End If

' This routine copy name into comment for each table, each column and each view
of the current folder
Private sub ProcessFolder(folder)
Dim Tab 'running table
for each Tab in folder.tables
if not tab.isShortcut then
tab.comment = tab.name
Dim col ' running column
for each col in tab.columns
col.comment= col.name
end if

Dim view 'running view
for each view in folder.Views
if not view.isShortcut then
view.comment = view.name
end if

' go into the sub-packages
Dim f ' running folder
For Each f In folder.Packages
if not f.IsShortcut then
ProcessFolder f
end if
end sub



Option   Explicit 
ValidationMode = True
InteractiveMode = im_Batch

Dim mdl ' the current model

' get the current active model
Set mdl = ActiveModel
If (mdl Is Nothing) Then
MsgBox "There is no current Model "
ElseIf Not mdl.IsKindOf(PdPDM.cls_Model) Then
MsgBox "The current model is not an Physical Data model. "
ProcessFolder mdl
End If

Private sub ProcessFolder(folder)
On Error Resume Next
Dim Tab 'running table
for each Tab in folder.tables
if not tab.isShortcut then
tab.name = tab.comment
Dim col ' running column
for each col in tab.columns
if col.comment="" then
col.name= col.comment
end if
end if

Dim view 'running view
for each view in folder.Views
if not view.isShortcut then
view.name = view.comment
end if

' go into the sub-packages
Dim f ' running folder
For Each f In folder.Packages
if not f.IsShortcut then
ProcessFolder f
end if
end sub



posted @ 2012-03-09 13:50  随风ˇ止步  阅读(452)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报