android屏幕 单位转换


 1 public static float applyDimension(int unit, float value,
 2                                    DisplayMetrics metrics)
 3 {
 4     switch (unit) {
 5     case COMPLEX_UNIT_PX:
 6         return value;
 7     case COMPLEX_UNIT_DIP:
 8         return value * metrics.density;
 9     case COMPLEX_UNIT_SP:
10         return value * metrics.scaledDensity;
11     case COMPLEX_UNIT_PT:
12         return value * metrics.xdpi * (1.0f/72);
13     case COMPLEX_UNIT_IN:
14         return value * metrics.xdpi;
15     case COMPLEX_UNIT_MM:
16         return value * metrics.xdpi * (1.0f/25.4f);
17     }
18     return 0;
19 }

public static float applyDimension (int unit, float value, DisplayMetrics metrics)

Converts an unpacked complex data value holding a dimension to its final floating point value. The two parameters unit and value are as in TYPE_DIMENSION.

unit The unit to convert from.
value The value to apply the unit to.
metrics Current display metrics to use in the conversion -- supplies display density and scaling information.
  • The complex floating point value multiplied by the appropriate metrics depending on its unit. 



 1 /**
 2  * Android大小单位转换工具类
 3  * 
 4  * @author wader
 5  * 
 6  */
 7 public class DisplayUtil {
 8  /**
 9   * 将px值转换为dip或dp值,保证尺寸大小不变
10   * 
11   * @param pxValue
12   * @param scale(DisplayMetrics类中属性density)
13   * @return
14   */
15  public static int px2dip(float pxValue, float scale) {
16   return (int) (pxValue / scale + 0.5f);
17  }
19  /**
20   * 将dip或dp值转换为px值,保证尺寸大小不变
21   * 
22   * @param dipValue
23   * @param scale(DisplayMetrics类中属性density)
24   * @return
25   */
26  public static int dip2px(float dipValue, float scale) {
27   return (int) (dipValue * scale + 0.5f);
28  }
30  /**
31   * 将px值转换为sp值,保证文字大小不变
32   * 
33   * @param pxValue
34   * @param fontScale(DisplayMetrics类中属性scaledDensity)
35   * @return
36   */
37  public static int px2sp(float pxValue, float fontScale) {
38   return (int) (pxValue / fontScale + 0.5f);
39  }
41  /**
42   * 将sp值转换为px值,保证文字大小不变
43   * 
44   * @param spValue
45   * @param fontScale(DisplayMetrics类中属性scaledDensity)
46   * @return
47   */
48  public static int sp2px(float spValue, float fontScale) {
49   return (int) (spValue * fontScale + 0.5f);
50  }
51 }





posted @ 2012-10-20 11:06  狂热与执着  阅读(597)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报