--创建测试数据表. create table tb(id int,name varchar(10),parentid int) insert tb select 1,'aaaa' ,0 union all select 2,'bbbb' ,0 union all select 3,'cccc' ,0 union all select 4,'aaaa-1' ,1 union all select 5,'aaaa-2' ,1 union all select 6,'bbbb-1' ,2 union all select 7,'cccc-1' ,3 union all select 8,'cccc-2' ,3 union all select 9,'aaaa-1-1',4 union all select 10,'cccc-2-1',8 union all select 11,'cccc-2-2',8 union all select 12,'aaaa-1-2',4 go --创建表值函数(对原函数做了修改,增加了前缀) alter function dbo. f_id() returns @re table(id int,parentid int,level int,sid varchar(8000),pre1 varchar(2),pre2 varchar(2)) as begin declare @l int set @l=0 insert @re select id,parentid,@l,right(10000+id,4),'','' from tb where parentid=0 while @@rowcount>0 begin set @l=@l+1 insert @re select a.id,a.parentid,@l,b.sid+','+right(10000+a.id,4),'','' from tb a,@re b where a.parentid=b.id and b.level=@l-1 end update a set pre2= case when a.level>1 then case id when (select convert(int,right(max(sid),4)) from @re where parentid=a.parentid and level=a.level) then '└' else '├' end else case id when (select convert(int,right(max(sid),4)) from @re where level=a.level) then '└' else '├' end END from @re a where a.level>0 update a set pre1= CASE when parentid=(select convert(int,right(max(sid),4)) from @re where level=a.level-1) then '' else '│' END from @re a where a.level>1 RETURN END --返回结果集. select [带标记的name]=case when b.[level]=0 then a.name when b.[level]=1 then pre2+replicate('-',4)+a.name else b.pre1+replicate('',(b.level-1)*4)+b.pre2+replicate('-',4)+a.name end,a.name,a.id from tb a,f_id() b where a.id=b.id order by b.sid
/*结果:带缩进的name name id
-------------------- ---------- -----------
aaaa aaaa 1
├----aaaa-1 aaaa-1 4
│├----aaaa-1-1 aaaa-1-1 9
│└----aaaa-1-2 aaaa-1-2 12
├----aaaa-2 aaaa-2 5
bbbb bbbb 2
├----bbbb-1 bbbb-1 6
cccc cccc 3
├----cccc-1 cccc-1 7
└----cccc-2 cccc-2 8
├----cccc-2-1 cccc-2-1 10
└----cccc-2-2 cccc-2-2 11