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Choosing Gtk# or Glade#

Gtk# looks like Windows Forms and Controls, and Glade# is more like WPF, it can define the widgets in a xml file,  and load it into the application.

The Gtk# "Hello world"  application.

 using System;
using Gtk;
public class GtkHelloWorld {
public static void Main() {
//Create the Window
     Window myWin = new Window("My first GTK# Application! ");
//Create a label and put some text in it.     
     Label myLabel = new Label();
= "Hello World!!!!";
//Add the label to the form     
//Show Everything     

 compile it with command:

mcs -pkg:gtk-sharp-2.0 helloword.cs


 To use a glade file:

// file: glade.cs
using System;
using Gtk;
using Glade;
public class GladeApp
public static void Main (string[] args)
new GladeApp (args);
public GladeApp (string[] args) 
                Glade.XML gxml 
= new Glade.XML (null"gui.glade""window1"null);
                gxml.Autoconnect (

 compile it with command:

mcs -pkg:glade-sharp-2.0 -resource:gui.glade glade.cs

 use -resource:gui.glade option to make it as embedded resource. Or just leave it in the file system,

and use the following code to load it.

Glade.XML gxml = new Glade.XML ("./gui.glade""window1"null);

 add private member, then they can be used in the program, and can add event handler to catch widget events. 

Button button1;
Label label1;

+= OnPressButtonEvent;
public void OnPressButtonEvent( object  o, EventArgs e)
"Button press");

 or add the widget events in the glade designer, and add the handler code with the same method name:

void on_button1_clicked(object o, EventArgs e)
posted on 2009-07-10 14:45  瑞雪年  阅读(898)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报