
As long as there is only a single implementation of the interface and that implementation is annotated with @Component with Spring’s component scan enabled, Spring framework can find out the (interface, implementation) pair. If component scan is not enabled, then you have to define the bean explicitly in your application-config.xml (or equivalent spring configuration file). 
如果Spring配置了component scan,并且要注入的接口只有一个实现的话,那么spring框架可以自动将interface于实现组装起来。如果没有配置component scan,那么你必须在application-config.xml(或等同的配置文件)定义这个bean。

Once you have more than one implementation, then you need to qualify each of them and during auto-wiring, you would need to use the @Qualifier annotation to inject the right implementation, along with @Autowired annotation. If you are using @Resource (J2EE semantics), then you should specify the bean name using the name attribute of this annotation. 

posted on 2019-10-30 10:40  四海骄阳  阅读(5891)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
