

数据结构 java 整理

都是取之于JDK源码或者 apache、 google jar 包源码 


     * Reverses the order of the elements in the specified list.<p>
     * This method runs in linear time.
     * @param  list the list whose elements are to be reversed.
     * @throws UnsupportedOperationException if the specified list or
     *         its list-iterator does not support the <tt>set</tt> method.
    public static void reverse(List<?> list) {
        int size = list.size();
        if (size < REVERSE_THRESHOLD || list instanceof RandomAccess) {
            for (int i=0, mid=size>>1, j=size-1; i<mid; i++, j--)
                swap(list, i, j);
        } else {
            ListIterator fwd = list.listIterator();
            ListIterator rev = list.listIterator(size);
            for (int i=0, mid=list.size()>>1; i<mid; i++) {
                Object tmp = fwd.next();
     * Randomly permutes the specified list using a default source of
     * randomness.  All permutations occur with approximately equal
     * likelihood.<p>
     * The hedge "approximately" is used in the foregoing description because
     * default source of randomness is only approximately an unbiased source
     * of independently chosen bits. If it were a perfect source of randomly
     * chosen bits, then the algorithm would choose permutations with perfect
     * uniformity.<p>
     * This implementation traverses the list backwards, from the last element
     * up to the second, repeatedly swapping a randomly selected element into
     * the "current position".  Elements are randomly selected from the
     * portion of the list that runs from the first element to the current
     * position, inclusive.<p>
     * This method runs in linear time.  If the specified list does not
     * implement the {@link RandomAccess} interface and is large, this
     * implementation dumps the specified list into an array before shuffling
     * it, and dumps the shuffled array back into the list.  This avoids the
     * quadratic behavior that would result from shuffling a "sequential
     * access" list in place.
     * @param  list the list to be shuffled.
     * @throws UnsupportedOperationException if the specified list or
     *         its list-iterator does not support the <tt>set</tt> method.
    public static void shuffle(List<?> list) {
        shuffle(list, r);
    private static Random r = new Random();
     * Randomly permute the specified list using the specified source of
     * randomness.  All permutations occur with equal likelihood
     * assuming that the source of randomness is fair.<p>
     * This implementation traverses the list backwards, from the last element
     * up to the second, repeatedly swapping a randomly selected element into
     * the "current position".  Elements are randomly selected from the
     * portion of the list that runs from the first element to the current
     * position, inclusive.<p>
     * This method runs in linear time.  If the specified list does not
     * implement the {@link RandomAccess} interface and is large, this
     * implementation dumps the specified list into an array before shuffling
     * it, and dumps the shuffled array back into the list.  This avoids the
     * quadratic behavior that would result from shuffling a "sequential
     * access" list in place.
     * @param  list the list to be shuffled.
     * @param  rnd the source of randomness to use to shuffle the list.
     * @throws UnsupportedOperationException if the specified list or its
     *         list-iterator does not support the <tt>set</tt> operation.
    public static void shuffle(List<?> list, Random rnd) {
        int size = list.size();
        if (size < SHUFFLE_THRESHOLD || list instanceof RandomAccess) {
            for (int i=size; i>1; i--)
                swap(list, i-1, rnd.nextInt(i));
        } else {
            Object arr[] = list.toArray();
            // Shuffle array
            for (int i=size; i>1; i--)
                swap(arr, i-1, rnd.nextInt(i));
            // Dump array back into list
            ListIterator it = list.listIterator();
            for (int i=0; i<arr.length; i++) {
     * Swaps the elements at the specified positions in the specified list.
     * (If the specified positions are equal, invoking this method leaves
     * the list unchanged.)
     * @param list The list in which to swap elements.
     * @param i the index of one element to be swapped.
     * @param j the index of the other element to be swapped.
     * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if either <tt>i</tt> or <tt>j</tt>
     *         is out of range (i &lt; 0 || i &gt;= list.size()
     *         || j &lt; 0 || j &gt;= list.size()).
     * @since 1.4
    public static void swap(List<?> list, int i, int j) {
        final List l = list;
        l.set(i, l.set(j, l.get(i)));
     * Swaps the two specified elements in the specified array.
    private static void swap(Object[] arr, int i, int j) {
        Object tmp = arr[i];
        arr[i] = arr[j];
        arr[j] = tmp;
.. 待续

posted on 2011-08-15 12:37  zhizhesky  阅读(264)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报