一: 采样方法
1. 随机重采样(random oversampling):
2. 随机欠采样(random oversampling):
3. Synthetic Sampling with Data Generation
4. Adaptive Synthetic Sampling
Adaptive Synthetic Sampling是一种修正方法,他试图增加小样本中和大类样本比较相近的样本sampling。
二 代价学习方法
[1] He H, Garcia E A. Learning from imbalanced data[J]. Knowledge and Data Engineering, IEEE Transactions on, 2009, 21(9): 1263-1284.
[2] https://github.com/fmfn/UnbalancedDataset(2014/12/07 @phunter_lau分享的一个模块)
附上Adaptive Synthetic Sampling源码:
- '''''
- Created on 2014/03/09
- @author: dylan
- '''
- from sklearn.neighbors import NearestNeighbors
- import numpy as np
- import random
- def get_class_count(y, minorityclasslabel = 1):
- minorityclasslabel_count = len(np.where(y == minorityclasslabel)[0])
- maxclasslabel_count = len(np.where(y == (1 - minorityclasslabel))[0])
- return maxclasslabel_count, minorityclasslabel_count
- # @param: X The datapoints e.g.: [f1, f2, ... ,fn]
- # @param: y the classlabels e.g: [0,1,1,1,0,...,Cn]
- # @param ms: The amount of samples in the minority group
- # @param ml: The amount of samples in the majority group
- # @return: the G value, which indicates how many samples should be generated in total, this can be tuned with beta
- def getG(ml, ms, beta):
- return (ml-ms)*beta
- # @param: X The datapoints e.g.: [f1, f2, ... ,fn]
- # @param: y the classlabels e.g: [0,1,1,1,0,...,Cn]
- # @param: minorityclass: The minority class
- # @param: K: The amount of neighbours for Knn
- # @return: rlist: List of r values
- def getRis(X,y,indicesMinority,minorityclasslabel,K):
- ymin = np.array(y)[indicesMinority]
- Xmin = np.array(X)[indicesMinority]
- neigh = NearestNeighbors(n_neighbors= K)
- neigh.fit(X)
- rlist = [0]*len(ymin)
- normalizedrlist = [0]*len(ymin)
- for i in xrange(len(ymin)):
- indices = neigh.kneighbors(Xmin[i],K,False)[0]
- # print'y[indices] == (1 - minorityclasslabel):'
- # print y[indices]
- # print len(np.where(y[indices] == ( 1- minorityclasslabel))[0])
- rlist[i] = len(np.where(y[indices] == ( 1- minorityclasslabel))[0])/(K + 0.0)
- normConst = sum(rlist)
- for j in xrange(len(rlist)):
- normalizedrlist[j] = (rlist[j]/normConst)
- return normalizedrlist
- def get_indicesMinority(y, minorityclasslabel = 1):
- y_new = []
- for i in range(len(y)):
- if y[i] == 1:
- y_new.append(1)
- else:
- y_new.append(0)
- y_new = np.asarray(y_new)
- indicesMinority = np.where(y_new == minorityclasslabel)[0]
- return indicesMinority, y_new
- def generateSamples(X, y, minorityclasslabel = 1, K =5,beta = 0.3):
- syntheticdata_X = []
- syntheticdata_y = []
- indicesMinority, y_new = get_indicesMinority(y)
- ymin = y[indicesMinority]
- Xmin = X[indicesMinority]
- rlist = getRis(X, y_new, indicesMinority, minorityclasslabel, K)
- ml, ms = get_class_count(y_new)
- G = getG(ml,ms, beta = beta)
- neigh = NearestNeighbors(n_neighbors=K)
- neigh.fit(Xmin)
- for k in xrange(len(ymin)):
- g = int(np.round(rlist[k]*G))
- neighb_indx = neigh.kneighbors(Xmin[k],K,False)[0]
- for l in xrange(g):
- ind = random.choice(neighb_indx)
- s = Xmin[k] + (Xmin[ind]-Xmin[k]) * random.random()
- syntheticdata_X.append(s)
- syntheticdata_y.append(ymin[k])
- print 'asyn, raw X size:',X.shape
- X = np.vstack((X,np.asarray(syntheticdata_X)))
- y = np.hstack((y,syntheticdata_y))
- print 'asyn, post X size:',X.shape
- return X , y