
Unity3D组件手册翻译-Physics Components翻译(圣典发布留底)

摘要: 以下为本人用于圣典发布的翻译原稿。Physics Components物理组件Unity has NVIDIA PhysXphysics engine built-in. This allows for unique emergent behaviour and is generally very cool.Unity具有内置的NVIDIA PhysX物理引擎。提供独一无二的真实般的行为,一般来说很酷。Basics基础To put an object under physics control, simply add a Rigidbodyto it. When you do this, th 阅读全文

posted @ 2011-10-20 21:57 士心弘毅 阅读(1131) 评论(0) 推荐(0) 编辑

Unity3D组件手册-Box Collider翻译(圣典翻译留底)

摘要: 以下为本人翻译用于圣典发布的留存稿。Box ColliderThe Box Collideris a basic cube-shaped collision primitive.盒碰撞器盒碰撞器是一个基本的方形碰撞原型A pile of Box Colliders一堆盒碰撞器Properties属性Material材质Reference to the Physic Materialthat determines how this Collider interacts with others.引用何种物理材质决定了他和其他对象如何作用。Is Trigger是否触发器If enabled, thi 阅读全文

posted @ 2011-10-20 21:51 士心弘毅 阅读(4886) 评论(0) 推荐(0) 编辑
