
  • IDM破解版百度网盘:
    https://pan.baidu.com/s/1O7lwRrfa2WrD5fZ5ZNMM2g 提取码: p9a2 解决弹窗问题:https://blog.csdn.net/s_daqing/article/details/100108827
  • 百度网盘直链获取脚本:
// ==UserScript==
// @name              百度网盘直链下载助手
// @namespace         https://github.com/syhyz1990/baiduyun
// @version           2.9.8
// @icon              https://www.baiduyun.wiki/48x48.png
// @description       【百度网盘直链下载助手】是一款免客户端获取百度网盘文件真实下载地址的油猴插件,支持Windows,Mac,Linux,Android等多平台,可使用IDM,XDown等多线程加速工具加速下载,告别下载限速问题。
// @author            syhyz1990
// @license           MIT
// @supportURL        https://github.com/syhyz1990/baiduyun
// @match             *://pan.baidu.com/disk/home*
// @match             *://yun.baidu.com/disk/home*
// @match             *://pan.baidu.com/s/*
// @match             *://yun.baidu.com/s/*
// @match             *://pan.baidu.com/share/*
// @match             *://yun.baidu.com/share/*
// @require           https://cdn.bootcss.com/jquery/1.12.4/jquery.min.js
// @require           https://cdn.bootcss.com/sweetalert/2.1.2/sweetalert.min.js
// @connect           baidu.com
// @connect           baidupcs.com
// @run-at            document-idle
// @grant             unsafeWindow
// @grant             GM_xmlhttpRequest
// @grant             GM_setClipboard
// @grant             GM_setValue
// @grant             GM_getValue
// @grant             GM_deleteValue
// @grant             GM_openInTab
// @grant             GM_registerMenuCommand
// @grant             GM_unregisterMenuCommand
// ==/UserScript==

"use strict";
var _typeof = "function" == typeof Symbol && "symbol" == typeof Symbol.iterator ? function (e) {
    return typeof e;
} : function (e) {
    return e && "function" == typeof Symbol && e.constructor === Symbol && e !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof e;
!function () {
    function e(e, t, i) {
        e = e || "", t = t || "", i = i || "", console.group("[百度网盘直链下载助手]"), console.log(e, t, i), console.groupEnd();

    function t(e, t) {
        var i = localStorage.getItem("baiduyunPlugin_BDUSS") ? localStorage.getItem("baiduyunPlugin_BDUSS") : '{"baiduyunPlugin_BDUSS":""}',
            n = JSON.parse(i).BDUSS;
        return n ? 'aria2c "' + e + '" --out "' + t + '" --header "User-Agent: ' + w + '" --header "Cookie: BDUSS=' + n + '"' : (swal({
            title: "提示",
            text: "请先安装【网盘万能助手】",
            buttons: {confirm: {text: "安装", value: "confirm"}}
        }).then(function (e) {
            "confirm" === e && (location.href = "https://www.baiduyun.wiki/zh-cn/assistant.html");
        }), "请先安装网盘万能助手,安装后请重启浏览器!!!");

    function i(e) {
        return e ? e.replace(/&/g, "&") : "";

    function n() {
        function t() {
            Q = j(), W = L(), Z = U(), ee = l(), le = V(), "all" == le && (re = N()), "category" == le && (ce = O()), "search" == le && (ue = D()), a(), i(), n();

        function i() {
            "all" == le ? ie = P() : "category" == le ? ie = F() : "search" == le && (ie = z());

        function n() {
            ne = [];

        function a() {
            de = d();

        function d() {
            return $("." + h.list).is(":hidden") ? "grid" : "list";

        function s() {
            c(), p(), m(), y(), k();

        function c() {
            window.addEventListener("hashchange", function (e) {
                a(), "all" == V() ? le == V() ? re != N() && (re = N(), i(), n()) : (le = V(), re = N(), i(), n()) : "category" == V() ? le == V() ? ce != O() && (le = V(), ce = O(), i(), n()) : (le = V(), ce = O(), i(), n()) : "search" == V() && (le == V() ? ue != D() && (le = V(), ue = D(), i(), n()) : (le = V(), ue = D(), i(), n()));

        function p() {
            $("a[data-type=list]").click(function () {
                de = "list";
            }), $("a[data-type=grid]").click(function () {
                de = "grid";

        function m() {
            var t = $("span." + h.checkbox);
            "grid" == de && (t = $("." + h["chekbox-grid"])), t.each(function (t, i) {
                $(i).on("click", function (t) {
                    var i = $(this).parent(), n = void 0, a = void 0;
                    if ("list" == de ? (n = $("div.file-name div.text a", i).attr("title"), a = i.hasClass(h["item-active"])) : "grid" == de && (n = $("div.file-name a", $(this)).attr("title"), a = !$(this).hasClass(h["item-active"])), a) {
                        e("取消选中文件:" + n);
                        for (var o = 0; o < ne.length; o++) ne[o].filename == n && ne.splice(o, 1);
                    } else e("选中文件:" + n), $.each(ie, function (e, t) {
                        if (t.server_filename == n) {
                            var i = {filename: t.server_filename, path: t.path, fs_id: t.fs_id, isdir: t.isdir};

        function b() {
            $("span." + h.checkbox).each(function (e, t) {

        function y() {
            $("div." + h["col-item"] + "." + h.check).each(function (t, i) {
                $(i).bind("click", function (t) {
                    $(this).parent().hasClass(h.checked) ? (e("取消全选"), ne = []) : (e("全部选中"), ne = [], $.each(ie, function (e, t) {
                        var i = {filename: t.server_filename, path: t.path, fs_id: t.fs_id, isdir: t.isdir};

        function x() {
            $("div." + h["col-item"] + "." + h.check).each(function (e, t) {

        function k() {
            $("div." + h["list-view"] + " dd").each(function (t, i) {
                $(i).bind("click", function (t) {
                    var i = t.target.nodeName.toLowerCase();
                    if ("span" != i && "a" != i && "em" != i) if (e("shiftKey:" + t.shiftKey), t.shiftKey) {
                        ne = [];
                        var n = $("div." + h["list-view"] + " dd." + h["item-active"]);
                        $.each(n, function (t, i) {
                            var n = $("div.file-name div.text a", $(i)).attr("title");
                            e("选中文件:" + n), $.each(ie, function (e, t) {
                                if (t.server_filename == n) {
                                    var i = {filename: t.server_filename, path: t.path, fs_id: t.fs_id, isdir: t.isdir};
                    } else {
                        ne = [];
                        var a = $("div.file-name div.text a", $(this)).attr("title");
                        e("选中文件:" + a), $.each(ie, function (e, t) {
                            if (t.server_filename == a) {
                                var i = {filename: t.server_filename, path: t.path, fs_id: t.fs_id, isdir: t.isdir};

        function _() {
            $("div." + h["list-view"] + " dd").each(function (e, t) {

        function S() {
            var e = window.MutationObserver, t = {childList: !0};
            se = new e(function (e) {
                b(), x(), _(), m(), y(), k();
            var i = document.querySelector("." + h["list-view"]), n = document.querySelector("." + h["grid-view"]);
            se.observe(i, t), se.observe(n, t);

        function T() {
            $("div." + h["bar-search"]).css("width", "18%");
            var e = $('<span class="g-dropdown-button"></span>'),
                t = $('<a class="g-button g-button-blue" href="javascript:;"><span class="g-button-right"><em class="icon icon-speed" title="百度网盘下载助手"></em><span class="text" style="width: 60px;">下载助手</span></span></a>'),
                i = $('<span class="menu" style="width:114px"></span>'),
                n = $('<span class="g-button-menu" style="display:block"></span>'),
                a = $('<span class="g-dropdown-button g-dropdown-button-second" menulevel="2"></span>'),
                o = $('<a class="g-button" href="javascript:;"><span class="g-button-right"><span class="text" style="width:auto">直链下载</span></span></a>'),
                d = $('<span class="menu" style="width:120px;left:79px"></span>'),
                s = $('<a id="batchhttplink-direct" class="g-button-menu" href="javascript:;">显示链接</a>');
            d.append(s), n.append(a.append(o).append(d)), n.hover(function () {
            }), s.click(E);
            var l = $('<span class="g-button-menu" style="display:block"></span>'),
                r = $('<span class="g-dropdown-button g-dropdown-button-second" menulevel="2"></span>'),
                c = $('<a class="g-button" href="javascript:;"><span class="g-button-right"><span class="text" style="width:auto">Aria下载</span></span></a>'),
                p = $('<span class="menu" style="width:120px;left:79px"></span>'),
                u = $('<a id="batchhttplink-aria" class="g-button-menu" href="javascript:;">显示链接</a>');
            p.append(u), l.append(r.append(c).append(p)), l.hover(function () {
            }), u.click(E);
            var f = $('<span class="g-button-menu" style="display:block"></span>'),
                v = $('<span class="g-dropdown-button g-dropdown-button-second" menulevel="2"></span>'),
                g = $('<a class="g-button" href="javascript:;"><span class="g-button-right"><span class="text" style="width:auto">API下载</span></span></a>'),
                m = $('<span class="menu" style="width:120px;left:77px"></span>'),
                w = $('<a id="download-api" class="g-button-menu" href="javascript:;">直接下载</a>'),
                b = $('<a id="batchhttplink-api" class="g-button-menu" href="javascript:;">显示链接</a>'),
                y = $('<a id="appid-setting" class="g-button-menu" href="javascript:;">神秘代码</a>'),
                x = $('<a id="default-setting" class="g-button-menu" href="javascript:;">恢复默认</a>');
            m.append(b).append(y).append(x), f.append(v.append(g).append(m)), f.hover(function () {
            }), w.click(A), b.click(E), y.click(G), x.click(M);
            var k = $('<span class="g-button-menu" style="display:block;cursor: pointer">分享选中文件</span>'),
                _ = $('<iframe src="https://ghbtns.com/github-btn.html?user=syhyz1990&repo=baiduyun&type=star&count=true" frameborder="0" scrolling="0" style="height: 20px;max-width: 120px;padding: 0 5px;box-sizing: border-box;margin-top: 5px;"></iframe>');
            k.click(H), i.append(f).append(l).append(k).append(_), e.append(t).append(i), e.hover(function () {
            }), $("." + h["list-tools"]).append(e), $("." + h["list-tools"]).css("height", "40px");

        function G() {
                text: "请输入神秘代码",
                content: {element: "input", attributes: {value: g, placeholder: "默认为:" + v}},
                button: {confirm: {text: "确定", value: "ok"}}
            }).then(function (e) {
                e && (GM_setValue("secretCode", e), swal("神秘代码执行成功 , 点击确定将自动刷新").then(function () {

        function M() {
            GM_setValue("secretCode", v), swal("恢复默认成功,点击确定将自动刷新").then(function () {

        function A(t) {
            e("选中文件列表:", ne);
            var i = t.target.id, n = void 0;
            if ("download-direct" == i) {
                var a = void 0;
                if (0 === ne.length) return void swal(f.unselected);
                1 == ne.length && (a = 1 === ne[0].isdir ? "batch" : "dlink"), ne.length > 1 && (a = "batch"), te = R(ne);
                var o = K(a);
                if (0 !== o.errno) return -1 == o.errno ? void swal("文件不存在或已被百度和谐,无法下载!") : 112 == o.errno ? void swal("页面过期,请刷新重试!") : void swal("发生错误!");
                if ("dlink" == a) n = o.dlink[0].dlink; else {
                    if ("batch" != a) return void swal("发生错误!");
                    n = o.dlink, 1 === ne.length && (n = n + "&zipname=" + encodeURIComponent(ne[0].filename) + ".zip");
            } else {
                if (0 === ne.length) return void swal(f.unselected);
                if (ne.length > 1) return void swal(f.morethan);
                if (1 == ne[0].isdir) return void swal(f.dir);
                "download-api" == i && (n = q(ne[0].path));

        function E(t) {
            if (e("选中文件列表:", ne), 0 === ne.length) return void swal(f.unselected);
            var i = t.target.id, n = void 0, a = void 0;
            if (n = -1 == i.indexOf("https") ? -1 == i.indexOf("http") ? location.protocol + ":" : "http:" : "https:", ae = [], oe = [], -1 != i.indexOf("direct")) {
                ae = I(n);
                if (0 === ae.length) return void swal("没有链接可以显示,不要选中文件夹!");
                    title: "直链下载",
                    type: "batch",
                    list: ae,
                    tip: '点击链接直接下载,请先升级 <a href="https://www.baiduyun.wiki/zh-cn/assistant.html">[网盘万能助手]</a> 至 <b>v2.2.0</b>,本链接仅支持小文件下载(<300M)',
                    showcopy: !1
            if (-1 != i.indexOf("aria")) {
                if (ae = C(n), a = '请先安装 <a  href="https://www.baiduyun.wiki/zh-cn/assistant.html">网盘万能助手</a> 请将链接复制到支持Aria的下载器中, 推荐使用 <a href="http://pan.baiduyun.wiki/down">XDown</a>', 0 === ae.length) return void swal("没有链接可以显示,不要选中文件夹!");
                pe.open({title: "Aria链接", type: "batchAria", list: ae, tip: a, showcopy: !0});
            if (-1 != i.indexOf("api")) {
                if (ae = C(n), a = '请先安装 <a href="https://www.baiduyun.wiki/zh-cn/assistant.html">网盘万能助手</a> <b>v2.2.0</b> 后点击链接下载,若下载失败,请先禁用"IDM扩展" <a href="https://www.baiduyun.wiki/zh-cn/question.html" target="_blank">无效?</a>', 0 === ae.length) return void swal("没有链接可以显示,API链接不要全部选中文件夹!");
                pe.open({title: "API下载链接", type: "batch", list: ae, tip: a});

        function I(e) {
            var t = [];
            return $.each(ne, function (i, n) {
                var a = void 0, o = void 0, d = void 0;
                a = 0 == n.isdir ? "dlink" : "batch", te = R([n]), d = K(a), 0 == d.errno ? ("dlink" == a ? o = d.dlink[0].dlink : "batch" == a && (o = d.dlink), o = o.replace(/^([A-Za-z]+):/, e)) : o = "error", t.push({
                    filename: n.filename,
                    downloadlink: o
            }), t;

        function C(e) {
            var t = [];
            return $.each(ne, function (i, n) {
                if (1 != n.isdir) {
                    var a = void 0;
                    a = q(n.path), a = a.replace(/^([A-Za-z]+):/, e), t.push({filename: n.filename, downloadlink: a});
            }), t;

        function j() {
            var e = void 0;
            try {
                e = new Function("return " + Y.sign2)();
            } catch (e) {
                throw new Error(e.message);
            return o(e(Y.sign5, Y.sign1));

        function N() {
            var e = location.hash, t = new RegExp("path=([^&]*)(&|$)", "i"), i = e.match(t);
            return decodeURIComponent(i[1]);

        function O() {
            var e = location.hash, t = new RegExp("type=([^&]*)(&|$)", "i"), i = e.match(t);
            return decodeURIComponent(i[1]);

        function D() {
            var e = location.hash, t = new RegExp("key=([^&]*)(&|$)", "i"), i = e.match(t);
            return decodeURIComponent(i[1]);

        function V() {
            var e = location.hash;
            return e.substring(e.indexOf("#") + 2, e.indexOf("?"));

        function P() {
            var e = [], t = he + "list", i = N();
            ee = l();
            var n = {
                dir: i,
                bdstoken: Z,
                logid: ee,
                order: "size",
                num: 1e3,
                desc: 0,
                clienttype: 0,
                showempty: 0,
                web: 1,
                channel: "chunlei",
                appid: g
            return $.ajax({
                url: t, async: !1, method: "GET", data: n, success: function (t) {
                    e = 0 === t.errno ? t.list : [];
            }), e;

        function F() {
            var e = [], t = he + "categorylist", i = O();
            ee = l();
            var n = {
                category: i,
                bdstoken: Z,
                logid: ee,
                order: "size",
                desc: 0,
                clienttype: 0,
                showempty: 0,
                web: 1,
                channel: "chunlei",
                appid: g
            return $.ajax({
                url: t, async: !1, method: "GET", data: n, success: function (t) {
                    e = 0 === t.errno ? t.info : [];
            }), e;

        function z() {
            var e = [], t = he + "search";
            ee = l(), ue = D();
            var i = {
                recursion: 1,
                order: "time",
                desc: 1,
                showempty: 0,
                web: 1,
                page: 1,
                num: 100,
                key: ue,
                channel: "chunlei",
                app_id: 250528,
                bdstoken: Z,
                logid: ee,
                clienttype: 0
            return $.ajax({
                url: t, async: !1, method: "GET", data: i, success: function (t) {
                    e = 0 === t.errno ? t.list : [];
            }), e;

        function R(e) {
            if (0 === e.length) return null;
            var t = [];
            return $.each(e, function (e, i) {
            }), "[" + t + "]";

        function L() {
            return Y.timestamp;

        function U() {
            return Y.MYBDSTOKEN;

        function H() {
            var e = [];
            if (0 === ne.length) return void swal(f.unselected);
            $.each(ne, function (t, i) {
            var t = "https://pan.baidu.com/share/set?channel=chunlei&clienttype=0&web=1&channel=chunlei&web=1&app_id=250528&bdstoken=" + Z + "&logid=" + ee + "&clienttype=0",
                i = B(), n = {schannel: 4, channel_list: JSON.stringify([]), period: 0, pwd: i, fid_list: R(ne)};
                url: t, async: !1, method: "POST", data: n, success: function (e) {
                    if (0 === e.errno) {
                        var t = e.link + "#" + i;
                            title: "分享链接",
                            text: t + "(#后面为提取码)",
                            buttons: {open: {text: "打开", value: "open"}, copy: {text: "复制链接", value: "copy"}}
                        }).then(function (e) {
                            "open" === e && GM_openInTab(t, {active: !0}), "copy" === e && GM_setClipboard(t);

        function B() {
            function e(e, t) {
                return Math.round(Math.random() * (e - t) + t);

            for (var t = "", i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
                t = t + e(0, 9) + String.fromCharCode(e(97, 122)) + String.fromCharCode(e(65, 90));
            for (var n = "", i = 0; i < 4; i++) n += t[e(0, t.length - 1)];
            return n;

        function K(e) {
            var t = void 0;
            ee = l();
            var i = {sign: Q, timestamp: W, fidlist: te, type: e};
            return $.ajax({
                url: "https://pan.baidu.com/api/download?clienttype=1",
                async: !1,
                method: "POST",
                data: i,
                success: function (e) {
                    t = e;
            }), t;

        function q(e) {
            return fe + "file?method=download&path=" + encodeURIComponent(e) + "&app_id=" + g;

        function J(t) {
            e("下载链接:" + t), t && GM_xmlhttpRequest({
                method: "POST",
                headers: {"User-Agent": w},
                url: t,
                onload: function (e) {

        function X() {
            var e = $('<div class="helper-hide" style="padding:0;margin:0;display:block"></div>'),
                t = $('<iframe src="javascript:;" id="helperdownloadiframe" style="display:none"></iframe>');
            e.append(t), $("body").append(e);

        var Y = void 0, Q = void 0, W = void 0, Z = void 0, ee = void 0, te = void 0, ie = [], ne = [], ae = [],
            oe = [], de = "list", se = void 0, le = void 0, re = void 0, ce = void 0, pe = void 0, ue = void 0,
            he = location.protocol + "//" + location.host + "/api/",
            fe = location.protocol + "//pcs.baidu.com/rest/2.0/pcs/";
        this.init = function () {
            if (Y = unsafeWindow.yunData, e("初始化信息:", Y), void 0 === Y) return void e("页面未正常加载,或者百度已经更新!");
            t(), s(), S(), T(), X(), pe = new r({addCopy: !0}), e("下载助手加载成功!当前版本:", u);

    function a() {
        function t() {
            if (ue = n(), Y = X.SIGN, Q = X.TIMESTAMP, W = X.MYBDSTOKEN, Z = "chunlei", ee = 0, te = 1, ie = g, ne = l(), ae = 0, oe = "share", se = X.SHARE_ID, de = X.SHARE_UK, "secret" == ue && (re = d()), a()) {
                var e = {};
                2 == X.CATEGORY ? (e.filename = X.FILENAME, e.path = X.PATH, e.fs_id = X.FS_ID, e.isdir = 0) : void 0 != X.FILEINFO && (e.filename = X.FILEINFO[0].server_filename, e.path = X.FILEINFO[0].path, e.fs_id = X.FILEINFO[0].fs_id, e.isdir = X.FILEINFO[0].isdir), ye.push(e);
            } else ce = X.SHARE_ID, fe = p(), ve = v(), be = F();

        function i() {
            var e = location.hash && /^#([a-zA-Z0-9]{4})$/.test(location.hash) && RegExp.$1,
                t = $('.pickpw input[tabindex="1"]'), i = $(".pickpw a.g-button"), n = $(".pickpw .input-area"),
                a = $('<div style="margin:-8px 0 10px ;color: #ff5858">正在获取提取码</div>');
            (location.href.match(/\/init\?(?:surl|shareid)=((?:\w|-)+)/) || location.href.match(/\/s\/1((?:\w|-)+)/))[1];
            t && i && (n.prepend(a), e && (a.text("发现提取码,已自动为您填写"), setTimeout(function () {
                t.val(e), i.click();
            }, 500)));

        function n() {
            return 1 === X.SHARE_PUBLIC ? "public" : "secret";

        function a() {
            return void 0 === X.getContext;

        function o() {
            return 1 == X.MYSELF;

        function d() {
            return '{"sekey":"' + decodeURIComponent(s("BDCLND")) + '"}';

        function p() {
            var e = location.hash, t = new RegExp("path=([^&]*)(&|$)", "i"), i = e.match(t);
            return decodeURIComponent(i[1]);

        function v() {
            var e = "list";
            return $(".list-switched-on").length > 0 ? e = "list" : $(".grid-switched-on").length > 0 && (e = "grid"), e;

        function b() {
            a() ? ($("div.slide-show-right").css("width", "500px"), $("div.frame-main").css("width", "96%"), $("div.share-file-viewer").css("width", "740px").css("margin-left", "auto").css("margin-right", "auto")) : $("div.slide-show-right").css("width", "500px");
            var e = $('<span class="g-dropdown-button"></span>'),
                t = $('<a class="g-button g-button-blue" style="width: 114px;" data-button-id="b200" data-button-index="200" href="javascript:;"></a>'),
                i = $('<span class="g-button-right"><em class="icon icon-speed" title="百度网盘下载助手"></em><span class="text" style="width: 60px;">下载助手</span></span>'),
                n = $('<span class="menu" style="width:auto;z-index:41"></span>'),
                o = $('<a data-menu-id="b-menu207" class="g-button-menu" href="javascript:;">保存到网盘</a>'),
                d = $('<a data-menu-id="b-menu207" class="g-button-menu" href="javascript:;" style="opacity: 0.8;">自定义保存路径</a>'),
                s = $('<a data-menu-id="b-menu207" class="g-button-menu" href="javascript:;">直接下载</a>'),
                l = $('<a data-menu-id="b-menu208" class="g-button-menu" href="javascript:;">显示链接</a>'),
                r = $('<a data-menu-id="b-menu208" class="g-button-menu" href="javascript:;">显示Aria链接</a>'),
                c = $('<a data-menu-id="b-menu209" style="color: #e85653;font-weight: 700;" class="g-button-menu" href="javascript:;">Ver ' + u + "</a>");
            n.append(s).append(l).append(r).append(o).append(c), t.append(i), e.append(t).append(n), e.hover(function () {
            }), o.click(k), d.click(_), s.click(z), l.click(B), r.click(S), c.click(x), $("div.module-share-top-bar div.bar div.x-button-box").append(e);

        function y() {
            var e = {shareid: ce, from: X.SHARE_UK, bdstoken: X.MYBDSTOKEN, logid: l()},
                t = {path: m, isdir: 1, size: "", block_list: [], method: "post", dataType: "json"},
                i = "https://pan.baidu.com/api/create?a=commit&channel=chunlei&app_id=250528&web=1&app_id=250528&bdstoken=" + e.bdstoken + "&logid=" + e.logid + "&clienttype=0";
                url: i, async: !1, method: "POST", data: t, success: function (e) {
                    0 === e.errno ? (swal("目录创建成功!"), k()) : swal("目录创建失败,请前往我的网盘页面手动创建!");

        function x() {
            GM_openInTab("https://www.baiduyun.wiki/install.html", {active: !0});

        function k() {
            if (null === W) return swal(f.unlogin), !1;
            if (0 === ye.length) return void swal(f.unselected);
            if (o()) return void swal({
                title: "提示",
                text: "自己分享的文件请到网盘中下载!",
                buttons: {confirm: {text: "打开网盘", value: "confirm"}}
            }).then(function (e) {
                "confirm" === e && (location.href = "https://pan.baidu.com/disk/home#/all?path=%2F&vmode=list");
            var e = [];
            $.each(ye, function (t, i) {
            var t = {shareid: X.SHARE_ID, from: X.SHARE_UK, bdstoken: X.MYBDSTOKEN, logid: l()},
                i = {path: GM_getValue("savePath"), fsidlist: JSON.stringify(e)},
                n = "https://pan.baidu.com/share/transfer?shareid=" + t.shareid + "&from=" + t.from + "&ondup=newcopy&async=1&channel=chunlei&web=1&app_id=250528&bdstoken=" + t.bdstoken + "&logid=" + t.logid + "&clienttype=0";
                url: n, async: !1, method: "POST", data: i, success: function (e) {
                    0 === e.errno ? swal({
                        title: "提示",
                        text: "文件已保存至我的网盘,请再网盘中使用下载助手下载!",
                        buttons: {confirm: {text: "打开网盘", value: "confirm"}}
                    }).then(function (e) {
                        "confirm" === e && (location.href = "https://pan.baidu.com/disk/home#/all?vmode=list&path=" + encodeURIComponent(m));
                    }) : 2 === e.errno ? swal({
                        title: "提示",
                        text: "保存目录不存在,是否先创建该目录?",
                        buttons: {confirm: {text: "创建目录", value: "confirm"}}
                    }).then(function (e) {
                        "confirm" === e && y();
                    }) : swal("保存失败,请手动保存");

        function _() {
            var e = prompt("请输入保存路径,例如/PanHelper", m);
            null !== e && (/^\//.test(e) ? (GM_setValue("savePath", e), swal({
                title: "提示",
                text: "路径设置成功!点击确定后立即生效",
                buttons: {confirm: {text: "确定", value: "confirm"}}
            }).then(function (e) {
                "confirm" === e && history.go(0);
            })) : swal("请输入正确的路径,例如/PanHelper"));

        function S() {
            return null === W ? (swal(f.unlogin), !1) : (e("选中文件列表:", ye), 0 === ye.length ? (swal(f.unselected), !1) : 1 == ye[0].isdir ? (swal(f.toobig), !1) : (he = "ariclink", void K(function (e) {
                if (void 0 !== e) if (-20 == e.errno) {
                    if (!(pe = R()) || 0 !== pe.errno) return swal("获取验证码失败!"), !1;
                } else {
                    if (112 == e.errno) return swal("页面过期,请刷新重试"), !1;
                    if (0 === e.errno) {
                            title: "下载链接(仅显示文件链接)",
                            type: "shareAriaLink",
                            list: e.list,
                            tip: '请先安装 <a  href="https://www.baiduyun.wiki/zh-cn/assistant.html">网盘万能助手</a> 请将链接复制到支持Aria的下载器中, 推荐使用 <a  href="http://pan.baiduyun.wiki/down">XDown</a>',
                            showcopy: !0
                    } else swal(f.fail);

        function T() {
            var e = $('<div class="helper-hide" style="padding:0;margin:0;display:block"></div>'),
                t = $('<iframe src="javascript:;" id="helperdownloadiframe" style="display:none"></iframe>');
            e.append(t), $("body").append(e);

        function G() {
            M(), I(), C(), N(), D();

        function M() {
            window.addEventListener("hashchange", function (e) {
                ve = v(), fe == p() || (fe = p(), A(), E());

        function A() {
            be = F();

        function E() {
            ye = [];

        function I() {

        function C() {
            ve = v();
            var t = $("span." + h.checkbox);
            "grid" == ve && (t = $("." + h["chekbox-grid"])), t.each(function (t, i) {
                $(i).on("click", function (t) {
                    var i = $(this).parent(), n = void 0, a = void 0;
                    if ("list" == ve ? (n = $(".file-name div.text a", i).attr("title"), a = $(this).parents("dd").hasClass("JS-item-active")) : "grid" == ve && (n = $("div.file-name a", i).attr("title"), a = !$(this).hasClass("JS-item-active")), a) {
                        e("取消选中文件:" + n);
                        for (var o = 0; o < ye.length; o++) ye[o].filename == n && ye.splice(o, 1);
                    } else e("选中文件: " + n), $.each(be, function (e, t) {
                        if (t.server_filename == n) {
                            var i = {filename: t.server_filename, path: t.path, fs_id: t.fs_id, isdir: t.isdir};

        function j() {
            $("span." + h.checkbox).each(function (e, t) {

        function N() {
            $("div." + h["col-item"] + "." + h.check).each(function (t, i) {
                $(i).bind("click", function (t) {
                    $(this).parent().hasClass(h.checked) ? (e("取消全选"), ye = []) : (e("全部选中"), ye = [], $.each(be, function (e, t) {
                        var i = {filename: t.server_filename, path: t.path, fs_id: t.fs_id, isdir: t.isdir};

        function O() {
            $("div." + h["col-item"] + "." + h.check).each(function (e, t) {

        function D() {
            $("div." + h["list-view"] + " dd").each(function (t, i) {
                $(i).bind("click", function (t) {
                    var i = t.target.nodeName.toLowerCase();
                    if ("span" != i && "a" != i && "em" != i) {
                        ye = [];
                        var n = $("div.file-name div.text a", $(this)).attr("title");
                        e("选中文件:" + n), $.each(be, function (e, t) {
                            if (t.server_filename == n) {
                                var i = {filename: t.server_filename, path: t.path, fs_id: t.fs_id, isdir: t.isdir};

        function V() {
            $("div." + h["list-view"] + " dd").each(function (e, t) {

        function P() {
            var e = window.MutationObserver, t = {childList: !0};
            ge = new e(function (e) {
                j(), O(), V(), C(), N(), D();
            var i = document.querySelector("." + h["list-view"]), n = document.querySelector("." + h["grid-view"]);
            ge.observe(i, t), ge.observe(n, t);

        function F() {
            var e = [];
            if ("/" == p()) e = X.FILEINFO; else {
                ne = l();
                var t = {
                    uk: de,
                    shareid: ce,
                    order: "other",
                    desc: 1,
                    showempty: 0,
                    web: te,
                    dir: p(),
                    t: Math.random(),
                    bdstoken: W,
                    channel: Z,
                    clienttype: ee,
                    app_id: ie,
                    logid: ne
                    url: $e, method: "GET", async: !1, data: t, success: function (t) {
                        0 === t.errno && (e = t.list);
            return e;

        function z() {
            return null === W ? (swal(f.unlogin), !1) : (e("选中文件列表:", ye), 0 === ye.length ? (swal(f.unselected), !1) : ye.length > 1 ? (swal(f.morethan), !1) : 1 == ye[0].isdir ? (swal(f.dir), !1) : (he = "download", void K(function (e) {
                if (void 0 !== e) if (-20 == e.errno) {
                    if (pe = R(), 0 !== pe.errno) return void swal("获取验证码失败!");
                } else if (112 == e.errno) swal("页面过期,请刷新重试"); else if (0 === e.errno) {
                    var t = e.list[0].dlink;
                } else swal(f.fail);

        function R() {
            var e = xe + "getvcode", t = void 0;
            ne = l();
            var i = {
                prod: "pan",
                t: Math.random(),
                bdstoken: W,
                channel: Z,
                clienttype: ee,
                web: te,
                app_id: ie,
                logid: ne
            return $.ajax({
                url: e, method: "GET", async: !1, data: i, success: function (e) {
                    t = e;
            }), t;

        function L() {
            pe = R(), $("#dialog-img").attr("src", pe.img);

        function U() {
            var e = $("#dialog-input").val();
            return 0 === e.length ? void $("#dialog-err").text("请输入验证码") : e.length < 4 ? void $("#dialog-err").text("验证码输入错误,请重新输入") : void q(e, function (e) {
                if (-20 == e.errno) {
                    if (we.close(), $("#dialog-err").text("验证码输入错误,请重新输入"), L(), !pe || 0 !== pe.errno) return void swal("获取验证码失败!");
                } else if (0 === e.errno) {
                    if (we.close(), "download" == he) {
                        if (e.list.length > 1 || 1 == e.list[0].isdir) return swal(f.morethan), !1;
                        var t = e.list[0].dlink;
                    } else if ("link" == he) {
                            title: "下载链接(仅显示文件链接)",
                            type: "shareLink",
                            list: e.list,
                            tip: '点击链接直接下载,请先升级 <a href="https://www.baiduyun.wiki/zh-cn/assistant.html">[网盘万能助手]</a> 至 <b>v2.2.0</b>(出现403请先禁用IDM扩展,若仍失败请尝试Aria链接)',
                            showcopy: !1
                    } else if ("ariclink" == he) {
                            title: "下载链接(仅显示文件链接)",
                            type: "shareAriaLink",
                            list: e.list,
                            tip: '请先安装 <a  href="https://www.baiduyun.wiki/zh-cn/assistant.html">网盘万能助手</a> 请将链接复制到支持Aria的下载器中, 推荐使用 <a  href="http://pan.baiduyun.wiki/down">XDown</a>',
                            showcopy: !1
                } else swal("发生错误!");

        function H() {
            var e = [];
            return $.each(ye, function (t, i) {
            }), "[" + e + "]";

        function B() {
            return null === W ? (swal(f.unlogin), !1) : (e("选中文件列表:", ye), 0 === ye.length ? (swal(f.unselected), !1) : 1 == ye[0].isdir ? (swal(f.dir), !1) : (he = "link", void K(function (e) {
                if (void 0 !== e) if (-20 == e.errno) {
                    if (!(pe = R()) || 0 !== pe.errno) return swal("获取验证码失败!"), !1;
                } else {
                    if (112 == e.errno) return swal("页面过期,请刷新重试"), !1;
                    if (0 === e.errno) {
                            title: "下载链接(仅显示文件链接)",
                            type: "shareLink",
                            list: e.list,
                            tip: '点击链接直接下载,请先升级 <a href="https://www.baiduyun.wiki/zh-cn/assistant.html">[网盘万能助手]</a> 至 <b>v2.2.0</b>(出现403请先禁用IDM扩展,若仍失败请尝试Aria链接)',
                            showcopy: !1
                    } else swal(f.fail);

        function K(e) {
            if (null === W) return swal(f.unlogin), "";
            var t = void 0;
            if (a) {
                le = H(), ne = l();
                var i = new FormData;
                i.append("encrypt", ae), i.append("product", oe), i.append("uk", de), i.append("primaryid", se), i.append("fid_list", le), "secret" == ue && i.append("extra", re), $.ajax({
                    url: "https://api.baiduyun.wiki/download?sign=" + Y + "&timestamp=" + Q + "&logid=" + ne + "&init=" + GM_getValue("init"),
                    cache: !1,
                    method: "GET",
                    async: !1,
                    complete: function (e) {
                        t = e.responseText;
                }), GM_xmlhttpRequest({
                    method: "POST", data: i, url: atob(atob(t)), onload: function (t) {

        function q(e, t) {
            var i = void 0;
            if (a) {
                le = H(), ne = l();
                var n = new FormData;
                n.append("encrypt", ae), n.append("product", oe), n.append("uk", de), n.append("primaryid", se), n.append("fid_list", le), n.append("vcode_input", e), n.append("vcode_str", pe.vcode), "secret" == ue && n.append("extra", re), $.ajax({
                    url: "https://api.baiduyun.wiki/download?sign=" + Y + "&timestamp=" + Q + "&logid=" + ne,
                    cache: !1,
                    method: "GET",
                    async: !1,
                    complete: function (e) {
                        i = e.responseText;
                }), GM_xmlhttpRequest({
                    method: "POST", data: n, url: atob(atob(i)), onload: function (e) {

        function J(t) {
            e("下载链接:" + t), t && GM_xmlhttpRequest({
                method: "POST",
                headers: {"User-Agent": w},
                url: t,
                onload: function (e) {

        var X = void 0, Y = void 0, Q = void 0, W = void 0, Z = void 0, ee = void 0, te = void 0, ie = void 0,
            ne = void 0, ae = void 0, oe = void 0, de = void 0, se = void 0, le = void 0, re = void 0, ce = void 0,
            pe = void 0, ue = void 0, he = void 0, fe = void 0, ve = void 0, ge = void 0, me = void 0, we = void 0,
            be = [], ye = [], xe = location.protocol + "//" + location.host + "/api/",
            $e = location.protocol + "//" + location.host + "/share/list";
        this.init = function () {
            if (GM_getValue("SETTING_P") && i(), X = unsafeWindow.yunData, e("初始化信息:", X), void 0 === X) return void e("页面未正常加载,或者百度已经更新!");
            t(), b(), me = new r({addCopy: !1}), we = new c(L, U), T(), a() || (G(), P()), e("下载助手加载成功!当前版本:", u);

    function o(e) {
        var t = void 0, i = void 0, n = void 0, a = void 0, o = void 0, d = void 0,
            s = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/";
        for (n = e.length, i = 0, t = ""; n > i;) {
            if (a = 255 & e.charCodeAt(i++), i == n) {
                t += s.charAt(a >> 2), t += s.charAt((3 & a) << 4), t += "==";
            if (o = e.charCodeAt(i++), i == n) {
                t += s.charAt(a >> 2), t += s.charAt((3 & a) << 4 | (240 & o) >> 4), t += s.charAt((15 & o) << 2), t += "=";
            d = e.charCodeAt(i++), t += s.charAt(a >> 2), t += s.charAt((3 & a) << 4 | (240 & o) >> 4), t += s.charAt((15 & o) << 2 | (192 & d) >> 6), t += s.charAt(63 & d);
        return t;

    function d() {
        var e = /[\/].+[\/]/g;
        return location.pathname.match(e)[0].replace(/\//g, "");

    function s(e) {
        var t = void 0, i = void 0, n = document, a = decodeURI;
        return n.cookie.length > 0 && -1 != (t = n.cookie.indexOf(e + "=")) ? (t = t + e.length + 1, i = n.cookie.indexOf(";", t), -1 == i && (i = n.cookie.length), a(n.cookie.substring(t, i))) : "";

    function l() {
        function e(e) {
            if (e.length < 2) {
                var t = e.charCodeAt(0);
                return 128 > t ? e : 2048 > t ? l(192 | t >>> 6) + l(128 | 63 & t) : l(224 | t >>> 12 & 15) + l(128 | t >>> 6 & 63) + l(128 | 63 & t);
            var i = 65536 + 1024 * (e.charCodeAt(0) - 55296) + (e.charCodeAt(1) - 56320);
            return l(240 | i >>> 18 & 7) + l(128 | i >>> 12 & 63) + l(128 | i >>> 6 & 63) + l(128 | 63 & i);

        function t(t) {
            return (t + "" + Math.random()).replace(d, e);

        function i(e) {
            var t = [0, 2, 1][e.length % 3],
                i = e.charCodeAt(0) << 16 | (e.length > 1 ? e.charCodeAt(1) : 0) << 8 | (e.length > 2 ? e.charCodeAt(2) : 0);
            return [o.charAt(i >>> 18), o.charAt(i >>> 12 & 63), t >= 2 ? "=" : o.charAt(i >>> 6 & 63), t >= 1 ? "=" : o.charAt(63 & i)].join("");

        function n(e) {
            return e.replace(/[\s\S]{1,3}/g, i);

        function a() {
            return n(t((new Date).getTime()));

        var o = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/~!@#¥%……&",
            d = /[\uD800-\uDBFF][\uDC00-\uDFFFF]|[^\x00-\x7F]/g, l = String.fromCharCode;
        return function (e, t) {
            return t ? a(String(e)).replace(/[+\/]/g, function (e) {
                return "+" == e ? "-" : "_";
            }).replace(/=/g, "") : a(String(e));

    function r() {
        function e() {
            $("div.dialog-body", o).children().remove(), $("div.dialog-header h3 span.dialog-title", o).text(""), $("div.dialog-tip p", o).text(""), $("div.dialog-button", o).hide(), $("div.dialog-radio input[type=radio][name=showmode][value=multi]", o).prop("checked", !0), $("div.dialog-radio", o).hide(), $("div.dialog-button button#dialog-copy-button", o).hide(), $("div.dialog-button button#dialog-edit-button", o).hide(), $("div.dialog-button button#dialog-exit-button", o).hide(), o.hide(), d.hide();

        var n = [], a = void 0, o = void 0, d = void 0;
        this.open = function (e) {
            if (a = e, n = [], "link" == e.type && (n = e.list.urls, $("div.dialog-header h3 span.dialog-title", o).text(e.title + ":" + e.list.filename), $.each(e.list.urls, function (e, t) {
                t.url = i(t.url);
                var n = $('<div><div style="width:30px;float:left">' + t.rank + ':</div><div style="white-space:nowrap;overflow:hidden;text-overflow:ellipsis"><a href="' + t.url + '">' + t.url + "</a></div></div>");
                $("div.dialog-body", o).append(n);
            })), "batch" != e.type && "batchAria" != e.type || (n = e.list, $("div.dialog-header h3 span.dialog-title", o).text(e.title), $.each(e.list, function (i, n) {
                var a = void 0;
                if ("batchAria" == e.type) {
                    var d = t(n.downloadlink, n.filename);
                    a = $('<div style="overflow:hidden;text-overflow:ellipsis;white-space:nowrap"><div style="width:100px;float:left;overflow:hidden;text-overflow:ellipsis" title="' + n.filename + '">' + n.filename + '</div><span>:</span><a href="javascript:;" class="aria2c-link">' + d + "</a></div>");
                } else a = $('<div style="overflow:hidden;text-overflow:ellipsis;white-space:nowrap"><div style="width:100px;float:left;overflow:hidden;text-overflow:ellipsis" title="' + n.filename + '">' + n.filename + '</div><span>:</span><a href="' + n.downloadlink + '" class="home-download">' + n.downloadlink + "</a></div>");
                $("div.dialog-body", o).append(a);
            })), "shareLink" == e.type && (n = e.list, $("div.dialog-header h3 span.dialog-title", o).text(e.title), $.each(e.list, function (e, t) {
                if (t.dlink = i(t.dlink), 1 != t.isdir) {
                    var n = $('<div style="overflow:hidden;text-overflow:ellipsis;white-space:nowrap"><div style="width:100px;float:left;overflow:hidden;text-overflow:ellipsis" title="' + t.server_filename + '">' + t.server_filename + '</div><span>:</span><a href="' + t.dlink + '" class="share-download">' + t.dlink + "</a></div>");
                    $("div.dialog-body", o).append(n);
            })), "shareAriaLink" == e.type && (n = e.list, $("div.dialog-header h3 span.dialog-title", o).text(e.title), $.each(e.list, function (e, i) {
                if (1 != i.isdir) {
                    var n = t(i.dlink, i.server_filename),
                        a = $('<div style="overflow:hidden;text-overflow:ellipsis;white-space:nowrap"><div style="width:100px;float:left;overflow:hidden;text-overflow:ellipsis" title="' + i.server_filename + '">' + i.server_filename + '</div><span>:</span><a href="javasctipt:void(0)" class="aria2c-link">' + n + "</a></div>");
                    $("div.dialog-body", o).append(a);
            })), e.tip && $("div.dialog-tip p", o).html(e.tip), e.showcopy && ($("div.dialog-button", o).show(), $("div.dialog-button button#dialog-copy-button", o).show()), e.showedit) {
                $("div.dialog-button", o).show(), $("div.dialog-button button#dialog-edit-button", o).show();
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                r = $('<div class="dialog-control"><span class="dialog-icon dialog-close">×</span></div>'),
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                v = $('<button id="dialog-edit-button" style="display:none">编辑</button>'),
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            return h.append(f).append(v).append(g), u.append(h), s.append(u), f.click(function () {
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                }), GM_setClipboard(e, "text"), "" != e ? swal("已将链接复制到剪贴板!") : swal("复制失败,请手动复制!");
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    function c(e, t) {
        function i() {
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        var n = void 0, a = void 0;
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        }, n = function () {
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                d = $('<div class="dialog-header"><h3><span class="dialog-header-title"><em class="select-text">提示</em></span></h3></div>'),
                s = $('<div class="dialog-control"><span class="dialog-icon dialog-close icon icon-close"><span class="sicon">x</span></span></div>'),
                l = $('<div class="dialog-body"></div>'), r = $('<div style="text-align:center;padding:22px"></div>'),
                c = $('<div class="download-verify" style="margin-top:10px;padding:0 28px;text-align:left;font-size:12px;"></div>'),
                p = $('<div class="verify-body">请输入验证码:</div>'),
                u = $('<input id="dialog-input" type="text" style="padding:3px;width:85px;height:23px;border:1px solid #c6c6c6;background-color:white;vertical-align:middle;" class="input-code" maxlength="4">'),
                h = $('<img id="dialog-img" class="img-code" style="margin-left:10px;vertical-align:middle;" alt="点击换一张" src="" width="100" height="30">'),
                f = $('<a href="javascript:;" style="text-decoration:underline;" class="underline">换一张</a>'),
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                w = $('<a class="g-button" data-button-id="" data-button-index href="javascript:;" style="padding-left: 36px;"><span class="g-button-right" style="padding-right: 36px;"><span class="text" style="width: auto;">取消</span></span></a>');
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                13 == e.which && t();
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            }), o;
        }(), a = $("div.dialog-shadow");

    function p() {
        function e() {
            switch (d()) {
                    return void (new n).init();
                    return void (new a).init();

        function t() {
                url: "https://api.baiduyun.wiki/update?ver=" + u + "&a=" + ~~GM_getValue("SETTING_A"),
                method: "GET",
                success: function (t) {
                    GM_setValue("lastest_version", t.version), w = t.ua, 200 === t.code && t.version > u && swal({
                        title: "发现新版本",
                        text: t.changelog,
                        buttons: {confirm: {text: "更新", value: "confirm"}}
                    }).then(function (e) {
                        "confirm" === e && (location.href = t.updateURL);
                    }), t.scode != GM_getValue("scode") ? swal({
                        title: "初次使用请输入暗号",
                        content: $('<div><img style="width: 200px;" src="https://cdn.baiduyun.wiki/scode.png"><input class="swal-content__input" id="scode" type="text" placeholder="请输入暗号,可扫描上方二维码免费获取!"></div>')[0],
                        closeOnClickOutside: !1,
                        button: {text: "确定", closeModal: !1}
                    }).then(function () {
                        t.scode == $("#scode").val() ? (GM_setValue("scode", t.scode), GM_setValue("init", 1), swal({
                            text: "暗号正确,正在初始化。。。",
                            icon: "success"
                        }), setTimeout(function () {
                        }, 1200)) : (GM_setValue("init", 0), swal({
                            title: "暗号不正确,请扫码获取",
                            icon: "https://cdn.baiduyun.wiki/scode.png"
                    }) : e(), t.f && GM_setValue("SETTING_A", !0);

        function i() {
            setTimeout(function () {
                var e = $("." + h.header),
                    t = $('<span class="cMEMEF" node-type="help-author" style="opacity: .5" ><a href="https://www.baiduyun.wiki/" >教程</a><i class="find-light-icon" style="display: inline;background-color: #009fe8;"></i></span>');
            }, 8e3);

        function o() {
            switch (d()) {
                    return GM_getValue("current_version") < GM_getValue("lastest_version") && $(".aside-absolute-container").append($('<img class="V6d3Fg" src="https://cdn.baiduyun.wiki/bd.png?t=' + Math.random() + '" style="margin: 0 auto; position: absolute; left: 0; right: 0; bottom: 100px;cursor: pointer;max-width: 190px">')), void $(document).on("click", ".V6d3Fg", function () {
                        GM_openInTab("http://pan.baiduyun.wiki/home", {active: !0});
                    var e = void 0, t = void 0;
                    return $(".bd-aside").length > 0 ? (e = $(".bd-aside"), t = $('<img class="K5a8Tu" src="https://cdn.baiduyun.wiki/bds.png?t=' + Math.random() + '" style="cursor:pointer;margin: 0 auto; position: absolute; left: 0; right: 0; bottom: 100px;max-width: 215px">')) : (e = $(".module-aside"), t = $('<img class="K5a8Tu" src="https://cdn.baiduyun.wiki/bds.png?t=' + Math.random() + '" style="cursor:pointer;margin: 10px 0;max-width: 215px">')), e.append(t), void $(document).on("click", ".K5a8Tu", function () {
                        GM_openInTab("http://pan.baiduyun.wiki/share", {active: !0});

        function s() {
            GM_registerMenuCommand("网盘脚本配置", function () {
                void 0 === GM_getValue("SETTING_A") && GM_setValue("SETTING_A", !0), void 0 === GM_getValue("SETTING_P") && GM_setValue("SETTING_P", !1), void 0 === GM_getValue("SETTING_H") && GM_setValue("SETTING_H", !0);
                var e = "";
                GM_getValue("SETTING_P") ? e += '<label style="display:flex;align-items: center;justify-content: space-between;padding-top: 20px;">自动填写提取码<input type="checkbox" id="S-P" checked style="width: 16px;height: 16px;"></label>' : e += '<label style="display:flex;align-items: center;justify-content: space-between;padding-top: 20px;">自动填写提取码<input type="checkbox" id="S-P" style="width: 16px;height: 16px;"></label>', GM_getValue("SETTING_H") ? e += '<label style="display:flex;align-items: center;justify-content: space-between;padding-top: 20px;">开启教程<input type="checkbox" id="S-H" checked style="width: 16px;height: 16px;"></label>' : e += '<label style="display:flex;align-items: center;justify-content: space-between;padding-top: 20px;">开启教程<input type="checkbox" id="S-H" style="width: 16px;height: 16px;"></label>', GM_getValue("SETTING_A") ? e += '<label style="display:flex;align-items: center;justify-content: space-between;padding-top: 20px;">开启广告(支持作者)<input type="checkbox" id="S-A" checked style="width: 16px;height: 16px;"></label>' : e += '<label style="display:flex;align-items: center;justify-content: space-between;padding-top: 20px;">开启广告(支持作者)<input type="checkbox" id="S-A" style="width: 16px;height: 16px;"></label>', e = "<div>" + e + "</div>";
                var t = $(e);
                swal({content: t[0]});
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                GM_setValue("SETTING_P", $(this)[0].checked);

        function l() {
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            }), $(document).on("mousedown", ".aria2c-link", function (e) {
                var t = $(this).text();
                return GM_setClipboard(t, "text"), swal("已将链接复制到剪贴板!请复制到XDown中下载", {timer: 2e3}), !1;
            }), $(document).on("click", ".home-download", function (e) {
                e.preventDefault(), e.target.innerText && GM_xmlhttpRequest({
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                    url: e.target.innerText,
                    onload: function (e) {
            }), $(document).on("click", ".share-download", function (e) {
                e.preventDefault(), e.target.innerText && GM_xmlhttpRequest({
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                    url: e.target.innerText,
                    onload: function (e) {

        this.init = function () {
            GM_setValue("current_version", u), l(), t(), GM_getValue("SETTING_H") && i(), GM_getValue("SETTING_A") && o(), s();

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        }, f = {
            dir: "提示:此方式不支持整个文件夹下载,可进入文件夹内获取文件链接下载",
            unlogin: "提示:必须登录百度网盘后才能使用此功能哦!!!",
            fail: "提示:获取下载链接失败!请刷新网页后重试!",
            unselected: "提示:请勾选要下载的文件,若已勾选请重新勾选",
            morethan: "提示:多个文件请点击【显示链接】",
            toobig: "提示:只支持300M以下的文件夹,若链接无法下载,请进入文件夹后勾选文件获取!"
        }, v = 778750, g = GM_getValue("secretCode") ? GM_getValue("secretCode") : v,
        m = GM_getValue("savePath") ? GM_getValue("savePath") : "/PanHelper", w = "";
    $(function () {
        (new p).init();
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posted @ 2018-01-24 15:48  nefuer  阅读(610)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报