- GIL: Global Interpreter Lock,全局解释器锁。为了解决多线程之间数据完整性和状态同步的问题,设计为在任意时刻只有一个线程在解释器中运行。
- 线程:程序执行的最小单位。
- 进程:系统资源分配的最小单位。
- 线程安全:多线程环境中,共享数据同一时间只能有一个线程来操作。
- 原子操作:原子操作就是不会因为进程并发或者线程并发而导致被中断的操作。
thread 模块已被废弃。用户可以使用 threading 模块代替。所以,在 Python3 中不能再使用"thread" 模块。为了兼容性,Python3 将 thread 重命名为 "_thread"。
class threading.Thread(group=None, target=None, name=None, args=(), kwargs={}, *, daemon=None) # group should be None; reserved for future extension when a ThreadGroup class is implemented #target is the callable object to be invoked by the run() method. Defaults to None, meaning nothing is called #name is the thread name. By default, a unique name is constructed of the form “Thread-N” where N is a small decimal number #args is the argument tuple for the target invocation. Defaults to (). #kwargs is a dictionary of keyword arguments for the target invocation. Defaults to {}. #If not None, daemon explicitly sets whether the thread is daemonic. If None (the default), the daemonic property is inherited from the current thread
thread method:
start() #用于启动thread的run方法,每个thread最多只需调用一次start(),如果多次调用,会引起RuntimeError错误 run() #从target和kwargs获取相应的参数,run当前thread,可以通过is_alive查看thread状态是否为alive join(timeout=None) #join用于等待thread结束;join使线程具有阻塞属性,只有当前thread的join结束之后,下一个线程才可以开启 # 默认timeout=None时,线程可能正常或者异常终止;当timeout不为None时,join超时后也会退出 #需要先start再join,否则会报错 is_alive() #返回当前thread的状态,用于判断是否alive
class threading.Lock
acquire(blocking=True, timeout=-1) #用于获取lock锁,默认时阻塞的,timeout=-1表示等待时间无限制;否则按timeout指定值按秒计数等待 release() #release a lock,释放锁
class threading.RLock
acquire(blocking=True, timeout=-1) #如果当前线程已经owns the lock,再获取时就会递归加一(increment the recursion level by one)并返回 release()
import threading import time def sub1(): global count tmp = count time.sleep(0.001) print("tmp is %0d" % tmp) count = tmp + 1 print("count is %0d @" % count,time.time()) time.sleep(2) count = 0 def verify(sub): global count thread_list = [] for i in range(3): t = threading.Thread(target=sub, args=()) t.start() thread_list.append(t) for j in thread_list: j.join() print(count) verify(sub1)
1 tmp is 0 2 count is 1 @ 1585317643.214646 3 tmp is 0 4 count is 1 @ 1585317643.214646 5 tmp is 0 6 count is 1 @ 1585317643.2156456 7 1
在这个例子中,我们把 count+=1 代替为 tmp = count time.sleep(0.001) count = tmp + 1 是因为,尽管count+=1是非原子操作,但是因为CPU执行的太快了,比较难以复现出多进程的非原子操作导致的进程不安全。
即tmp已经获取到count的值了,但是还没有将tmp + 1赋值给count。而此时其他线程如果执行完了count = tmp + 1,
当返回到原来的线程执行时,尽管count的值已经更新了,但是count = tmp + 1是个赋值操作,赋值的结果跟count的更新的值是一样的。
1 import threading 2 import time 3 count = 0 4 lock = threading.Lock() 5 6 def sub2(): 7 global count 8 if lock.acquire(): 9 #acquire()是获取锁,acquire()返回获取锁的结果,成功获取到互斥锁为True,如果没有获取到互斥锁则返回False 10 tmp = count 11 print("tmp is %0d" % tmp) 12 time.sleep(0.001) 13 count = tmp + 1 14 print("count is %0d" % count) 15 time.sleep(2) 16 lock.release() #一系列操作结束之后需要释放锁 17 18 def verify(sub): 19 global count 20 thread_list = [] 21 for i in range(3): 22 t = threading.Thread(target=sub,args=()) 23 t.start() 24 thread_list.append(t) 25 for j in thread_list: 26 j.join() 27 print(count) 28 29 verify(sub2)
tmp is 0 count is 1 @ 1585317856.0688052 tmp is 1 count is 2 @ 1585317858.071597 tmp is 2 count is 3 @ 1585317860.0745535 3
使用lock之后,需要等待lock release之后,再执行下一个线程,所以结果是累加和
1 def sub3(): 2 global count 3 with lock: 4 tmp = count 5 print("tmp is %0d" % tmp) 6 time.sleep(0.001) 7 count = tmp + 1 8 print("count is %0d @" % count, time.time()) 9 time.sleep(2)
其他代码相同,执行sub3就可以,执行结果和example2是相同的;使用with lock不需要显示的写lock的acquire和release,这是为什么?
1 import threading 2 import time 3 count_list = [0, 0] 4 lock = threading.Lock() 5 def change_0(): 6 global count_list 7 print("before change_0 lock") 8 with lock: 9 print("after change_0 lock") 10 tmp = count_list[0] 11 time.sleep(0.001) 12 count_list[0] = tmp + 1 13 time.sleep(2) 14 print("Done. count_list[0]:%s" % count_list[0]) 15 def change_1(): 16 global count_list 17 with lock: 18 tmp = count_list[1] 19 time.sleep(0.001) 20 count_list[1] = tmp + 1 21 time.sleep(2) 22 print("Done. count_list[1]:%s" % count_list[1]) 23 def change(): 24 with lock: 25 print("before change_0") 26 change_0() 27 time.sleep(0.001) 28 print("before change_1") 29 change_1() 30 def verify(sub): 31 global count_list 32 thread_list = [] 33 for i in range(100): 34 t = threading.Thread(target=sub, args=()) 35 t.start() 36 thread_list.append(t) 37 for j in thread_list: 38 j.join() 39 print(count_list) 40 41 if __name__ == "__main__": 42 verify(change)
before change_0
before change_0 lock
Process finished with exit code -1
1 import threading 2 import time 3 count_list = [0, 0] 4 #lock = threading.Lock() #会产生死锁 5 lock = threading.RLock() #不会产生死锁 6 7 def change_0(): 8 global count_list 9 print("before change_0 lock") 10 with lock: 11 print("after change_0 lock") 12 tmp = count_list[0] 13 time.sleep(0.001) 14 count_list[0] = tmp + 1 15 time.sleep(2) 16 print("Done. count_list[0]:%s @" % count_list[0],time.time()) 17 def change_1(): 18 global count_list 19 with lock: 20 tmp = count_list[1] 21 time.sleep(0.001) 22 count_list[1] = tmp + 1 23 time.sleep(2) 24 print("Done. count_list[1]:%s @" % count_list[1],time.time()) 25 def change(): 26 with lock: 27 print("before change_0") 28 change_0() 29 time.sleep(0.001) 30 print("before change_1") 31 change_1() 32 def verify(sub): 33 global count_list 34 thread_list = [] 35 for i in range(3): 36 t = threading.Thread(target=sub, args=()) 37 t.start() 38 thread_list.append(t) 39 for j in thread_list: 40 j.join() 41 print(count_list) 42 43 if __name__ == "__main__": 44 verify(change)
before change_0 before change_0 lock after change_0 lock Done. count_list[0]:1 @ 1585359946.4287996 before change_1 Done. count_list[1]:1 @ 1585359948.4335155 before change_0 before change_0 lock after change_0 lock Done. count_list[0]:2 @ 1585359950.4367368 before change_1 Done. count_list[1]:2 @ 1585359952.439945 before change_0 before change_0 lock after change_0 lock Done. count_list[0]:3 @ 1585359954.4420621 before change_1 Done. count_list[1]:3 @ 1585359956.4463983 [3, 3]
1 import threading 2 import time 3 4 class Account(object): 5 def __init__(self, name, balance, lock): 6 self.name = name 7 self.balance = balance 8 self.lock = lock 9 10 def withdraw(self, amount): 11 self.balance -= amount 12 13 def deposit(self, amount): 14 self.balance += amount 15 16 def transfer(from_account, to_account, amount): 17 with from_account.lock: 18 from_account.withdraw(amount) 19 time.sleep(1) 20 print("trying to get %s's lock..." % to_account.name) 21 with to_account.lock: 22 to_account_deposit(amount) 23 print("transfer finish") 24 25 if __name__ == "__main__": 26 a = Account('a',1000, threading.Lock()) 27 b = Account('b',1000, threading.Lock()) 28 thread_list = [] 29 thread_list.append(threading.Thread(target = transfer, args=(a,b,100))) 30 thread_list.append(threading.Thread(target = transfer, args=(b,a,500))) 31 for i in thread_list: 32 i.start() 33 for j in thread_list: 34 j.join()
trying to get account a's lock... trying to get account b's lock...
在多线程程序中,死锁问题很大一部分是由于线程同时获取多个锁造成的。举个例子:一个线程获取了第一个锁,然后在获取第二个锁的 时候发生阻塞,那么这个线程就可能阻塞其他线程的执行,从而导致整个程序假死。 其实解决这个问题,核心思想也特别简单:目前我们遇到的问题是两个线程想获取到的锁,都被对方线程拿到了,那么我们只需要保证在这两个线程中,获取锁的顺序保持一致就可以了。举个例子,我们有线程thread_a, thread_b, 锁lock_1, lock_2。只要我们规定好了锁的使用顺序,比如先用lock_1,再用lock_2,当线程thread_a获得lock_1时,其他线程如thread_b就无法获得lock_1这个锁,也就无法进行下一步操作(获得lock_2这个锁),也就不会导致互相等待导致的死锁。简言之,解决死锁问题的一种方案是为程序中的每一个锁分配一个唯一的id,然后只允许按照升序规则来使用多个锁,这个规则使用上下文管理器 是非常容易实现的,示例如下:
1 import threading 2 import time 3 from contextlib import contextmanager 4 5 thread_local = threading.local() 6 7 @contextmanager 8 def acquire(*locks): 9 #sort locks by object identifier 10 locks = sorted(locks, key=lambda x: id(x)) 11 12 #make sure lock order of previously acquired locks is not violated 13 acquired = getattr(thread_local,'acquired',[]) 14 if acquired and (max(id(lock) for lock in acquired) >= id(locks[0])): 15 raise RuntimeError('Lock Order Violation') 16 17 # Acquire all the locks 18 acquired.extend(locks) 19 thread_local.acquired = acquired 20 21 try: 22 for lock in locks: 23 lock.acquire() 24 yield 25 finally: 26 for lock in reversed(locks): 27 lock.release() 28 del acquired[-len(locks):] 29 30 class Account(object): 31 def __init__(self, name, balance, lock): 32 self.name = name 33 self.balance = balance 34 self.lock = lock 35 36 def withdraw(self, amount): 37 self.balance -= amount 38 39 def deposit(self, amount): 40 self.balance += amount 41 42 def transfer(from_account, to_account, amount): 43 print("%s transfer..." % amount) 44 with acquire(from_account.lock, to_account.lock): 45 from_account.withdraw(amount) 46 time.sleep(1) 47 to_account.deposit(amount) 48 print("%s transfer... %s:%s ,%s: %s" % (amount,from_account.name,from_account.balance,to_account.name, to_account.balance)) 49 print("transfer finish") 50 51 if __name__ == "__main__": 52 a = Account('a',1000, threading.Lock()) 53 b = Account('b',1000, threading.Lock()) 54 thread_list = [] 55 thread_list.append(threading.Thread(target = transfer, args=(a,b,100))) 56 thread_list.append(threading.Thread(target = transfer, args=(b,a,500))) 57 for i in thread_list: 58 i.start() 59 for j in thread_list: 60 j.join()
100 transfer... 500 transfer... 100 transfer... a:900 ,b:1100 transfer finish 500 transfer... b:600, a:1400 transfer finish
- 1. 装饰器@contextmanager是用来让我们能用with语句调用锁的,从而简化锁的获取和释放过程。关于with语句,大家可以参考浅谈 Python 的 with 语句(https://www.ibm.com/developerworks/cn/opensource/os-cn-pythonwith/)。简言之,with语句在调用时,先执行 __enter__()方法,然后执行with结构体内的语句,最后执行__exit__()语句。有了装饰器@contextmanager. 生成器函数中 yield 之前的语句在 __enter__() 方法中执行,yield 之后的语句在 __exit__() 中执行,而 yield 产生的值赋给了 as 子句中的 value 变量。
- 2. try和finally语句中实现的是锁的获取和释放。
- 3. try之前的语句,实现的是对锁的排序,以及锁排序是否被破坏的判断。
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