prase arraylist where in to ParamsQuery on sql server 2008 using TVB: tvpdemo.cs(where in 转sql 参数化查询)

// See at the end what you need in SQL Server!

using System;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Microsoft.SqlServer.Server;

class TVPdemo {

   // Connection string. Change to fit to your environment.
   private const string connstr =
           "Application Name=TVPdemo;Integrated Security=SSPI;" +
           "Data Source=.\\IKI;Initial Catalog=tempdb";

   // Procedure to print messages from SQL Server, errors or informational
   // messages.
   private static void PrintSqlMsgs(SqlErrorCollection msgs) {
      foreach (SqlError e in msgs) {
         Console.WriteLine (
            "Msg {0}, Severity {1}, State: {2}, Procedure {3}, Line no: {4}",
            e.Number.ToString(), e.Class.ToString(), e.State.ToString(),
            e.Procedure, e.LineNumber.ToString()

   // Handler for messages from SQL Server. For this demo, we do not
   // distinguish between errors and informational messages.
   private static void SqlInfoMessage(object                  sender,
                                      SqlInfoMessageEventArgs ea) {

   // Simple generic routine to print the contents of a data set.
   private static void PrintDataSet(DataSet ds) {
      Console.WriteLine("============= Dataset =======================");
      if (ds.Tables.Count == 0) {
         Console.WriteLine("Empty dataset");
      else {
         foreach (DataTable tbl in ds.Tables) {
            foreach (DataColumn col in tbl.Columns) {
               Console.Write(col.ColumnName + "\t");
            foreach (DataRow row in tbl.Rows) {
               foreach (DataColumn col in tbl.Columns) {
                  Console.Write(row[col].ToString() + "\t");

   // This helper routine sets up our SQL Connection.
   private static SqlConnection setup_connection () {
      // Open the connection.
      SqlConnection cn = new SqlConnection(connstr);

      // Handle user errors with callbacks, rather than exception.
      cn.InfoMessage += SqlInfoMessage;
      cn.FireInfoMessageEventOnUserErrors = true;

      return cn;

   // This procedure shows how pass a value to a TVP to a stored procedure
   // using a List<SqlDataRecord>.
   private static void list_example() {

      // Our sample input data.
      int[] products = {9, 12, 27, 37};

      // Here we use a List<SqlDataRecord>. SqlDataRecord is the namespace
      // using Microsoft.SqlServer.Server.
      List <SqlDataRecord> product_list = new List<SqlDataRecord>();

      // Create an SqlMetaData object that describes our table type.
      SqlMetaData[] tvp_definition = {new SqlMetaData("n", SqlDbType.Int)};

      // Loop over the products.
      foreach (int prodid in products) {
         // Create a new record, using the metadata array above.
         SqlDataRecord rec = new SqlDataRecord(tvp_definition);
         rec.SetInt32(0, prodid);    // Set the value.
         product_list.Add(rec);      // Add it to the list.

      // Open a connection.
      using (SqlConnection cn = setup_connection()) {

         // Set up an SqlCommand to call the stored procedure.
         using (SqlCommand cmd = cn.CreateCommand()) {

            // The procedure call itself.
            cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
            cmd.CommandText = "dbo.get_product_names";

            // Add the table parameter, for table enum value to use is
            // Structured. TVPs are input only.
            cmd.Parameters.Add("@prodids", SqlDbType.Structured);
            cmd.Parameters["@prodids"].Direction = ParameterDirection.Input;

            // We should specify the table type (although when calling a
            // a procedure, this is not mandatory).
            cmd.Parameters["@prodids"].TypeName = "integer_list_tbltype";

            // Then we specify the value, this is our List<SqlDataRecord>.
            cmd.Parameters["@prodids"].Value = product_list;

            // Time to run the command. To keep the code brief we use a
            // DataAdapter.Fill, although this may not be the most efficient.
            using (SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd))
            using (DataSet        ds = new DataSet()) {

   // This procedure shows how to pass a TVP using a DataTable. This time
   // we don't use a stored procedure, but a plain SQL statement to show
   // that this is possible.
   private static void datatable_example() {

      // Our sample input data.
      string [] custids = {"ALFKI", "BONAP", "CACTU", "FRANK"};

      // Create a DataTable, and define its single column.
      DataTable custid_list = new DataTable();
      custid_list.Columns.Add("custid", typeof(String));

      // Loop over the customer in the table.
      foreach (string custid in custids) {
         // Create a new row, save the customer id, and add it to the table.
         DataRow dr = custid_list.NewRow();
         dr["custid"] = custid;

      // Open connection.
      using(SqlConnection cn = setup_connection()) {

         // Set up the command.
         using(SqlCommand cmd = cn.CreateCommand()) {

            // The query to run.
            cmd.CommandText =
              @"SELECT C.CustomerID, C.CompanyName
                FROM   Northwind.dbo.Customers C
                WHERE  C.CustomerID IN (SELECT id.custid FROM @custids id)";
            cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;

            // Add the table parameter.
            cmd.Parameters.Add("@custids", SqlDbType.Structured);
            cmd.Parameters["@custids"].Direction = ParameterDirection.Input;

            // When we use CommandType.Text, we must specify the name of
            // the table type.
            cmd.Parameters["@custids"].TypeName = "custid_list_tbltype";

            // We pass our data table as the parameter value.
            cmd.Parameters["@custids"].Value = custid_list;

            // Time to run the command. To keep the code brief we use a
            // DataAdapter.Fill, although this may not be the most efficient.
            using (SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd))
            using (DataSet        ds = new DataSet()) {

   // This example shows how to pass data using a DataReader. The example
   // is a little cheesy, as it just reads a list of values from an SQL
   // command. Normally, you would use a DataReader when you have your
   // input in some other data source: a file, an access database, or even
   // a TCP port. (In the latter case you would need to implement
   // IDataReader yourself.)
   private static void datareader_example() {

       // Set up a connection using OleDb client; we could at least
       // pretend that it is something else than SQL Server.
       System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection remote_conn =
           new System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection(
                 "Provider=SQLOLEDB;" + connstr);

       // Set up the command.
       System.Data.OleDb.OleDbCommand remote_cmd =
       remote_cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
       remote_cmd.CommandText =
           "SELECT n FROM (VALUES(9), (12), (27), (37)) as t  (n)";

       // Set up the reader.
       System.Data.OleDb.OleDbDataReader oledb_reader =

       // Now we have the reader, we can run the SQL Server command as
       // in the other two examples.
       using (SqlConnection cn = setup_connection()) {
         using (SqlCommand cmd = cn.CreateCommand()) {

            // The procedure call.
            cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
            cmd.CommandText = "dbo.get_product_names";

            // Add the table parameter.
            cmd.Parameters.Add("@prodids", SqlDbType.Structured);
            cmd.Parameters["@prodids"].Direction = ParameterDirection.Input;
            cmd.Parameters["@prodids"].TypeName = "integer_list_tbltype";

            // Then we specify the value, and this time this is the
            // OleDB data reader.
            cmd.Parameters["@prodids"].Value = oledb_reader;

            // And run the command.
            using (SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd))
            using (DataSet        ds = new DataSet()) {

      // Cleanup the remote reader.

   private static void Main() {

      // We use a plain exception handler just to make sure that errors are
      // printed to command-line window, without getting a message box about
      // unhandled exception.

      try {
         // Run the two examples.
      catch (Exception ex) {
         // For SQL errors, print the full story. (But note that only SQL
         // errors with severity >= 17 will end up here, since we use
         // FireInfoMessageEventOnUserErrors.)
         if (ex is SqlException) {
            SqlException sqlex = (SqlException) ex;
         else {

Create this in SQL Server to be able to run the demo code. You will need
the Northwind database.

CREATE TYPE integer_list_tbltype AS TABLE (n int NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY)
CREATE TYPE custid_list_tbltype AS TABLE(custid nchar(5) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY)
CREATE PROCEDURE get_product_names @prodids integer_list_tbltype READONLY AS
SELECT p.ProductID, p.ProductName
FROM   Northwind..Products p
WHERE  p.ProductID IN (SELECT n FROM @prodids)
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