Zend Studio / Ecliplse插件StartExplorer

Install site.zip (quick and simple way)

  1. Locate zip file under site\target in Project Explorer, StartExplore-> Copy Resource Path to Clipboard
  2. Help -> Install New Software ...
  3. Add...
  4. Archive...
  5. Insert copied string into name and path.
    E.g. C:\Users\pverest\git\startexplorer\site\target\de.bastiankrol.startexplorer.site-1.4.1.zip

For the next time just select the zip entry from Work With drop-down list.






Via Eclipse Update Manager

From within Eclipse:

  • Help
  • Install New Software
  • Add...
  • Name: StartExplorer
  • Location: http://basti1302.github.com/startexplorer/update/
  • OK
  • Tick the StartExplorer Feature checkbox
  • Click Next and follow the instructions...
posted @ 2014-04-03 12:31  zhepama  阅读(345)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报