树莓派上使用 LCD1602 显示状态

手头有一块 LCD1602显示屏,于是尝试着用树莓派控制它的显示。网上直接找到现成的例子,操作成功,在此记录。


树莓派版本:Model 3B+

树莓派系统:Raspbian Stretch with desktop and recommended software,April 2019

参考资料:《树莓派+LCD1602实现系统监控: IP/时钟/温度/内存》。




LCD 显示屏就会亮,但没有显示内容。

将参考资料中的两个 python 文件保存至树莓派中的同一文件夹下,长文件命名为1602led.py,短文件命名为1602.py。代码如下,点击+展开:


# based on code from lrvick and LiquidCrystal
# lrvic - https://github.com/lrvick/raspi-hd44780/blob/master/hd44780.py
# LiquidCrystal - https://github.com/arduino/Arduino/blob/master/libraries/LiquidCrystal/LiquidCrystal.cpp

from time import sleep

class lcd1602:

    # commands
    LCD_CLEARDISPLAY         = 0x01
    LCD_RETURNHOME         = 0x02
    LCD_ENTRYMODESET         = 0x04
    LCD_DISPLAYCONTROL         = 0x08
    LCD_CURSORSHIFT         = 0x10
    LCD_FUNCTIONSET         = 0x20
    LCD_SETCGRAMADDR         = 0x40
    LCD_SETDDRAMADDR         = 0x80

    # flags for display entry mode
    LCD_ENTRYRIGHT         = 0x00
    LCD_ENTRYLEFT         = 0x02

    # flags for display on/off control
    LCD_DISPLAYON         = 0x04
    LCD_DISPLAYOFF         = 0x00
    LCD_CURSORON         = 0x02
    LCD_CURSOROFF         = 0x00
    LCD_BLINKON         = 0x01
    LCD_BLINKOFF         = 0x00

    # flags for display/cursor shift
    LCD_DISPLAYMOVE         = 0x08
    LCD_CURSORMOVE         = 0x00

    # flags for display/cursor shift
    LCD_DISPLAYMOVE         = 0x08
    LCD_CURSORMOVE         = 0x00
    LCD_MOVERIGHT         = 0x04
    LCD_MOVELEFT         = 0x00

    # flags for function set
    LCD_8BITMODE         = 0x10
    LCD_4BITMODE         = 0x00
    LCD_2LINE             = 0x08
    LCD_1LINE             = 0x00
    LCD_5x10DOTS         = 0x04
    LCD_5x8DOTS         = 0x00

    def __init__(self, pin_rs=14, pin_e=15, pins_db=[17, 18, 27, 22], GPIO = None):
    # Emulate the old behavior of using RPi.GPIO if we haven't been given
    # an explicit GPIO interface to use
    if not GPIO:
        import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
       self.GPIO = GPIO
        self.pin_rs = pin_rs
        self.pin_e = pin_e
        self.pins_db = pins_db

        self.GPIO.setup(self.pin_e, GPIO.OUT)
        self.GPIO.setup(self.pin_rs, GPIO.OUT)
    for pin in self.pins_db:
            self.GPIO.setup(pin, GPIO.OUT)

    self.write4bits(0x33) # initialization
    self.write4bits(0x32) # initialization
    self.write4bits(0x28) # 2 line 5x7 matrix
    self.write4bits(0x0C) # turn cursor off 0x0E to enable cursor
    self.write4bits(0x06) # shift cursor right

    self.displaycontrol = self.LCD_DISPLAYON | self.LCD_CURSOROFF | self.LCD_BLINKOFF

    self.displayfunction = self.LCD_4BITMODE | self.LCD_1LINE | self.LCD_5x8DOTS
    self.displayfunction |= self.LCD_2LINE

    """ Initialize to default text direction (for romance languages) """
    self.displaymode =  self.LCD_ENTRYLEFT | self.LCD_ENTRYSHIFTDECREMENT
    self.write4bits(self.LCD_ENTRYMODESET | self.displaymode) #  set the entry mode


    def begin(self, cols, lines):

    if (lines > 1):
        self.numlines = lines
            self.displayfunction |= self.LCD_2LINE
        self.currline = 0

    def home(self):

    self.write4bits(self.LCD_RETURNHOME) # set cursor position to zero
    self.delayMicroseconds(3000) # this command takes a long time!

    def clear(self):

    self.write4bits(self.LCD_CLEARDISPLAY) # command to clear display
    self.delayMicroseconds(3000)    # 3000 microsecond sleep, clearing the display takes a long time

    def setCursor(self, col, row):

    self.row_offsets = [ 0x00, 0x40, 0x14, 0x54 ]

    if ( row > self.numlines ): 
        row = self.numlines - 1 # we count rows starting w/0

    self.write4bits(self.LCD_SETDDRAMADDR | (col + self.row_offsets[row]))

    def noDisplay(self): 
    """ Turn the display off (quickly) """

    self.displaycontrol &= ~self.LCD_DISPLAYON
    self.write4bits(self.LCD_DISPLAYCONTROL | self.displaycontrol)

    def display(self):
    """ Turn the display on (quickly) """

    self.displaycontrol |= self.LCD_DISPLAYON
    self.write4bits(self.LCD_DISPLAYCONTROL | self.displaycontrol)

    def noCursor(self):
    """ Turns the underline cursor on/off """

    self.displaycontrol &= ~self.LCD_CURSORON
    self.write4bits(self.LCD_DISPLAYCONTROL | self.displaycontrol)

    def cursor(self):
    """ Cursor On """

    self.displaycontrol |= self.LCD_CURSORON
    self.write4bits(self.LCD_DISPLAYCONTROL | self.displaycontrol)

    def noBlink(self):
    """ Turn on and off the blinking cursor """

    self.displaycontrol &= ~self.LCD_BLINKON
    self.write4bits(self.LCD_DISPLAYCONTROL | self.displaycontrol)

    def noBlink(self):
    """ Turn on and off the blinking cursor """

    self.displaycontrol &= ~self.LCD_BLINKON
    self.write4bits(self.LCD_DISPLAYCONTROL | self.displaycontrol)

    def DisplayLeft(self):
    """ These commands scroll the display without changing the RAM """

    self.write4bits(self.LCD_CURSORSHIFT | self.LCD_DISPLAYMOVE | self.LCD_MOVELEFT)

    def scrollDisplayRight(self):
    """ These commands scroll the display without changing the RAM """

    self.write4bits(self.LCD_CURSORSHIFT | self.LCD_DISPLAYMOVE | self.LCD_MOVERIGHT);

    def leftToRight(self):
    """ This is for text that flows Left to Right """

    self.displaymode |= self.LCD_ENTRYLEFT
    self.write4bits(self.LCD_ENTRYMODESET | self.displaymode);

    def rightToLeft(self):
    """ This is for text that flows Right to Left """
    self.displaymode &= ~self.LCD_ENTRYLEFT
    self.write4bits(self.LCD_ENTRYMODESET | self.displaymode)

    def autoscroll(self):
    """ This will 'right justify' text from the cursor """

    self.displaymode |= self.LCD_ENTRYSHIFTINCREMENT
    self.write4bits(self.LCD_ENTRYMODESET | self.displaymode)

    def noAutoscroll(self): 
    """ This will 'left justify' text from the cursor """

    self.displaymode &= ~self.LCD_ENTRYSHIFTINCREMENT
    self.write4bits(self.LCD_ENTRYMODESET | self.displaymode)

    def write4bits(self, bits, char_mode=False):
        """ Send command to LCD """

    self.delayMicroseconds(1000) # 1000 microsecond sleep


        self.GPIO.output(self.pin_rs, char_mode)

        for pin in self.pins_db:
            self.GPIO.output(pin, False)

        for i in range(4):
            if bits[i] == "1":
                self.GPIO.output(self.pins_db[::-1][i], True)


        for pin in self.pins_db:
            self.GPIO.output(pin, False)

        for i in range(4,8):
            if bits[i] == "1":
                self.GPIO.output(self.pins_db[::-1][i-4], True)


    def delayMicroseconds(self, microseconds):
    seconds = microseconds / float(1000000)    # divide microseconds by 1 million for seconds

    def pulseEnable(self):
    self.GPIO.output(self.pin_e, False)
    self.delayMicroseconds(1)        # 1 microsecond pause - enable pulse must be > 450ns 
    self.GPIO.output(self.pin_e, True)
    self.delayMicroseconds(1)        # 1 microsecond pause - enable pulse must be > 450ns 
    self.GPIO.output(self.pin_e, False)
    self.delayMicroseconds(1)        # commands need > 37us to settle

    def message(self, text):
        """ Send string to LCD. Newline wraps to second line"""

        for char in text:
            if char == '\n':
                self.write4bits(0xC0) # next line

if __name__ == '__main__':

    lcd = lcd1602()
    lcd.message("hello world!")
from lcd1602 import *
from datetime import *
import commands
def get_cpu_temp():
    tmp = open('/sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone0/temp')
    cpu = tmp.read()
    return '{:.2f}'.format( float(cpu)/1000 ) + ' C'
def get_gpu_temp():
    tmp = commands.getoutput('vcgencmd measure_temp|awk -F= \'{print $2}\'').replace('\'C','')
    gpu = float(tmp)
    return '{:.2f}'.format( gpu ) + ' C'
def get_time_now():
    return datetime.now().strftime('    %H:%M:%S\n   %Y-%m-%d')
def get_ip_info():
    return commands.getoutput('ifconfig wlan0|grep inet|awk -Faddr: \'{print $2}\'|awk \'{print $1}\'')
def get_mem_info():
    total= commands.getoutput('free -m|grep Mem:|awk \'{print $2}\'')  
    free = commands.getoutput('free -m|grep cache:|awk \'{print $4}\'')
    return 'MEM:\n    ' + free +' / '+ total +' M'
lcd = lcd1602()
if __name__ == '__main__':
        lcd.message( get_ip_info() )
        lcd.message( get_time_now() )
        lcd.message( get_mem_info() )
        lcd.message( 'CPU: ' + get_cpu_temp()+'\n' )
        lcd.message( 'GPU: ' + get_gpu_temp() )

代码需用 python2.7 运行,终端进入对应的文件夹下,执行 python 1602.py ,就能发现显示屏变化了。注意,可能需要旋转电位器转轴来矫正显示屏。





  1. 树莓派在 OLED 显示屏上输出文字
  2. Python 控制树莓派 GPIO 输出:控制 LED 灯
  3. 树莓派中添加中文输入法
  4. Mac 通过 VNC 打开树莓派远程桌面(不用独立显示屏)
  5. 用 Mac 给树莓派重装系统
  6. 树莓派的系统安装,并且利用网线直连 Mac 进行配置


posted @ 2019-05-30 16:07  Zhenqi  阅读(3984)  评论(1编辑  收藏  举报