【微内容】LifeStreams:跟踪你所用的服务之所有RSS Feed
【微内容】LifeStreams:跟踪你所用的服务之所有RSS/ATOM Feed
郑昀 20070908
1:LifeStreams,据这行一个杰出代表iStalkr所言,这个概念源自于英国Web开发者Jeremy Keith在
在这篇文章里,Jeremy Keith提出了一个问题:
“Wouldn’t it be nice to pull in all these disparate bits of time stamped information and build up a timeline of online activity?”(要是把所有这些迥异的、打过时间戳的字节流聚合到一起,构建出一个人的在线行为的时间脉络,应该是个很棒的主意)
行胜于言,Jeremy Keith不愧是实践家,甚至放出自己的lifestream小样,
http://adactio.com/journal/rss Blog
http://del.icio.us/rss/adactio delicious
http://www.flickr.com/services/feeds/photos_public.gne?id=74105777@N00&format=rss_200 flickr
http://ws.audioscrobbler.com/1.0/user/adactio/recenttracks.rss music
http://twitter.com/statuses/user_timeline/11250.rss twitter
Digg..Google Reader..twitter...Flickr…Del.ici.ous…Last.fm…ma.gnolia.com…Amazon…Netflix…FaceBook…Reddit。。。
iStalkr【iStalkr is a web app that allows you to create a lifestream tracking all your RSS and ATOM feeds for services you use】
iceflake【Iceflake notifies you when your friends update their pages on Myspace, Facebook, Flickr, Xanga, and other sites】
afeeda 【afeeda create your own lifestream, river of news or capture the buzz around an event in an instant, then share your feed with your friends!】
Natuba 【Give your friends a single place to follow everything happening in your online life with Natuba.】
Ziki 【Ziki.com helps you control your online identity and offers everyone a new way to search, share, promote and monetize their content through social networks】
Dandelife 【Dandelife is a place for you to record the events of your life, past and present, public and private.】
Mugshot【Show updates from all your sites on one page. Get live updates from friends.】