React Native(六)——PureComponent VS Component


export class ywg extends PureComponent {
    render() {
        return (
export class ywg extends Component {
    render() {
        return (

PureComponent VS Component 

Stateless components may also be referred to as Pure Components, or even Dumb Components, and are meant to represent any React Component declared as a function that has no state and returns the same markup given the same props.

These types of components surprisingly compose a large majority of our applications and, as a result, React 0.14 introduces the ability to write these stateless components as functions, also known as functional stateless components.

So these are some of the UI elements that I summarize from Tencent work.

无状态的组件又被叫做“纯粹的组件”,甚至是“哑巴组件”。这是指这样的一些组件:React组件中有一些被声明为函数(而不是继承自Component的class),它们没有state,只要给定同样的props,就会返回同样的标签块。这种类型的组件出人意料的成为构建大型应用程序的常用方法,所以,自从React 0.14开始支持使用函数的方式来创建这种无状态组件,所以也被叫做“函数式无状态组件”。无状态组件渲染效率更高,编写和组合更加简单


posted @ 2017-10-20 11:05  郑叶叶  阅读(1592)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报