android开发 常见工具
一、android sdk tools
其实我们下载最新的sdk组件的时候下载的就是它了,然后再通过它下载到我们需要的sdk platform,其版本号和android版本号是一一对应的。
二、android sdk Manager
三、AVD (Android Virtual Device)
Create a new AVD using your selected Deployment Target. Execute:
android create avd --name <your_avd_name> --target <targetID>
D:\Android SDK\android-sdk-windows-1.5_r1\tools>android list Available Android targets: id: 1 Name: Android 1.1 Type: Platform API level: 2 Skins: HVGA (default), HVGA-L, HVGA-P, QVGA-L, QVGA-P id: 2 Name: Android 1.5 Type: Platform API level: 3 Skins: HVGA (default), HVGA-L, HVGA-P, QVGA-L, QVGA-P id: 3 Name: Google APIs Type: Add-On Vendor: Google Inc. Description: Android + Google APIs Based on Android 1.5 (API level 3) Libraries: * (maps.jar) API for Google Maps Skins: QVGA-P, HVGA-L, HVGA (default), QVGA-L, HVGA-P Available Android Virtual Devices: D:\Android SDK\android-sdk-windows-1.5_r1\tools>android create avd --name aid15r1 --target 2 Android 1.5 is a basic Android platform. Do you wish to create a custom hardware profile [no]yes ...... ....... Created AVD 'android15r1' based on Android 1.5
也可以点击sdk目录下的sdk manager.exe,或tools 目录下的android.bat 来创建一个新的虚拟设备。
四、ADB (Android Debug Bridge)
ADB is a tool that comes with the Android SDK that allows you to control and interface with your Android device. It is located in the tools folder when you unpack the SDK.
Common Use: (Some of the more common commands in adb are push, pull, shell, install, remount, and logcat.)
1.Push sends a file from your desktop computer to your android device:
adb push test.txt /sdcard/test.txt
2.Pull pulls a file from your android device to your desktop computer:
adb pull /sdcard/test.txt test.txt
3.Shell lets you run an interactive shell (command prompt) on the android device:
adb shell
4.Install lets you install an APK file to your android device:
adb install myapp.apk
5.Remount remounts the /system partition as writable (or read_only if it is already writable):
adb remount
6.Logcat lets you view the devices debug logs in real time (must press control+c to exit):
adb logcat
五、ADT(Android Development Tools)
eclipse插件,装了以后可以用eclipse ide 来开发android程序。
六、Dalvik(android 程序虚拟机,基于寄存器,不同于JVM(基于栈))