nascan.py 文件位于 nascan/nascan.py
# coding:utf-8 # author:wolf@YSRC import thread from lib.common import * from lib.start import * if __name__ == "__main__": try: CONFIG_INI = get_config() # 读取配置 log.write('info', None, 0, u'获取配置成功') STATISTICS = get_statistics() # 读取统计信息 MASSCAN_AC = [0] NACHANGE = [0] thread.start_new_thread(monitor, (CONFIG_INI,STATISTICS,NACHANGE)) # 心跳线程 thread.start_new_thread(cruise, (STATISTICS,MASSCAN_AC)) # 失效记录删除线程 socket.setdefaulttimeout(int(CONFIG_INI['Timeout']) / 2) # 设置连接超时 ac_data = [] while True: now_time = time.localtime() now_hour = now_time.tm_hour now_day = now_time.tm_mday now_date = str(now_time.tm_year) + str(now_time.tm_mon) + str(now_day) cy_day, ac_hour = CONFIG_INI['Cycle'].split('|') log.write('info', None, 0, u'扫描规则: ' + str(CONFIG_INI['Cycle'])) if (now_hour == int(ac_hour) and now_day % int(cy_day) == 0 and now_date not in ac_data) or NACHANGE[0]: # 判断是否进入扫描时段 ac_data.append(now_date) NACHANGE[0] = 0 log.write('info', None, 0, u'开始扫描') s = start(CONFIG_INI) s.masscan_ac = MASSCAN_AC s.statistics = STATISTICS s.run() time.sleep(60) except Exception, e: print e
读取了配置,get_config() 跟进去
def get_config(): config = {} config_info = mongo.na_db.Config.find_one({"type": "nascan"}) for name in config_info['config']: if name in ['Discern_cms', 'Discern_con', 'Discern_lang', 'Discern_server']: config[name] = format_config(name, config_info['config'][name]['value']) else: config[name] = config_info['config'][name]['value'] return config
def get_statistics(): date_ = datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d') now_stati = mongo.na_db.Statistics.find_one({"date": date_}) if not now_stati: now_stati = {date_: {"add": 0, "update": 0, "delete": 0}} return now_stati else: return {date_: now_stati['info']}
MASSCAN_AC 是系统来判断是否支持masscan扫描。为1的话就是masscan正在扫描。
NACHANGE 是用来看现在的扫描列表和开始的列表有没有变化,有变化设为1。
thread.start_new_thread(monitor, (CONFIG_INI,STATISTICS,NACHANGE)) # 心跳线程 thread.start_new_thread(cruise, (STATISTICS,MASSCAN_AC)) # 失效记录删除线程 socket.setdefaulttimeout(int(CONFIG_INI['Timeout']) / 2) # 设置连接超时
def monitor(CONFIG_INI, STATISTICS, NACHANGE): while True: try: time_ = datetime.datetime.now() date_ = time_.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') mongo.na_db.Heartbeat.update({"name": "heartbeat"}, {"$set": {"up_time": time_}}) if date_ not in STATISTICS: STATISTICS[date_] = {"add": 0, "update": 0, "delete": 0} mongo.na_db.Statistics.update({"date": date_}, {"$set": {"info": STATISTICS[date_]}}, upsert=True) new_config = get_config() if base64.b64encode(CONFIG_INI["Scan_list"]) != base64.b64encode(new_config["Scan_list"]):NACHANGE[0] = 1 CONFIG_INI.clear() CONFIG_INI.update(new_config) except Exception, e: print e time.sleep(30)
def cruise(STATISTICS,MASSCAN_AC): while True: now_str = datetime.datetime.now() week = int(now_str.weekday()) hour = int(now_str.hour) if week >= 1 and week <= 5 and hour >= 9 and hour <= 18: # 非工作时间不删除 try: data = mongo.NA_INFO.find().sort("time", 1) for history_info in data: while True: if MASSCAN_AC[0]: # 如果masscan正在扫描即不进行清理 time.sleep(10) else: break ip = history_info['ip'] port = history_info['port'] try: sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) sock.connect((ip, int(port))) sock.close() except Exception, e: time_ = datetime.datetime.now() date_ = time_.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') mongo.NA_INFO.remove({"ip": ip, "port": port}) log.write('info', None, 0, '%s:%s delete' % (ip, port)) STATISTICS[date_]['delete'] += 1 del history_info["_id"] history_info['del_time'] = time_ history_info['type'] = 'delete' mongo.NA_HISTORY.insert(history_info) except: pass time.sleep(3600)
if (now_hour == int(ac_hour) and now_day % int(cy_day) == 0 and now_date not in ac_data) or NACHANGE[0]: # 判断是否进入扫描时段
(now_hour == int(ac_hour) and now_day % int(cy_day) == 0 and now_date not in ac_data)
def run(self): global AC_PORT_LIST all_ip_list = [] for ip in self.scan_list: if "/" in ip: ip = cidr.CIDR(ip) if not ip:continue ip_list = self.get_ip_list(ip) for white_ip in self.white_list: if white_ip in ip_list: ip_list.remove(white_ip) if self.mode == 1: self.masscan_path = self.config_ini['Masscan'].split('|')[2] self.masscan_rate = self.config_ini['Masscan'].split('|')[1] ip_list = self.get_ac_ip(ip_list) self.masscan_ac[0] = 1 AC_PORT_LIST = self.masscan(ip_list) # 如果安装了Masscan即使用Masscan进行全端口扫描 if not AC_PORT_LIST: continue self.masscan_ac[0] = 0 for ip_str in AC_PORT_LIST.keys(): self.queue.put(ip_str) # 加入队列 self.scan_start() # 开始扫描 else: all_ip_list.extend(ip_list) if self.mode == 0: if self.icmp: all_ip_list = self.get_ac_ip(all_ip_list) for ip_str in all_ip_list: self.queue.put(ip_str) # 加入队列 self.scan_start() # TCP探测模式开始扫描
if "/" in ip: ip = cidr.CIDR(ip) ,支持这样的格式:
if self.mode == 1 判断是否支持masscan扫描,如果支持就使用Masscan进行全端口扫描。如果没有开启,将ip添加到all_ip_list这个列表中。
def masscan(self, ip): try: if len(ip) == 0: return sys.path.append(sys.path[0] + "/plugin") m_scan = __import__("masscan") result = m_scan.run(ip, self.masscan_path, self.masscan_rate) return result except Exception, e: print e print 'No masscan plugin detected'
def run(ip_list,path,rate): try: ip_file = open('target.log','w') ip_file.write("\n".join(ip_list)) ip_file.close() path = str(path).translate(None, ';|&') rate = str(rate).translate(None, ';|&') if not os.path.exists(path):return os.system("%s -p1-65535 -iL target.log -oL tmp.log --randomize-hosts --rate=%s"%(path,rate)) result_file = open('tmp.log', 'r') result_json = result_file.readlines() result_file.close() del result_json[0] del result_json[-1] open_list = {} for res in result_json: try: ip = res.split()[3] port = res.split()[2] if ip in open_list: open_list[ip].append(port) else: open_list[ip] = [port] except:pass os.remove('target.log') os.remove('tmp.log') return open_list except: pass
masscan -p1-65535 -iL target.log -oL tmp.log --randomize-hosts --rate=20000
class ThreadNum(threading.Thread): def __init__(self, queue): threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.queue = queue def run(self): while True: try: task_host = self.queue.get(block=False) except: break try: if self.mode: port_list = AC_PORT_LIST[task_host] else: port_list = self.config_ini['Port_list'].split('|')[1].split('\n') _s = scan.scan(task_host, port_list) _s.config_ini = self.config_ini # 提供配置信息 _s.statistics = self.statistics # 提供统计信息 _s.run() except Exception, e: print e finally: self.queue.task_done()
class scan: def __init__(self, task_host, port_list): self.ip = task_host self.port_list = port_list self.config_ini = {} def run(self): self.timeout = int(self.config_ini['Timeout']) for _port in self.port_list: self.server = '' self.banner = '' self.port = int(_port) self.scan_port() # 端口扫描 if not self.banner:continue self.server_discern() # 服务识别 if self.server == '': web_info = self.try_web() # 尝试web访问 if web_info: log.write('web', self.ip, self.port, web_info) time_ = datetime.datetime.now() mongo.NA_INFO.update({'ip': self.ip, 'port': self.port}, {"$set": {'banner': self.banner, 'server': 'web', 'webinfo': web_info, 'time': time_}})
def scan_port(self): try: sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) sock.connect((self.ip, self.port)) time.sleep(0.2) except Exception, e: return try: self.banner = sock.recv(1024) sock.close() if len(self.banner) <= 2: self.banner = 'NULL' except Exception, e: self.banner = 'NULL' log.write('portscan', self.ip, self.port, None) banner = '' hostname = self.ip2hostname(self.ip) time_ = datetime.datetime.now() date_ = time_.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') try: banner = unicode(self.banner, errors='replace') if self.banner == 'NULL': banner = '' mongo.NA_INFO.insert({"ip": self.ip, "port": self.port, "hostname": hostname, "banner": banner, "time": time_}) self.statistics[date_]['add'] += 1 except: if banner: history_info = mongo.NA_INFO.find_and_modify( query={"ip": self.ip, "port": self.port, "banner": {"$ne": banner}}, remove=True) if history_info: mongo.NA_INFO.insert( {"ip": self.ip, "port": self.port, "hostname": hostname, "banner": banner, "time": time_}) self.statistics[date_]['update'] += 1 del history_info["_id"] history_info['del_time'] = time_ history_info['type'] = 'update' mongo.NA_HISTORY.insert(history_info)
def server_discern(self): for mark_info in self.config_ini['Discern_server']: # 快速识别 try: name, default_port, mode, reg = mark_info if mode == 'default': if int(default_port) == self.port: self.server = name elif mode == 'banner': matchObj = re.search(reg, self.banner, re.I | re.M) if matchObj: self.server = name if self.server:break except: continue if not self.server and self.port not in [80,443,8080]: for mark_info in self.config_ini['Discern_server']: # 发包识别 try: name, default_port, mode, reg = mark_info if mode not in ['default','banner']: dis_sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) dis_sock.connect((self.ip, self.port)) mode = mode.decode('string_escape') reg = reg.decode('string_escape') dis_sock.send(mode) time.sleep(0.3) dis_recv = dis_sock.recv(1024) matchObj = re.search(reg, dis_recv, re.I | re.M) if matchObj: self.server = name break except: pass if self.server: log.write("server", self.ip, self.port, self.server) mongo.NA_INFO.update({"ip": self.ip, "port": self.port}, {"$set": {"server": self.server}})
def try_web(self): title_str, html = '', '' try: if self.port == 443: info = urllib2.urlopen("https://%s:%s" % (self.ip, self.port), timeout=self.timeout) else: info = urllib2.urlopen("http://%s:%s" % (self.ip, self.port), timeout=self.timeout) html = info.read() header = info.headers except urllib2.HTTPError, e: html = e.read() header = e.headers except: return if not header: return if 'Content-Encoding' in header and 'gzip' in header['Content-Encoding']: # 解压gzip html_data = StringIO.StringIO(html) gz = gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=html_data) html = gz.read() try: html_code = self.get_code(header, html).strip() if html_code and len(html_code) < 12: html = html.decode(html_code).encode('utf-8') except: pass try: title = re.search(r'<title>(.*?)</title>', html, flags=re.I | re.M) if title: title_str = title.group(1) except: pass try: web_banner = str(header) + "\r\n\r\n" + html self.banner = web_banner history_info = mongo.NA_INFO.find_one({"ip": self.ip, "port": self.port}) if 'server' not in history_info: tag = self.get_tag() web_info = {'title': title_str, 'tag': tag} return web_info else: if abs(len(history_info['banner'].encode('utf-8')) - len(web_banner)) > len(web_banner) / 60: del history_info['_id'] history_info['del_time'] = datetime.datetime.now() mongo.NA_HISTORY.insert(history_info) tag = self.get_tag() web_info = {'title': title_str, 'tag': tag} date_ = datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d') self.statistics[date_]['update'] += 1 log.write('info', None, 0, '%s:%s update web info'%(self.ip, self.port)) return web_info except: return def ip2hostname(self,ip): try: hostname = socket.gethostbyaddr(ip)[0] return hostname except: pass try: query_data = "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x20\x43\x4b\x41\x41" + \ "\x41\x41\x41\x41\x41\x41\x41\x41\x41\x41\x41\x41\x41\x41\x41\x41\x41" + \ "\x41\x41\x41\x41\x41\x41\x41\x41\x41\x41\x41\x00\x00\x21\x00\x01" dport = 137 _s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) _s.settimeout(3) _s.sendto(query_data, (ip, dport)) x = _s.recvfrom(1024) tmp = x[0][57:] hostname = tmp.split("\x00", 2)[0].strip() hostname = hostname.split()[0] return hostname except: pass def get_code(self, header, html): try: m = re.search(r'<meta.*?charset=(.*?)"(>| |/)', html, flags=re.I) if m: return m.group(1).replace('"', '') except: pass try: if 'Content-Type' in header: Content_Type = header['Content-Type'] m = re.search(r'.*?charset=(.*?)(;|$)', Content_Type, flags=re.I) if m: return m.group(1) except: pass