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RabbitMQ文档翻译——Hello World!(上)




RabbitMQ is a message broker. The principal idea is pretty simple: it accepts and forwards messages. You can think about it as a post office: when you send mail to the post box you're pretty sure that Mr. Postman will eventually deliver the mail to your recipient. Using this metaphor RabbitMQ is a post box, a post office and a postman.

The major difference between RabbitMQ and the post office is the fact that it doesn't deal with paper, instead it accepts, stores and forwards binary blobs of data ‒messages.

RabbitMQ, and messaging in general, uses some jargon.

译:RabbitMQ是一个消息中间件(message broker)。它的核心思想(principal idea)非常简单:它可以接受和发送消息。你可以把它就想象成一个寄信过程:当你寄信时,你要把信投到邮箱里,然后你相信一定会有邮递员把信取走,并且安全无误的把信送到收件人的手中。一个恰当的比喻,RabbitMQ扮演了三个角色,它是一个邮箱,也是一个邮局,还是一个邮递员。



Producing means nothing more than sending. A program that sends messages is a producer. We'll draw it like that, with "P":


A queue is the name for a mailbox.It lives inside RabbitMQ.Although message flow through RabbitMQ and your applications,they can be stored

only inside a queue.A queue is not bound by any limits,it can store as many messages as you like - it's essentially an infinite buffer. Many producers

can send messages that go to one queue, many consumers can try to receive data from one queue. A queue will be drawn as like that, with its name

above it:




Consuming has a similar meaning to receiving. A consumer is a program that mostly waits to receive messages. On our drawings it's shown with "C":


Note that the producer, consumer, and broker do not have to reside on the same machine; indeed in most applications they don't.


"Hello World"

(using the Java Client)

In this part of the tutorial we'll write two programs in Java; a producer that sends a single message, and a consumer that receives messages and prints them out. We'll gloss over some of the detail in the Java API, concentrating on this very simple thing just to get started. It's a "Hello World" of messaging.

In the diagram below, "P" is our producer and "C" is our consumer. The box in the middle is a queue - a message buffer that RabbitMQ keeps on behalf of the consumer.



The Java client library

RabbitMQ speaks multiple protocols. This tutorial uses AMQP 0-9-1, which is an open, general-purpose protocol for messaging. There are a number of clients for RabbitMQ in many different languages. We'll use the Java client provided by RabbitMQ.

Download the client library package, and check its signature as described. Unzip it into your working directory and grab the JAR files from the unzipped directory:

$ unzip rabbitmq-java-client-bin-*.zip
$ cp rabbitmq-java-client-bin-*/*.jar ./

(The RabbitMQ Java client is also in the central Maven repository, with the groupIdcom.rabbitmq and the artifactId amqp-client.)

译:首先需要引入Java client库的依赖,可以通过下载jar包,或者使用Maven构建工具,下面补充一下官方文档没有举例的maven配置:


Now we have the Java client and its dependencies, we can write some code.



We'll call our message sender Send and our message receiver Recv. The sender will connect to RabbitMQ, send a single message, then exit.


In, we need some classes imported:


1 import com.rabbitmq.client.ConnectionFactory;
2 import com.rabbitmq.client.Connection;
3 import com.rabbitmq.client.Channel;

Set up the class and name the queue:



1 public class Send {
2   private final static String QUEUE_NAME = "hello";
4   public static void main(String[] argv)
5       throws {
6       ...
7   }
8 }

then we can create a connection to the server:


1 ConnectionFactory factory = new ConnectionFactory();
2 factory.setHost("localhost");
3 Connection connection = factory.newConnection();
4 Channel channel = connection.createChannel();




public static final int    DEFAULT_AMQP_OVER_SSL_PORT = 5671;

The connection abstracts the socket connection, and takes care of protocol version negotiation and authentication and so on for us. Here we connect to a broker on the local machine - hence thelocalhost. If we wanted to connect to a broker on a different machine we'd simply specify its name or IP address here.

Next we create a channel, which is where most of the API for getting things done resides.

To send, we must declare a queue for us to send to; then we can publish a message to the queue:


1 channel.queueDeclare(QUEUE_NAME, false, false, false, null);
2 String message = "Hello World!";
3 channel.basicPublish("", QUEUE_NAME, null, message.getBytes());
4 System.out.println(" [x] Sent '" + message + "'");

Declaring a queue is idempotent - it will only be created if it doesn't exist already. The message content is a byte array, so you can encode whatever you like there.

Lastly, we close the channel and the connection;


Lastly, we close the channel and the connection;


1 channel.close();
2 connection.close();


 1 package Producer;
 3 import com.rabbitmq.client.Channel;
 4 import com.rabbitmq.client.Connection;
 5 import com.rabbitmq.client.ConnectionFactory;
 7 import;
 9 /**
10  * Created by zhengbin06 on 16/9/10.
11  */
12 public class Send {
13     private final static String QUEUE_NAME = "hello";
14     public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
15         ConnectionFactory connectionFactory = new ConnectionFactory();
16         connectionFactory.setHost("localhost");
17 //        connectionFactory.setPort(5672);
18         Connection connection = connectionFactory.newConnection();
19         Channel channel = connection.createChannel();
20         /**
21          * Declare a queue
22          * @see com.rabbitmq.client.AMQP.Queue.Declare
23          * @see com.rabbitmq.client.AMQP.Queue.DeclareOk
24          * @param queue the name of the queue
25          *        队列:这是这个队列的名字
26          * @param durable true if we are declaring a durable queue (the queue will survive a server restart)
27          *        持久性:true代表声明一个持久的队列(服务器的重启不会影响到队列)
28          * @param exclusive true if we are declaring an exclusive queue (restricted to this connection)
29          *        独有性(唯一性):true代表声明一个唯一的消息队列(仅限于这个连接,也就是说在这个连接(通道)中这个消息队列是唯一的)
30          * @param autoDelete true if we are declaring an autodelete queue (server will delete it when no longer in use)
31          *        自动删除:如果为true代表声明了一个会自动销毁的消息队列(当长时间不使用时,服务器将把它删除)
32          * @param arguments other properties (construction arguments) for the queue
33          *        参数:其它的一些声明队列的构造参数列表
34          * @return a declaration-confirm method to indicate the queue was successfully declared
35          * @throws if an error is encountered
36          */
37         // 在这个通道中,声明一个消息队列
38         channel.queueDeclare(QUEUE_NAME, false, false, false, null);
39         String message = "Hello World!";
40         /**
41          * Publish a message
42          * @see com.rabbitmq.client.AMQP.Basic.Publish
43          * @param exchange the exchange to publish the message to
44          *        交换:交换发送的消息
45          * @param routingKey the routing key
46          *        路由密钥:代表路由的密钥
47          * @param props other properties for the message - routing headers etc
48          *        其它信息:一些关于消息的其他属性——路由的消息头等
49          * @param body the message body
50          *        消息主体:消息的主体(一个字节数组)
51          * @throws if an error is encountered
52          */
53         channel.basicPublish("", QUEUE_NAME, null, message.getBytes());
54         System.out.println(" [x] Sent '" + message + "'");
55         channel.close();
56         connection.close();
57     }
58 }
View Code

 到这步为止你就可以运行 的main方法了,如果报错或者没有输出,官方文档给出的解释是:

Sending doesn't work!

If this is your first time using RabbitMQ and you don't see the "Sent" message then you may be left scratching your head wondering what could be wrong. Maybe the broker was started without enough free disk space (by default it needs at least 1GB free) and is therefore refusing to accept messages. Check the broker logfile to confirm and reduce the limit if necessary. The configuration file documentation will show you to set disk_free_limit.










或者加上"-detached"参数,表示(in which case the server process runs in the background)也就是说这种情况下服务器在后台运行:

查看Broker状态:“./rabbitmqctl status

关闭Broker:“./rabbitmqctl stop





➜  sbin ./rabbitmqctl list_queues


这篇简单介绍了RabbitMQ中的三个角色,和“Hello World!”这个例子中的,下面的一篇继续完成例子中的消息消费者。

posted @ 2016-09-11 14:32  郑斌blog  阅读(1569)  评论(2编辑  收藏  举报