<select id="workPage" resultType="com.shsajt.db.model.ContractWork">
select * from contract_work cw
left join contract_item ci on cw.item_id = ci.id
left join closed_loop cl on cw.id = cl.work_id
cw.deleted = 0 and ci.deleted = 0
<if test="vo.workType != null">
and cw.work_type_id = #{vo.workType}
<if test="vo.itemId != null">
and cw.item_id = #{vo.itemId}
<if test="vo.subTypeId != null">
and cw.sub_type_id = #{vo.subTypeId}
<if test="vo.name != null">
and cw.name like concat('%', #{vo.name}, '%')
<if test="vo.contractId != null">
and ci.contract_id = #{vo.contractId}
<if test="vo.beginDate != null">
and cw.begin_date <![CDATA[ >= ]]> #{vo.beginDate}
<if test="vo.endDate != null">
and cw.end_date <![CDATA[ <= ]]> #{vo.endDate}
<if test="vo.officeId != null">
and cw.office_id = #{vo.officeId}
<if test="vo.beginCreate != null">
and cw.gmt_create <![CDATA[ >= ]]> #{vo.beginCreate}
<if test="vo.endCreate != null">
and cw.gmt_create <![CDATA[ <= ]]> #{vo.endCreate}
<if test="vo.serveObjectId != null">
and cw.serve_object = #{vo.serveObjectId}
<if test ="vo.looped != null and vo.looped == 1">
<!-- 如果looped传1,代表查询的是抽查页面查询,就只能查出闭环的检查-->
and cl.looped = 1
<if test ="vo.looped == null and vo.state != null and vo.state.size() >0">
<!-- 如果looped不传,代表查询的是企业服务合同下面各种合同执行,就是正常查-->
and cw.work_state_id in
<foreach collection='vo.state' item='item' index='index' open='(' separator=',' close=')'>
<if test ="vo.looped != null and vo.looped == 0 and vo.state != null and vo.state.size() >0">
<!-- 如果looped传0,代表查询的是小程序的待完成模块的未闭环查询分页:要查出检查的所有状态和非检查的1.2.4.5四种状态
还要配合下面的两个if条件一齐查出 3审核状态下面的非闭环情况-->
( cw.work_type_id = 8 and work_state_id in (1,2,3,4,5) )
(cw.work_type_id != 8 and cw.work_state_id in
<foreach collection='vo.state' item='item' index='index' open='(' separator=',' close=')'>
<if test="vo.looped != null and vo.looped == 0 and vo.creatorId != null and vo.permission == false">
and cw.creator_id = #{vo.creatorId}
and (cl.looped = 0 or cl.looped is null)
<if test="vo.looped != null and vo.looped == 0 and vo.creatorId != null and vo.permission == true">
and (
<!-- 本身就有发现隐患数但是还未闭环的检查 -->
((cl.looped = 0 or cl.looped is null) and cw.work_type_id = 8 and cw.value is not null and cw.value != 0)
<!-- 不是检查但是 可以看到自己的 1,4,5状态和所有人的待审核状态 2 -->
( cw.work_type_id != 8 and
cw.creator_id = #{vo.creatorId} and cw.work_state_id in (1,4,5)
(cw.work_state_id = 2)
<!-- 是检查但是本事就是没有发现隐患数的,查询条件等同于非检查类型的合同执行 -->
cw.work_type_id = 8
(cw.value is null or cw.value = 0)
(cw.creator_id = #{vo.creatorId} and cw.work_state_id in (1,4,5) )
(cw.work_state_id = 2)
order by cw.gmt_create desc