/******************************************************************* * summery: 提供便捷的方法操作rapidjson * author: hejl * date: 2017-02-17 * description: 有效避免string(NULL), element=NULL, strdup(NULL)判断 ******************************************************************/ #ifndef _JSON_HPP_ #define _JSON_HPP_ #include <string> #include "document.h" #include "rapidjson.h" #include "prettywriter.h" using namespace rapidjson; using std::string; /***************************** 关键字说明: Object : json中的{key: value}形式类型 Array : json中的[e1, e2, e3]形式类型 Value : 对json数据类型的抽象,包括Object,Array,int,string,是Object和Array的基类 GetStr/GetInt : 获取json内部某一部分的字符串值,通通1st参数返回,最后一参数是父节点Value, 中间参数用于定位第几元素(参数类型是int)或指定key对应的值(参数类型是const char*) usage example: Document doc; char jsonstr[] = "{ \"key1\": 123, \"key2\": \"string value\", \"key3\": [100, 200, \"str300\"] }" doc.Parse<0>(jsonstr.c_str()); if (doc.HasParseError()) { ... } // get key2 string value std::string val2; int result = Rjson::GetValue(val2, "key2", &doc); // get key1 integer value int val1; int result = Rjson::GetValue(val1, "key1", &doc); // get array [1] integer of key3 int val3_1; int result = Rjson::GetValue(val3_1, "key3", 1, &doc); // get array [2] string of key3 string val3_2; int result = Rjson::GetValue(val3_2, "key3", 2, &doc); *****************************/ class Rjson { public: static int GetValue(const Value** value, const char* name, const Value* parent) { if (parent && name && parent->IsObject()) { Value::ConstMemberIterator itr = parent->FindMember(name); if (itr != parent->MemberEnd()) { *value = &(itr->value); return 0; } } return -1; } static int GetValue(const Value** value, int idx, const Value* parent) { if (parent && idx >= 0 && parent->IsArray() && idx < (int)parent->Size()) { *value = &( (*parent)[idx]); return 0; } return -1; } template<typename T> static int GetObject(const Value** value, T t, const Value* parent) { if (0 == GetValue(value, t, parent) && (*value)->IsObject()) { return 0; } *value = NULL; return -1; } template<typename T> static int GetArray(const Value** value, T t, const Value* parent) { if (0 == GetValue(value, t, parent) && (*value)->IsArray()) { return 0; } *value = NULL; return -1; } template<typename T> static int GetStr(string& str, T t, const Value* parent) { const Value* value = NULL; if (0 == GetValue(&value, t, parent) && value->IsString()) { str = value->GetString(); return 0; } return -1; } template<typename T> static int GetInt(int& n, T t, const Value* parent) { const Value* value = NULL; if (0 == GetValue(&value, t, parent) && value->IsInt()) { n = value->GetInt(); return 0; } return -1; } /////////////////////////////////////////// template<typename T1, typename T2> static int GetValue(const Value** value, T1 t1, T2 t2, const Value* parent) { const Value* tmpv = NULL; int ret = GetValue(&tmpv, t1, parent); if (0 == ret) { return GetValue(value, t2, tmpv); } return -1; } template<typename T1, typename T2> static int GetObject(const Value** value, T1 t1, T2 t2, const Value* parent) { if (0 == GetValue(value, t1, t2, parent) && (*value)->IsObject()) { return 0; } *value = NULL; return -1; } template<typename T1, typename T2> static int GetArray(const Value** value, T1 t1, T2 t2, const Value* parent) { if (0 == GetValue(value, t1, t2, parent) && (*value)->IsArray()) { return 0; } *value = NULL; return -1; } template<typename T1, typename T2> static int GetStr(string& str, T1 t1, T2 t2, const Value* parent) { const Value* value = NULL; if (0 == GetValue(&value, t1, t2, parent) && value->IsString()) { str = value->GetString(); return 0; } return -1; } template<typename T1, typename T2> static int GetInt(int& n, T1 t1, T2 t2, const Value* parent) { const Value* value = NULL; if (0 == GetValue(&value, t1, t2, parent) && value->IsInt()) { n = value->GetInt(); return 0; } return -1; } /////////////////////////////////////////////// static int ToString(string& str, const Value* node) { if (node) { StringBuffer sb; Writer<StringBuffer> writer(sb); // PrettyWriter node->Accept(writer); str = sb.GetString(); return 0; } return -1; } static string ToString(const Value* node) { if (node) { StringBuffer sb; Writer<StringBuffer> writer(sb); // PrettyWriter node->Accept(writer); return sb.GetString(); } return ""; } }; #endif