导入代码,从csv文件得到datatable /// <summary>
/// Get Data From Csv File
/// (Through StreamReader)
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
private bool GetData(Stream inputStream, out string errMessage, out DataTable dtFile)
errMessage = String.Empty;
dtFile = new DataTable();
//this.FileUploadImport.PostedFile.InputStream.CanSeek;//StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(this.FileUploadImport.PostedFile.InputStream);//update by hwx 11/12/2010
StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(inputStream);
int iColumnCount = 19;//the column count in the file
int iRow = 1;// the row number is being read
int iColumn = 0;// the column number is being read
string strStandardTitle = string.Empty; // the title as it is
//read title row
string strTitle = sr.ReadLine();
//string[] strRowTitle = strTitle.Split(new char[] { ',' });
string[] strRowTitle = new string[iColumnCount];
string strCharTitle;
int iCellNumberTitle = 0;
bool blnQuoteTitle = false;
for (int i = 0; i < strTitle.Length; i++)
strCharTitle = strTitle.Substring(i, 1);
if (strCharTitle == ",")// "," is the seperation symbol of csv file,
if (!blnQuoteTitle)
iCellNumberTitle++;// out of the "" range, "," is the seperation symbol
if (iCellNumberTitle >= iColumnCount)// too many column in this line
strRowTitle[iCellNumberTitle] += strCharTitle;
else if (strCharTitle == "\"")// "\"" is the transfer symbol of csv file,
blnQuoteTitle = !blnQuoteTitle;
if (blnQuoteTitle && i > 0 && strTitle.Substring(i - 1, 1) == "\"")//in the "" range and there is an transfer symbol before
strRowTitle[iCellNumberTitle] += strCharTitle;
strRowTitle[iCellNumberTitle] += strCharTitle;
//read the content
if (strRowTitle.Length == iColumnCount)
foreach (string strCell in strRowTitle)
if (strCell.Trim() != string.Empty)
dtFile.Columns.Add(strCell);//add new column with name to the data table
else //file error:blank title
errMessage += "The cell " + iColumn.ToString() + " is blank in the header row.\r\n";
if (dtFile.Columns.Count == iColumnCount)
//make sure that no blank header or error header
//read content row
string strLine;
while (!sr.EndOfStream)
iColumn = 0;
DataRow dr = dtFile.NewRow();
strLine = sr.ReadLine();
//read csv file line by line
string[] strRow = new string[iColumnCount];
string strChar;
int iCellNumber = 0;
bool blnQuote = false;//whether in the "" range
for (int i = 0; i < strLine.Length; i++)
strChar = strLine.Substring(i, 1);
if (strChar == ",")// "," is the seperation symbol of csv file,
if (!blnQuote)
iCellNumber++;// out of the "" range, "," is the seperation symbol
if (iCellNumber >= iColumnCount)//too many column in this line
strRow[iCellNumber] += strChar;
else if (strChar == "\"")// "\"" is the transfer symbol of csv file,
blnQuote = !blnQuote;
if (blnQuote && i > 0 && strLine.Substring(i - 1, 1) == "\"")//in the "" range and there is an transfer symbol before
strRow[iCellNumber] += strChar;
strRow[iCellNumber] += strChar;
if (iCellNumber + 1 == iColumnCount)
foreach (string strCell in strRow)
if (strCell != null && strCell.Trim() != string.Empty)
dr[strRowTitle[iColumn - 1]] = strCell.Trim();
else//file error:blank cell
dr[strRowTitle[iColumn - 1]] = String.Empty;
//errMessage += "The column \"" + strRowTitle[iColumn - 1] + "\" is blank in row " + iRow.ToString() + ".\r\n";
else// file error:the column count of current row do not equal to title's
errMessage += "There are more or less cells than title row in the row " + iRow.ToString() + ".\r\n";
else //file error:the count of columns in the file don't equal it should be
errMessage += "There are an incorrect number of columns in the header row compared to the template file.\r\n";
errMessage = errMessage.Replace("\r\n", "<br>");