Android笔记--Bitmap(三) 针对不用Android版本的位图管理
Bitmap(三) | Android不同版本的相应操作
1.小于等于 Android 2.2 (API level 8)
2.Android 2.3.3 (API level 10) and lower
3.Android 3.0 (API level 11) through Android 7.1 (API level 25)
4.Android 8.0 (API level 26), and higher,
1. <= Android 2.3.3(API10)版本的位图处理
private int mCacheRefCount = 0;
private int mDisplayRefCount = 0;//这两个变量负责计数
// Notify the drawable that the displayed state has changed.
// Keep a count to determine when the drawable is no longer displayed.
public void setIsDisplayed(boolean isDisplayed) {
synchronized (this) {
if (isDisplayed) {
mHasBeenDisplayed = true;
} else {
// Check to see if recycle() can be called.
// Notify the drawable that the cache state has changed.
// Keep a count to determine when the drawable is no longer being cached.
public void setIsCached(boolean isCached) {
synchronized (this) {
if (isCached) {
} else {
// Check to see if recycle() can be called.
private synchronized void checkState() {
// If the drawable cache and display ref counts = 0, and this drawable
// has been displayed, then recycle.
if (mCacheRefCount <= 0 && mDisplayRefCount <= 0 && mHasBeenDisplayed
&& hasValidBitmap()) {
private synchronized boolean hasValidBitmap() {
Bitmap bitmap = getBitmap();
return bitmap != null && !bitmap.isRecycled();
2. >= Android 3.0 (API level 11) 版本的位图管理
Android3.0以后引入了 BitmapFactory.Options.inBitmap变量。如果设置了这一项,那decodeXXX方法们在用这个Options加载位图时将尝试重用现有位图。这意味着位图的内存被重用,从而提高了性能,同时消除了内存分配和回收的过程。
但是 inBitmap得使用时有限制的,特别是在Android 4.4(API Level 19)之前,只有同等大小的位图支持重复利用
a 保存bitmap供后续使用
下面的代码片段演示了如何存储现有位图,以便以后在示例应用程序中使用。当一个应用程序在Android 3。0或更高的运行,而且位图从LruCache剔除出来了,那位图软引用被放置在一个HashSet中,预备后来inbitmap可能重用。
Set<SoftReference<Bitmap>> mReusableBitmaps;
private LruCache<String, BitmapDrawable> mMemoryCache;
// If you're running on Honeycomb or newer, create a
// synchronized HashSet of references to reusable bitmaps.
if (Utils.hasHoneycomb()) {
mReusableBitmaps =
Collections.synchronizedSet(new HashSet<SoftReference<Bitmap>>());
mMemoryCache = new LruCache<String, BitmapDrawable>(mCacheParams.memCacheSize) {
// Notify the removed entry that is no longer being cached.
protected void entryRemoved(boolean evicted, String key,
BitmapDrawable oldValue, BitmapDrawable newValue) {
if (RecyclingBitmapDrawable.class.isInstance(oldValue)) {
// The removed entry is a recycling drawable, so notify it
// that it has been removed from the memory cache.
((RecyclingBitmapDrawable) oldValue).setIsCached(false);
} else {
// The removed entry is a standard BitmapDrawable.
if (Utils.hasHoneycomb()) {
// We're running on Honeycomb or later, so add the bitmap
// to a SoftReference set for possible use with inBitmap later.
(new SoftReference<Bitmap>(oldValue.getBitmap()));
b 使用一个已经存在的位图
public static Bitmap decodeSampledBitmapFromFile(String filename,
int reqWidth, int reqHeight, ImageCache cache) {
final BitmapFactory.Options options = new BitmapFactory.Options();
BitmapFactory.decodeFile(filename, options);
// If we're running on Honeycomb or newer, try to use inBitmap.
if (Utils.hasHoneycomb()) {
addInBitmapOptions(options, cache);
return BitmapFactory.decodeFile(filename, options);
private static void addInBitmapOptions(BitmapFactory.Options options,
ImageCache cache) {
// inBitmap only works with mutable bitmaps, so force the decoder to
// return mutable bitmaps.
options.inMutable = true;
if (cache != null) {
// Try to find a bitmap to use for inBitmap.
Bitmap inBitmap = cache.getBitmapFromReusableSet(options);
if (inBitmap != null) {
// If a suitable bitmap has been found, set it as the value of
// inBitmap.
options.inBitmap = inBitmap;
// This method iterates through the reusable bitmaps, looking for one
// to use for inBitmap:
protected Bitmap getBitmapFromReusableSet(BitmapFactory.Options options) {
Bitmap bitmap = null;
if (mReusableBitmaps != null && !mReusableBitmaps.isEmpty()) {
synchronized (mReusableBitmaps) {
final Iterator<SoftReference<Bitmap>> iterator
= mReusableBitmaps.iterator();
Bitmap item;
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
item =;
if (null != item && item.isMutable()) {
// Check to see it the item can be used for inBitmap.
if (canUseForInBitmap(item, options)) {
bitmap = item;
// Remove from reusable set so it can't be used again.
} else {
// Remove from the set if the reference has been cleared.
return bitmap;
static boolean canUseForInBitmap(
Bitmap candidate, BitmapFactory.Options targetOptions) {
// From Android 4.4 (KitKat) onward we can re-use if the byte size of
// the new bitmap is smaller than the reusable bitmap candidate
// allocation byte count.
int width = targetOptions.outWidth / targetOptions.inSampleSize;
int height = targetOptions.outHeight / targetOptions.inSampleSize;
int byteCount = width * height * getBytesPerPixel(candidate.getConfig());
return byteCount <= candidate.getAllocationByteCount();
// On earlier versions, the dimensions must match exactly and the inSampleSize must be 1
return candidate.getWidth() == targetOptions.outWidth
&& candidate.getHeight() == targetOptions.outHeight
&& targetOptions.inSampleSize == 1;
* A helper function to return the byte usage per pixel of a bitmap based on its configuration.
static int getBytesPerPixel(Config config) {
if (config == Config.ARGB_8888) {
return 4;
} else if (config == Config.RGB_565) {
return 2;
} else if (config == Config.ARGB_4444) {
return 2;
} else if (config == Config.ALPHA_8) {
return 1;
return 1;
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