sql 读取全部记录,重复记录只读取其中一条
sql 读取全部记录,重复记录只读取其中一条
环境:SQL Server
id year month username title
1 2006 8 admin xxx
2 2006 8 admin yyy
3 2006 8 admin zzz
4 2006 9 admin ppp
SQL 语句
select id,title from article where id in(SELECT max(id) FROM article GROUP BY month)
select * from article a where not exists(select 1 from article b where a.id<b.id and a.[year]=b.[year] and a.[month]=b.[month])
select * from article a where 1>(select count(1) from article b where a.id<b.id and a.[year]=b.[year] and a.[month]=b.[month])
select a.* from article a inner join(select min(id) mi from article group by rtrim([year])+'-'+rtrim([month])) b on a.id=b.mi
select * from article a where id in(select min(id) from article b where a.[year]=b.[year] and a.[month]=b.[month])
统计数据:sql="select count(*) as id from table",调用:<%=rs("id")%>
精确查询:sql="select * from table where auther="&str&"order by id desc"
模糊查询:sql="select * from table where title like %"&str&"%order by id desc"
Set test_ti=Conn.Execute("SELECT * from table where id="&rid)
从表中取出第N条到第M条记录:SELECT TOP m-n+1 * FROM table WHERE (id NOT IN (SELECT TOP n-1 id FROM table))
不过用in的效率不好,不如用这个:select * from tableName where id > (select top 1 id from tablename order by id asc)
随机取出n条记录:Sql server:select top n * from 表 order by newid()
Access:SELECT top n * FROM 表 ORDER BY Rnd(id)
mysql:Select * From 表 Order By rand() Limit n