$sql_hot_prudct = "SELECT g.*,g.id as goods_id,g.title as goods_name,g.goods_price as shop_price,pubtime as last_update,u.*,r.region_name FROM ".$ecs->table('b2b_supply')." AS g LEFT JOIN ". $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('users') ." AS u ON u.user_id = g.user_id LEFT JOIN ".$ecs->table('region')." r ON g.province=r.region_id WHERE 1 and g.type=1 and g.is_show=1 and b2b_category=".$row['b2b_category']." ORDER BY hits DESC LIMIT 0,4";
看到 where 1 有点觉得不符合规则。百度搜了一下大多是where 1=1
当where 后边的变量都不确定时候。 需要出现where 所以加一个绝对为真的变量 where 1 或者 where 1=1