IntricCondition 和 expliciteCondition 的区别 与 intrinsicLoc和expliciteLock的区别很相似, expliciteCondition提供了更多的功能,比如,fair和unfair的wait,notify

    不同conditionPredictes 使用不用的condition,不同的waitSet, 一个expliciteLock可以有多个conditon.


There  is  an  important  three‐way  relationship  in  a  condition  wait  involving  locking,  the  wait   method,  and  a  condition
predicate.  The  condition  predicate  involves  state  variables,  and  the  state  variables  are  guarded  by  a  lock,  so  before
testing the condition predicate, we must hold that lock.


Just as with built‐in locks and condition queues, the three‐way relationship among the lock, the condition predicate, and
the condition variable must also hold when using explicit  Lock s and  Condition s. The variables involved in the condition
predicate  must  be  guarded  by  the  Lock ,  and  the  Lock   must  be  held  when  testing  the  condition  predicate  and  when
calling  await  and  signal . [11]