Spring Webflux



什么是WebFlux ?

What's WebFlux?

WebFlux 是基于 Netty 的响应式、高性能 WEB 容器(+服务器),用于替代 Tomcat。

WebFlux is a Netty-based, responsive, high-performance WEB container (+ server) that replaces Tomcat.

什么是 Reactor ?

What's a Reactor?

Reactor 是 WebFlux 的御用响应式编程库,WebFlux 的编程模式发生了根本性改变,使用响应 式编程而是不传统的命令式编程。

Reactor is the official responsive programming library for WebFlux, which has radically changed its programming paradigm to use responsive, rather than traditional, Imperative programming programming.

Reactor 、WebFlux 与 Spring 是什么关系?

What is the relationship between Reactor, WebFlux, and Spring?

来自于一个团队。 Spring 5 使用 WebFlux开发响应式 、高性能WEB 应用。

From a team. Spring 5 uses WebFlux to develop responsive, high-performance WEB applications.


Lambda and functions

Reactor 编程,大量使用了lambda与函数式 语法,所以,首先要掌握lambda与函数式的内容:

Reactor programming, the use of a lot of Lambda and functional, syntax, so, first of all, to grasp the content of Lambda and functional:


The use of Lambda expressions in Java


Lambda expressions and functional interfaces

3、Reactor3 编程

REACTOR3 programming

接下来,开始学习Reactor 编程:

Next, learn about Reactor programming:

3.1 权威、官方的Reactor3 资料:

3.1 authoritative and official REACTOR3 information:

Reactor 3中文参考手册

Reactor 3官方文档

3.2 非官方Reactor3 学习材料:

3.2 unofficial REACTOR3 learning materials:


What is responsive programming

学习响应式编程 Reactor (1) - 响应式编程

Learn responsive programming Reactor (1)-responsive programming

学习响应式编程 Reactor (2) - 初识 reactor

Learn about responsive programming Reactor (2)-get started with Reactor

学习响应式编程 Reactor (3) - reactor 基础

Learn the basics of responsive programming Reactor (3)-Reactor

学习响应式编程 Reactor (4) - reactor 转换类操作符(1)

Learn about the responsive programming Reactor (4)-Reactor transformation class operator (1)

学习响应式编程 Reactor (5) - reactor 转换类操作符(2)

Learn about the responsive programming Reactor (5)-Reactor transformation class operator (2)

4、Webflux 编程

webflux programming


4.1、getting started:


Webflux quick primer

Spring WebFlux 入门

A primer on Spring Webflux


4.2、live development

WebFlux 整合 MongoDB

WebFlux integrates with MongoDB

WebFlux 整合 Thymeleaf

WebFlux integrates Thymeleaf

WebFlux 整合 Redis

WebFlux integrates Redis

WebFlux 中 Redis 实现缓存

Redis implements caching in WebFlux

WebFlux 中 WebSocket 实现通信

Websocket implements communication in WebFlux

WebFlux 集成测试及部署

Webflux integration testing and deployment


4.3、integrated operations:

WebFlux 实战图书管理系统

WebFlux is the actual book management system


4.4、the core principle:


Webflux request processing process

参考文章:Webflux(史上最全) - 疯狂创客圈 - 博客园

posted @ 2022-11-13 00:58  nakano_may  阅读(87)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报