CS106A 编程方法学(三)
原来死循环的英文名字不是“Dead Loop”,而是“Infinite Loop”。
Mehran Sahami 讲了一个关于死循环的段子,说曾经有一个芯片公司(名称不可考)号称自己开发出了当时世界上最快的芯片,广告词里说:“……执行一个死循环只需要 2.5 秒……”
OBOE, off-by-one error/bug is a logic error involving the discrete equivalent of a boundary condition. It often occurs in computer programming when an iterative loop iterates one time too many of or too few. Usually this problem arise when a programmer fails to take into account that a sequence starts at zero rather than one, or makes mistakes such as using “is less than or equal to” where “is less than” should have been used in a comparison.
… part of good programming style is all of your programs up at the top should have a comment that say what the name of the file is and has a little bit of an explanation about what your program actually does.
如何分解 decomposition 问题?primitives ,逐步求精stepwise refinement,自顶向下 top down design
其实我一般比较习惯 bottom up design,比如喜欢先把底层的数据库访问代码写好,然后再写业务逻辑层。其实也许自顶向下也是不错的选择,这样可以避免在开始阶段写无用的代码(“以后可能会用的着”)。
Mehran Sahami 说有心理研究表明,从自底向上的思维方式转为自顶向下需要 100 个小时。
one of methods should basically solve one problem
guide line for good methods:
- solve 1 program
- 1- 15 line per method
- good name
- comments