Change Your Mind and Your Life Will Follow


Karen Casey

"recognize that you cannot change another person"

"harm none"

"Every situation we are in is an opportunity to choose the high road in our interactions with others"

healthy living solutions that you might want to adopt:

1. Let go and let others be themselves. The freedom in non-judgmental thingking is intoxicating!

2. Avoid knee-jerk reactions, they are almost always wrong.

3. Do no harm. We can co-exist without hurting others.

4. When you quiet your mind, your thoughts and actions will flow from a different space.

5. Always ask yourself: Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary? before speaking.

6. Let go of the need to control. This is liberating, you alleviate a lot of emotional pain and stress this way.

7. Discover your own lessons in life. Everyone has a story to tell and you can learn from other's telling, but the best lessons in life are from your own experience.

8. Give up on the need to be right, all of the time. Time spent arguing who is right is better spent being willing to be peaceful rather than right.

9. Change your mind from agitated to peaceful with deep breating.

10. Life begins one day at a time. Dr. Andrew Weil's new book on children stresses the need to let children know that the past is over and done with and starting fresh every day is a good thing. Guilt-proof your life by forgiving yourself first!

11. Choose your thoughts wisely. Surround yourself with loving thoughts, beautiful images and message of love.

12. Be the center of your own attention. By attending to your own garden first we can help others through our example.


posted on 2008-12-08 00:30  zhaorui  阅读(309)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
