
//using namespace std;
//class MyComplex
// double x, y;
// MyComplex() { x = 0; y = 0; }
// MyComplex(double value1, double value2)
// {
// x = value1;
// y = value2;
// }
// double getX(void)
// {
// return x;
// }
// double getY(void)
// {
// return y;
// }
// double Mod_Com(void)
// {
// return (double)sqrt(x * x + y * y);
// }
// MyComplex operator+(MyComplex a)
// {
// return MyComplex(this->x + a.x, this->y + a.y);
// }
//int main()
// MyComplex A;
// double m, n;
// cin >> m >> n;
// MyComplex B(m, n);
// MyComplex C = A + B;
// cout << A.Mod_Com() << endl;
// cout << B.Mod_Com() << endl;
// cout << C.getX() <<"+" << C.getY() << "i";
// ofstream outfile;
// outfile.open("rew.txt", ios_base::_Noreplace|ios_base::out);
// outfile << A.Mod_Com() <<endl << B.Mod_Com() <<endl<< C.getX() << "+" << C.getY() << "i";
// outfile.close();
// return 0;
////#include <fstream>
////#include <iostream>
////using namespace std;
////int main()
//// char data[100];
//// // 以写模式打开文件
//// ofstream outfile;
//// outfile.open("afile.dat");
//// cout << "Writing to the file" << endl;
//// cout << "Enter your name: ";
//// cin.getline(data, 100);
//// // 向文件写入用户输入的数据
//// outfile << data << endl;
//// cout << "Enter your age: ";
//// cin >> data;
//// cin.ignore();
//// // 再次向文件写入用户输入的数据
//// outfile << data << endl;
//// // 关闭打开的文件
//// outfile.close();
//// // 以读模式打开文件
//// ifstream infile;
//// infile.open("afile.dat");
//// cout << "Reading from the file" << endl;
//// infile >> data;
//// // 在屏幕上写入数据
//// cout << data << endl;
//// // 再次从文件读取数据,并显示它
//// infile >> data;
//// cout << data << endl;
//// // 关闭打开的文件
//// infile.close();
//// return 0;
//// 可以用或把属性连接起来,如outfile.open("文件名",ios::out|ios::binary)打开以二进制写入
//// outfile.write((char*)&stdu[0],sizeof(stud))
//// stdu为结构体如
//// struct Stdu
//// {
//// char name[10];
//// ine age;
//// }stdu;
////#include <fstream>
////#include <iostream>
////using namespace std;
////int main()
//// char data[100];
//// ofstream outfile;// 以写模式打开文件
//// outfile.open("afile.dat");
//// cout << "Writing to the file" << endl;
//// cout << "Enter your name: ";
//// cin.getline(data, 100);//输入数组,用法cin.getline(数组名,字符个数,结束标志)
//// outfile << data << endl;// 向文件写入用户输入的数据
//// cout << "Enter your age: ";
//// cin >> data;
//// cin.ignore();//清除缓存区中的数据
//// outfile << data << endl;// 再次向文件写入用户输入的数据
//// outfile.close();// 关闭打开的文件
//// ifstream infile;// 以读模式打开文件
//// infile.open("afile.dat");
//// cout << "Reading from the file" << endl;
//// infile >> data;
//// cout << data << endl;// 在屏幕上写入数据
//// infile >> data;// 再次从文件读取数据,并显示它
//// cout << data << endl;
//// infile.close();// 关闭打开的文件
//// return 0;
//#include <fstream>
//#include <iostream>
//using namespace std;
//int main()
// ofstream a;
// //a.open("mmm",ios_base::trunc);//清空
// a.open("mmm", ios_base::out | ios_base::app);
// string m = "aaabbb11";
// string q = "qqqq";
// a << m<<q;
// a.close();
// ifstream c;
// c.open("mmm", ios_base::in);
// c >> m >> q;
// cout << m << q;
// a.close();
// return 0;

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