
root-config: ROOT utility for your Makefiles

[phil@linux952 ~]$ root-config --cxx
[phil@linux952 ~]$ root-config -h
Unknown argument "-h"!
Usage: root-config [--prefix[=DIR]] [--exec-prefix[=DIR]] [--version] [--cflags] [--auxcflags] [--ldflags] [--new] [--nonew] [--libs] [--glibs] [--evelibs] [--bindir] [--libdir] [--incdir] [--etcdir] [--noauxcflags] [--noauxlibs] [--noldflags] [--has-<feature>] [--arch] [--platform] [--dicttype] [--config] [--features] [--svn-revision] [--python-version] [--cc] [--cxx] [--f77] [--ld ] [--help]
[phil@linux952 ~]$ root-config --help
Usage: root-config [options]

  --arch                Print the architecture (compiler/OS)
  --platform            Print the platform (OS)
  --prefix[=dir]        Print or set prefix
  --exec-prefix[=dir]   Print or set execution prefix
  --libs                Print regular ROOT libraries
  --glibs               Print regular + GUI ROOT libraries
  --evelibs             Print regular + GUI + Eve libraries
  --cflags              Print compiler flags and header path
  --ldflags             Print linker flags
  --bindir              Print the executable directory
  --libdir              Print the library directory
  --incdir              Print the header directory
  --etcdir              Print the configuration directory
  --auxlibs             Print auxiliary libraries
  --auxcflags           Print auxiliary compiler flags
  --[no]new             Turn on[off] use of
  --noauxlibs           Do not print auxiliary/system libraries
  --noauxcflags         Do not print auxiliary compiler flags
  --noldflags           Do not print linker flags
  --config              Print arguments used for ./configure
  --features            Print list of all supported features
  --has-<feature>       Test if <feature> is compiled in
  --dicttype            Print dictionary generator being used
  --version             Print the ROOT version
  --svn-revision        Print the ROOT SVN revision number
  --python-version      Print the Python version used by ROOT
  --cc                  Print alternative C compiler specified when ROOT was built
  --cxx                 Print alternative C++ compiler specified when ROOT was built
  --f77                 Print alternative Fortran compiler specified when ROOT was built
  --ld                  Print alternative Linker specified when ROOT was built
  --help                Print this message
[phil@linux952 ~]$ ^C
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